For sale is a sports betting website specialising in Horse Racing.
The website does have a bit of traffic and thats without us really doing any huge SEO. (the website has around 67 Unique BL and is hovering for some serious keywords)
The main features of this website are below
Live Odds...
I have a site for sale which mainly targets UK.
It is ranking well for a wide range of long tail keywords and currently sits in number 2 position for the sites intended keyword.
it is a small site but this month up to date it has sent sent 7 FTDs
Im looking for £3500 for QS
Dear Affiliates
If you are interested in any of the above.
We offer all the above services affordable for Affiliates with no monthly costs.
We offer the data and the front end Plugins with free installation.
Demos are available.
Compatible with all CMS.
Please PM me.
Thank you