Rewards Affiliates - Login Issue


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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They shut you down because you posted disparaging comments about them? I'm finding it hard to understand why they would shut an account for disparaging posts.

Your an RA affiliate, ask Renee why ;)


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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If any affiliate who currently works with Rewards Affiliates is concerned about any of this, then ask Renee for answers. If what you get in response sounds questionable, then Google is your friend.

There's a thread here on AGD, where, Renee accused me of harassing/stalking her.

My reply to her was (word to the affect of)... If you believe that, you have me home address. Bondi (NSW) Police station is just down the road from you, go file a report. A day or two after here dumb comment, Renee said she was refusing to be active on the AGD forum


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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It's my understanding the Israeli Lawyers hold no recognised Australian legal accreditation and or AU government approved licensing. Hence they have no jurisdiction in Australia.

I've posted the letter in the non indexed section of AGD.



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Feb 23, 2022
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URL doesn't work for me - perhaps it's a permissions thing.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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New Member
Nov 1, 2023
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Somebody did kick a hornets' nest!

You've been posting complaints and proofs of their dodgy practices over the years, why would you still continue promoting them? Just sayin.

Nothing good happens when the things get political. Closing the affiliate's account with years of partnership, over some post - NOT COOL. Seems to me - they were just looking for a reason, and they found it. A bad one.

One thing though - your claim about occupation and P territories is not completely true and needs deeper analysis than that, and GPWA's definitely not a place to discuss it. But that's a forum, your comment should be as uninteresting and unrelated as how Keith's doin. If anyone was interested about Keith, they'd ask. To him. That is NOT a reason to close the affiliate's acc.


The URL does not work for me either.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Somebody did kick a hornets' nest!

You've been posting complaints and proofs of their dodgy practices over the years, why would you still continue promoting them? Just sayin.

I actually stopped promoting them years ago, mate ;)

However, given I had players, one of which was a whale, who, they've now stolen, along with my lifetime promised revenue. Renee was trying to persuade me to change over to RevShare since they started garnishing that NZ tax grab 2020. I refused because it was not in my best interest to change.

So, they started helping themselves to more and more so-called tax, in, I guess, in a bid to force change. Of course, unlike a legit-business, where, they'd provide the data from which this tax is garnished, the dodgy crooks at Rewards Affiliates, Casino Rewards, ITSM.Digital et al, keep all that data hidden.

Fucked with me, stolen from me, lied to me, 1 too many times, litigation is commencing soon!

Lets see how smart-mouthy Ms Renee is then, when I produce all her emails, acknowledging guilt... Maybe Jimmy will throw her under the bus too. Rats from a sinking ship and all :D
The URL does not work for me either.

Maybe it doesn't work because it's posted to the private members section. Which btw is not indexed by SE's and not viewable by AM's I believe. If you have access to that, you can find it there! I'll make it easy for you:

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New Member
Feb 23, 2022
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Oh man - another spammer - they've done this on multiple threads - posting inane comments


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@euromill - I used the report link, might do the trick ;)


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Wanted to add some food for thought to this thread...

If you've followed my comments and protests over the years, you'll be aware of my stance/feelings towards operators who STEAL players from affiliates. Unless an affiliate has a media buy, CPA with an operator/aff program, or a deal which specifically passes ownership of a referred player to the oprator et al, then the ownership of that player remains the property of the affiliate.

Basically, a player is NOT the property of the igaming operator.

Playing the Devil's Advocate...
If, once a player is referred to an igaming operator, and that operator them owns the player, how is it possible for the affiliate to sell their affiliate account to another?

Put simply they couldn't because they'd be selling something they don't own, namely the player(s).

Rewards Affiliates, Casino Rewards, ITSM Digital et al, can terminate my account if they wish. However, STEALING my players, and life time revenue from that theft is not Kosher.

Reiterating, the aff program, operator et al, does not own the player, unless the player has been sold to the program/operator. Therefore, the only ethical and just way forward, is for the igaming operator/program to make a fair offer to the affiliate for the referred (tagged) player(s).

Anything else is just criminal theft!
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Feb 23, 2022
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Well - I am not able to see what you posted but here are my thoughts - and I'm sticking to the Taxes and Invoices matter rather than what you wrote on the last post.

Any player being taxed belongs to the Casino - legally - if they play and there are taxes to be paid, then these taxes are charged to the operator - why would you need an invoice for these taxes?

Indeed why would any business supply an invoice for a tax that it has paid to an unrelated party ?

