Recent content by Misterincassa

  1. M

    RESOLVED: Novibet not paying

    Hello, just wanted to inform that we received all the outstanding payments and we are resuming delivering traffic
  2. M

    RESOLVED: Novibet not paying

    wow response was super quick this time, still nothing though.
  3. M

    RESOLVED: Novibet not paying

    @MissExposé do you have any answer from then though? we are still missing 2 months
  4. M

    RESOLVED: Novibet not paying

    Good news July was settled, now waiting for august and september
  5. M

    RESOLVED: Novibet not paying

    So is it November now? We are going to be 4 months late then????
  6. M

    RESOLVED: Novibet not paying

    @MissExposé Anything? It's been two weeks now
  7. M

    RESOLVED: Novibet not paying

    Yes you have a private message
  8. M

    RESOLVED: Novibet not paying

    Hello, Anyone else having problems with Novibet? We are still waiting for July, August (and now september payments).