Affordable & Committed Writer


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2013
Reaction score
Hello Webmasters,

I work as a freelance writer, specialising in the fields of online gambling and online casino sites. Although my prowess is in these two fields, I am also well versed in other subjects too, and can write articles with almost any topic, will a strong degree of confidence and ability.

Perhaps you are looking for a freelance article writer for your website, or require a writer with special knowledge of gambling for you e-book? Maybe you even want blog posts written about online casinos, and online gambling games; whatever the requirement, I am on hand, and would love to share my expertise with you.

My experience includes being a former professional gambler, and that has helped me no end in becoming a current gambling writer of moderate success, who has also taken up freelance writing on the side.

In my time as a professional gambler, I have spent thousands of hours researching about the subject matter, and gambling in casinos up and down the country, as well as online. I have been able to gain extremely valuable insight into the global gaming industry, and can provide others with the same knowledge and information to assist them in winning at casinos too.

Writing isn’t just a job, it is my passion, and when it goes hand in hand with my other passion, special work is produced.

Please let me know if you have any need for my services, I offer a regular and punctual product of superior quality. You can rely on me to update your website/blogs, newsletter on a daily or regular basis.

My experience ranges across the provision of reviews, blogs, news, website content and other written material. This I offer to you with a depth of knowledge across all facets of this industry. Visit my website for samples.

Charges are very affordable -

$0.03 per word for news
$0.025 for Reviews, Articles
$0.02 for Rewrites

Thanks & Regards
Skype - nehaag.aries


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
I am interested. I am going to reach out to you on skype with AGD in the subject. The rates look affordable and similiar to sites like iwriter. The question I have is are you an american english writer?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2013
Reaction score
Hi, thanks for reply,

I've added you on Skype.
I have been writing on gambling for the last seven years and have now become adept in this field – particularly on the gambling world of UK. I also handle a good deal of material for USA also, so don't worry. Please let me know if you have any opening for me. I am regular and punctual; you may rely on me to update your website daily.

Kind Regards

I am interested. I am going to reach out to you on skype with AGD in the subject. The rates look affordable and similiar to sites like iwriter. The question I have is are you an american english writer?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 10, 2013
Reaction score
nice, I will touch base with you on skype later. I will show you what I am looking for, I have people that write for sports but nobody solid for slots and blackjack. I will be on in the afternoon. Thank You

buddy m

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 5, 2011
Reaction score
Ni2A, just want you to know I sent you an email and hope to hear from you,


Buddy M