I am a little confused in that regard. I operate in multiple regulated countries and it's us who have to invoice the program. ~In regards to the taxes that are deducted - why would I ask for an invoice for these taxes, when the player and the taxes are not my issue or business?


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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why would you need an invoice for these taxes?

The NZ Taxes were being garnished from my gross earnings, then, they pay me the Net from that.


EG: (example of 1 month's earnings)

Total Commission (aka Gross) = US$26,539.44

NZ Gaming Taxes (deducted from my total commission) = US$10,965.85

Grant total Commission (Net payment received from RA) = US15,573.59


Therefore what was paid to my AU bank account was Net Earnings ($15,573.59), and not the full $26,539.44.

For that month, I'm due a tax invoice for US$10,965.85 (equivalent in NZ$).


FYI... previous to the NZ tax grabs, I was paid the Total Commission. In the above example, US$26,539.44 would have hit my AU bank account.
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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So we're all on the same page...

My AU chartered accountant said they (RA) are obligated by NZ inland revenue, to supply me a tax invoice. He suggested I seek council from an AU/NZ Tax Attorney. The tax attorney concurred with my accountant.

Both professionals said, RA/CR et al owe you NZ tax invoices for every month they've garnished tax.

Not my interpretation of the law but professionals who know the AU/NZ tax laws backwards!

The tax attorney, added... that if RA/CR et al are claiming these taxes as their own, then criminal charges are likely, given it's tax fraud. Id they're pocketing this tax, then definitely criminal charges would follow. He also commented, staff who knowingly aided and abetted in this shakedown, may also face charges too.

Reiterating, I have emails from Renee stating all about this NZ tax. I have site screen caps, and literally an entire 12+ year dossier on these dodgy bastards, with evidence proving they scam people. That's in addition to a plethora of entities, shelf companies, subsidiaries, trusts, straw-men, and other balls of string I've managed to unravel over the years. I can prove Jimmy lied to the AFP (Australian Federal Police) in 2012.

Most people wouldn't give a shit and they'd spill these beans, to save their own bacon. However, I'm not most people. I've always been hesitant because if it's proven that RA/CR ITSM Digital et al have been conducting tax fraud etc., etc., then 100's in not 1000's of affiliates are affected.

Maybe its time other affiliates spoke out about this. Voiced their disapproval directly to RA. I can't and wont hold out for ever. The ATO (Australian Tax Office) clocks are ticking...

Of course all this can be fixed.
Return the US$250,000+ Tax garnished from me, and make me a fair offer on my players, which have been taken from me. I'll happily sign a non-disclosure agreement and walk away.
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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They (Jimmy et al) tried to, it seems, shakedown Lockheed Martin Corporation (yes the aerospace Corp.)

That furnished me with yet another barrow load of companies, subsidiaries and people connected to this entire igaming operation. I think it was @FictionNet - who said... Remind me never to get on your bad side. Your like a bulldog with a bone, you never let go!


May 2, 2011
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Whenever you start a case against an operator, the legal council will always tell you to stop posting online and cut any communications while the case/investigation is ongoing. Ask any of those who went after Affiliate Edge and those who went after SkyBet. The fact that you are still posting here only means, this has been a chat between friends or these so called professionals are bad at their job.

You know that anything here is hear say, it's an online forum.

As for those who knew about it but were willing to let it go, seems like you were the one that knew about it for years, and were willing to let it go as long as you were getting paid.

So far I am yet to see anyone get scammed and your concrete proof couldn't even move a complaint a year ago.

Of course they would never meet your demands, because if they do, now they have to meet everyone's. Once again, why things like this are done behind closed doors and not publicly. Even if you had any shot for a settlement, you already blew it.

If you are an animator in Las Vegas and you attract someone to the hotel you work for, you don't own that client btw. There's no owning. Message your player right now tell him that you OWN him and see how nice he/she will be about it.

At this point, this is starting to look like a blackmail, rather than a conquest for "the truth" as your actions can be stopped for a price. And since nobody around here has ever been scammed by RA (judging by the amount of participants in here), and you will not get any settlement through a forum, what's the goal here?

Like from the things you've written, their lawyers would claim it's a simple shakedown and why would a judge think it's something else, when you have so bluntly stated you demand a payment (ransom) for keeping your mouth shut. Btw dogs that don't let go get put down.

Anyways Happy New 2024, hope you get to see the things for what they are and if you decide to go the court way, good luck with that.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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since nobody around here has ever been scammed by RA (judging by the amount of participants in here), and you will not get any settlement through a forum

That's because everyone else is too scared to speak up, for fear of losing what little they have, now. Let me remind you of the 2011 GPWA post, where, RA were busted red handed stealing tagged players:

Renee flatly refuted and denied these claims, yet, a few pages later, when proof was leveled that RA had in fact been stealing tagged players, RA refused to change their ways.

