Recent content by LA-Martyn

  1. LA-Martyn


    If someone is paying CPA for the same player monthly, that sounds llike it could be a good deal! However, rev share is the future if you have good quality traffic. If you have high costs to acquire the traffic, then CPA is likely the route you need to take. Just remember, both sides need to...
  2. LA-Martyn

    Ceasars Casino

    You OK Dave?
  3. LA-Martyn

    Lawyer Scared Me From Starting Affiliate Marketing

    I too am not a lawyer, but that nwalker seems to talk some sense (sometimes). I work with some Isralie partners, banking can be tricky and can/will require contracts, invoices and possibly back up letters from your chosen programs to confirm the relationship between the companies involved...
  4. LA-Martyn

    iGB Affiliate London 2023 - Are you going?

    These events are what you make of them. London is always good in my opinion.
  5. LA-Martyn

    ADVISE needed from experienced AFF-GUARD-DOGS!!!

    Quite possibly the most incrimating piece of evidence that wrote about yourself. It's like the 'No f**ks given' approach. Short term, you'll likely make money, long term issues will catch up to you though, jail can be fun sometimes, right? I'd also be keen to know who you're currently working...
  6. LA-Martyn

    23-year-old domain for sale

    What's the domain?
  7. LA-Martyn

    iGB Affiliate London 2023 - Are you going?

    Speaking the truth right here. London is tropical though!
  8. LA-Martyn

    iGB Affiliate London 2023 - Are you going?

    If you make it to London Frank, give me a shout, ;)
  9. LA-Martyn

    iGB Affiliate London 2023 - Are you going?

    Do you have plans to attend now that the world is getting back to "normal"? I'm going, all booked in but wondered what plans other people had?
  10. LA-Martyn

    Advertise on Pornhub

    When I go to PornHub, the only gamble is whether or not the wife will catch me. :oops:
  11. LA-Martyn

    Ace Revenue commission payment delays - On Going Complaints

    Yes sorry, I was just sticking my beak in. Sincerely hope you get paid out, unfortunately nothing I can help with unless it's with my program. I hope you get all that is due.
  12. LA-Martyn

    Ace Revenue commission payment delays - On Going Complaints

    If you're looking to be paid for your traffic going forward, I'd be happy to help. :)
  13. LA-Martyn

    Pay attention to your stats

    Just for clarity, I'm not paying anyone for these comments, but I appreciate each and everyone of them.
  14. LA-Martyn

    Pay attention to your stats

    I said I wouldn't comment on this further but I feel education is required in this case. Casinodad, you are showing a real misunderstanding of how the program works and how many others also work and use this same method to quarantine a winning player. This helps the program offer no negative...