EvaDav - native advertising network | CPM | CPA | Push


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Aug 17, 2022
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Hello, Advertisers!

The USA is a vast field for experimentation, and we cannot fail to tell you about the prospects and intricacies of working with this region.

The Evadav team created a detailed guide dedicated to the Tier 1 leader – the USA. The largest and most diverse audience, generous payouts, stable currency rate, high income, and maximum interest in new offers – yes, it’s all about the United States.

In our new guide, you will learn the following:
- features of US audience: mentality, language, preferences, life priorities;
- prospects of geo and top verticals with the latest statistics;
- advertising formats that bring the most conversion;
- approaches to making creatives with vivid examples;
- life hacks to create an effective 2023 strategy for the United States.

You’re about to make a real little trip to the USA and, of course, to get exclusive recommendations from Evadav experts for your cosmic ROI.

USA geo features

The United States of America is a nation in North America with a vast territory and population of more than 333 million.

USA is a multilingual country. Although the English-speaking population has an absolute advantage (80%) and English has official status in 32 states, more than 300 languages are spoken.

Before collecting traffic among residents of the states, note that they have these features:
- patriotism, pride in country and history, so at least half of them try to buy domestic products;
- enterprise and planning - Americans know how to manage money, find solutions, and make profitable deals; so always indicate the benefits of the offer for them;
- optimism, faith in oneself and luck, so they participate with enthusiasm in online draws, online casinos, and betting;
- literacy, 99% of Americans are literate people, so be honest with them, do not hide your interest;
- affability and friendliness - whether residents of California or Texas, they are happy to do a small service free of charge;
- need for comfort - they want to have a beautiful and cozy home, a lot of different household appliances, and good cars;
- high self-esteem and healthy selfishness - yes, Americans value themselves and strive to be better than others, so focus on the exclusivity and uniqueness of the offer.
- pickiness - a US resident will not wait a few months for a cheap product from AliExpress;
- quality is a priority for every American; discounts and promotions for them are not so attractive, but rather, on the contrary - raise doubts about quality.

Best advertising formats

When working with the US audience, the most effective formats are:
> video format;
> interstitial;
> inpage;
> banners;
> native ads;
> push notifications;
> popunder.

Top verticals

Let’s look at the top verticals in the United States, together with the latest display statistics from January 2023.

The TOP 6 verticals in affiliate marketing in the US are:
- Dating
- Webcam
- Gambling
- Betting
- Gaming
- Nutra

Approaches to making creatives and landing pages


Americans love to play action and adult, arcade, and casual games.

The advertiser’s task is to show the most vivid and fascinating game moments, characters, and bonuses.

Such creatives in inpage format with the System-template with bright, dynamic images will show larger clickability:


Evadav tip:
update creatives more often
so as not to annoy potential leads. Also note that the same game sooner or later annoys the user, so try new platforms

The USA is the most profitable geo for online dating. Almost 300 million Americans spend time on dating websites and apps. Most conversions come from 25-35 years old audiences, but LTV and bill are higher in the 50+ category.

Evadav tip:
use English in creatives, realistic photos, macros of the city in the title and Social Style for inpage advertising to make a pop-up notification look like a new social network message.


Today there are at least 10 gadgets in every American family. In this regard, device protection programs are relevant for the population of the United States of America.

Use the following approaches in creatives to advertise antivirus apps:
- use icons and images with threat attributes, symbolizing danger;
- select scary headers with warnings about the threat or detection of viruses;
- offer free trial periods;
- focus on popular brands.


Evadav tip:
disguise ads as system notifications using custom inpage styles available in campaign settings.

The people of all the states, without exception, share a common passion for gambling. The operation of Internet casinos in the US requires the creation of an offline institution and purchasing of a license.

Evadav tip:
Choose gambling offers with a local license.

Use the following elements:
- vivid images showing the winnings and strong emotions of players for creatives;
- pre-landers with "wheel of fortune", where the user, essentially, will win and go already "warm" to the landing page;
- casinos and slot machines widgets and attributes.


For the US audience, most of the offers from this vertical are suitable, as more than 50% of Americans use biologically active supplements regularly and systematically, and 10% use 4 supplements a day.

To make cool creatives for Nutra offers:
- do not scare users with the shocking words "cancer", "impotence";
- do not address political or racial issues, Americans are negative about them;
- show a concrete result from the supplement use in photos "Before" and "After";
- use pre-lander in the local language.


Almost every US citizen, even the poor and homeless, has access to the Internet. And they have long preferred online shopping, easily part with money, and often with credit.

In creatives for the offers from this vertical:
- do not use direct calls to action ("Buy", "Download", "Order", "Subscribe", "Make a first deposit"). Americans do not like when they are persuaded to buy;
- refuse to promote low-quality goods and cheap, unnecessary things. Americans will always defend their rights in court if they find the slightest discrepancy to their expectations;
- focus on the uniqueness of the offer and the exclusivity of the product.


Webcam resources reach up to 5 million visits per day.

People (viewers) interested in offers from this vertical are often lonely, want to have an interesting leisure time, and, in fact, are ready to pay for it.

To bring many conversions, creatives must be intriguing and personalized.


Evadav tip:
Accurately identify the target audience and use users’ "pain" in creatives, landings, and pre-landers - "Lonely?" "Do you want a no-strings-attached relationship?" "Looking for a partner nearby?".

