Hi @Guard Dog
Thank you so much for this audit.
Are you guys able to do a new audit of SpinBet Partners (they rebranded to SpinBet from Z-Partners)? Almost 4 years passed, the iGaming platform + affiliate platform has changed this year and so probably the real RS % of their Partners program...
Hi @Guard Dog
Are you guys able to do a new audit of Income Partners Partners? 3 years passed from the last one (here), their iGaming platform (and Affiliate Platform, I think!?) has changed and new brands has been launched (https://income.partners/partners).
Probably the real RS % of their...
Hi @Guard Dog
Are you guys able to do a new audit of Income Partners Partners? 3 years passed from the last one (here), their iGaming platform (and Affiliate Platform, I think!?) has changed and new brands has been launched (https://income.partners/partners).
Probably the real RS % of their...
This looks crazy o_O
@AussieDave look here!
AFTER this crystal clear audit they say: "Our partnership program is transparent"
Real Revenue Share:
50% = 20.00 %
Just 30% of difference :D
Well taking in consideration this "last year's standards (scamming!!)" running over the affiliate programs, we can consider this numbers as great results. :)
Thank you for another excellent audit @Guard Dog :)
After a Boomerang Partners representative come here to complain about the audit because they can't assume that they have scammy hidden fees (in the Audit with Welcome Bonus) and asking for a new audit without the Bonus because "will differ...
Hi @Guard Dog
Thank you so much for this audit.
Are you guys able to do a new audit of Income Partners Partners? 3 years passed, their iGaming platform (and Affiliate Platform, I think!?) has changed and new brands has been launched (https://income.partners/partners).
Probably the real RS %...