Cool software to help organize! - found one!

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
I started a thread about organizational software (couldn't find it) - anyway some people talked about ActiveCollab, various add-ons for Thunderbird, etc. Some helped a litlte but what I was lacking - I think I finally found. :)

What I needed was a software that could tie all of these things together (more or less) - and keep my computer organized so I am able to find what I'm looking for (contracts, scripts, coding snipits, spreadsheets, etc) without getting dizzy!

I downloaded and installed something called Winstep: Winstep Software Technologies - Desktop Themes and Customizing Windows - it sets up a new StartMenu and task bar that is highly customizable, but the part I really like lets you create "docks" and "shelves" which allow you to keep your desktop really clean and organized. I am the KING of cluttered desktops and root directories. I am also pretty good at losing files and creating similar files until I have a mess of files that can't be deleted because they all vary in some very small way. (apparently one day I am supposed to compile these (chuckle) .... )

I spent all day long yesterday customizing it, etc. There were a few quirks that I got over, and today I feel like I have an office again. If you have a disorganized computer I think you will thank me for this software.

PS: it looks like eye-candy, and thats really nice, but its organizational functionality is the real beauty. I turned off most effects, etc. And now I feel like my computer was actually built for me getting my job done.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
Pretty cool giver a try. Up until now I was using ultramon as a desktop add in.



Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
lol@wcd for a moment I though you were talking about me ;D

Going to check it out, thanks. My desktop looks like a train wreck most of the time.

And I'm getting sick of making weekly backup folders of my desktop contents.


