Looking to sell this site, no time to keep it updated, ranks for a few blackjack keywords, and card counting keywords and sends a few players a month. Does around 2000 impressions and 300 visits a month from google and a few from bing. Has 100+ posts and pages. Looking for $2000 OBO for a...
Need to get a few $$ into paypal so selling some posts, you can write or we can
xxx-Recentpoker.com. $100 lifetime
xxx-mygamblinglife.com. $75 lifetime
Post must be min 500 words, and may contain 2 links
Have time today and tomorrow to get 2 link packages up. Price is $250 FIRM. Payment by paypal or crypto.
1 main post on one of my sites can choose from the following, we write or you can.
Getting rid of it. 125+ pages, gets some daily traffic - 1-2 signups a month, about a year old. want a quick sale as im doing my end of year clean up
$1000 - Crypto or paypal - pretty firm on price