CR to this day still uses bait and switch tactics, and other unethical means to rob players. But according to you, the 10's of 1000's of players, ALL singing from the same song-book, are all wrong... hmmmm.

Merely asking for what is MINE. What is RIGHTFULLY mine.
What has been stolen from ME by RA/CR, is not "blackmail" mate... No matter how you SPIN it!

I'm owed at least US$250,000+ in NZ tax invoices, or that cash needs to be returned. It's a valid demand.

Reiterating my previous words to you... Instead of trying to topple the 'messenger', maybe open your eyes, drop the bias, and research the facts. The truth will set you free :D

@xecutable - a cynical person can't be blamed for wondering what your investment here is. I guess your still promoting RA casinos. Your posts resemble those affiliates who defended RA/CR back in 2011. Even with the facts of undeniable proof on the that table, and RA/CR refusing to stop the unethical cross marketing, a % of affiliates still defended RA/CR. Reminds me of Stockholm Syndrome.
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Btw dogs that don't let go get put down.

Is that a veiled threat?

Your chummy with Renee.
Your trying to discredit me - your ignoring the facts.

If that ploy fails, what, they put a hit out on me!

@xecutable - you have succeeded in one mission (if that's your agenda), pointing out that these posts are futile. I'm merely wasting my time, hoping, anyone gives a shit. Instead of getting support from fellow affiliates, all I seem to receive is umbrage.

I shall not waste my time any more on this BS...Come Tuesday, I'll contact my accountant, and instruct him to sort this shit out with the ATO regarding the NZ tax invoices etc.
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@xecutable - even with mathematical proof, and AU/NZ tax laws, that RA have stolen from me, you still denied any wrong doing, in regards to being scammed with the wagering model and tax garnished.

35% is only a TRUE 35% when it's 35/100.

35/3.71 is NOT a true 35%.
Hell could freeze over, and it will NEVER be a true 35%.

FFS the percentage sign % means 100.

Yet you disregarded the mathematical proof and again, sided with Renee and RA/CR.


I don't make up shit, spin shit or otherwise employ smoke and mirrors to scam folks. Yet that's pretty much explains the modus operandi of RA/CR and their spokeswoman, Renee.

Jimmy openly, bare faced lied to the Australian Federal Police in 2012. Reiterating, RA/CR et al have proven they hold little, to no respect, for the truth.

Further proof they lie...The 22 casinos cross marketing scam. Renee said and I quote:

We are not out there to rip people off or shoot ourselves in the foot by trying to ‘steal’ from our advertisers and affiliates.

However, a few pages later, RA/CR are busted RED handed, actively stealing tagged players.

Casino Rewards openly admit that they are in fact cross-promoting without affiliate tags.

Fergie put it ALL into perspective with this post...

The following won't make me popular with many, but I am tired of the bullshit. I'm glad to see some of us are willing to take a stand despite the obstacles. What obstacles? Read on.

I don't feel sorry for Renee. I figure it's the reason some aff programs hire young, attractive, affable women as aff managers - to titillate and distract the (mostly male) affiliate community from the real issues, and CR hit the ball out of the park with Renee. Renee is very friendly, very active in the forums, and we just plain like her! Also, it should be quite obvious that Rene is brilliant at titillating male affiliates with raunchy jokes and the like: At dealing with serious issues, not so skilled.

Renee's excuse for not being active at GPWA was covid was depressing her (word to the affect of). Yet, she was spending most days embedding her roots into the CM forum, frantinising and flirting (aka titillating). Seems affiliates had lost their lustre and now CR were going after players directly, with Renee.

While RA/CR are well within their rights to make that choice, Renee chose to BS once again.

People who BS to this extent, are displaying signs of a patholgoical liar.

Renee's modus operandi is about, it seems, spinning BS and supporting RA/CR scams.

Yet with all this evidence. All these facts. Some in this industry, would have you believe, I'm the evil one.

Anyway, said what I wanted to say... Called out who NEEDED calling out ;)

Oh and btw...
Anyone who is an affiliate of RA, it's more than likely your being scammed, shaved or otherwise robbed blind. Yes they have an outstanding payment record. Should that grant carte blanche to scam you? No.

RA/CR scammed/stole from affiliates once before, with no qualms or guilt. They refused to stop.

They still scam players to this day with bait and switches. Bogus promos and such. Classy!
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