As people in the United States are gamblers, the Betting vertical shows no less conversion than Gambling.

While sports and eSports betting offers align with trends, the approaches remain the same and work well.

Use the same approaches as in work with gambling in creatives for betting offers:
- offer bonuses to Americans;
- use wow-icons and images that show the emotions of winning;
- logos of famous sports brands, club logos, and player photos work well;
- intriguing questions to users are also effective ("Guess who will win?").


Evadav tip:
synchronize the launch of promotional events
with sports events, and watch the schedule of matches and forecasts. In this vertical, your income directly depends on the offer’s relevance!

Evadav experts’ recommendations

And finally we will give you some expert advice from Evadav, which will help you to master this market and not waste your first budget:
6. Choose an inpage format for advertising campaigns. The Classic custom style shows the highest conversion.
7. At the campaign start, launch several creatives at once.
8. Limit the frequency capping for the new white list to 1.
9. Use automated rules.
10. Choose Evadav premium traffic.

Read the complete guide 2023 Advertising Strategy for USA

Launch US-campaign with Evadav


New Member
Aug 17, 2022
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Evadav team is glad to announce fantastic promos for you! Keep reading to find out more.

Starting from Mar 7, create and launch new advertising campaigns on the top geos:

- US
- ID
- BR
- UK
- IT
- JP

And pay attention to the top verticals:

- Dating
- Webcam
- Gambling
- Betting
- Trading
- Nutra
- Apps

Here what you will get:
- $50 bonus for the 5% growth of the spend compared to the 20.02.23 - 06.03.23 period;
- $100 bonus for the 10% growth of the spend compared to the 20.02.23 - 06.03.23 period

How to Get a Bonus?
Get the bonus by emailing us at support@evadav.com with the subject line "march bonus" within the period after the end of the activity on 22.03.23 - 26.03.23.

The promo will last from Mar 7 till Mar 21.

And There is More!
All devices are beeping from greeting Push messages; e-commerce sites offer In-Page and Native ads, as well as Popunder - it’s 8 March!

We are greeting all the women on International Woman's Day! On this day, let’s thank every woman in our life and show them love. Happy Woman’s Day!

To this occasion, we’ve prepared one more bonus surprise for you:

Get +8% for replenishing your balance up to $1000 by using the promo code march8!

Launch your campaigns with Evadav

Read also:
AI Tools for Affiliates


New Member
Mar 22, 2023
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What are the main advantages of the EvaDav ad network compared to other networks?


New Member
Aug 17, 2022
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What are the main advantages of the EvaDav ad network compared to other networks?

The main advantages of EVADAV include a high level of targeting, innovative advertising formats, a convenient interface, quick moderation and a personal manager for each client.


New Member
Aug 17, 2022
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Hello, Evadavers!

While some wonder how to promote their website, others have already found the most effective, efficient, and safe way to increase traffic quickly.

Remember, a well-attended platform is not only a direct income for the webmaster but also an excellent opportunity for additional monetization, such as push subscriptions.

The author of our case chose our advertising network Evadav with high-quality and verified traffic. He shared with us his experience in driving traffic to his website.

Are you ready?

Publisher’s details

So, in this case, a website with video content for adults is the target platform for driving traffic. And therefore, the audience of this offer is 18+.


As you know, promoting such a project in standard ways is difficult, which explains the chosen method's relevance. The publisher decided to test Evadav's US popunder traffic - the top geo for the 18+ category. Let's see how it met his expectations.

- offer type/offer: content website (adult video-content)/ cams.xvideos.com
- ad format: popunder
- device: mobile
- OS: Android
- ad network: Evadav
- geo: USA
- campaign period: 19.02.23 – 20.03.23
- total budget: $848,38
- total clicks gained: 1 303 229

The choice of geo is justified - video content for adults is viral in the states.

Interesting fact:
By the way, statistically, 80% of Americans pay for subscriptions to receive videos on demand. We can see an increase in the number of consumers who have a video-on-demand service (SVOD) in the US from 2015 to 2022:


A poll conducted in 2022 among 8,732 Americans found that 66% watch videos on smartphones.

Therefore, the author of the case chose mobile Android traffic.

By the way, arbitrators love adult offers. They are "evergreen," understandable even for newbies, available for various geo, and easy to access the American market.

Moreover, on our publisher's site, users did not need to subscribe; click is enough for conversion. These are popular among affiliates.

Why the popunder format?

You probably heard that popunder traffic is “cold” and cheap. Then why did the publisher choose this format?

Pop traffic is more common where people can get the desired information for free (for example, to watch a movie), so even pop-ups without their consent do not annoy them.

At the same time, many people come for specific content on the content site and typically respond to such offers. And most importantly - if the platform is profound, then non-quality and bot traffic is eliminated.

Evadav has its own anti-fraud system, which pleases the quality of even popunder traffic.

Features of the content site vertical

The content site is not a new vertical but a well-forgotten old one. Standard offers include the following:
- payment for registration;
- buying access to exclusive content;
- paid user subscription to information products and services;
- trial access to media files.

If the user is looking for a movie, to access it in HD Ultra-quality, he needs to register and pay for access, say, 1$. To do this, the user needs to enter the data of his payment or credit card, which will be charged the service's total cost after the trial period.

Subscriptions are relevant through CC Submit and direct billing of mobile operators. People are used to such offers and respond to them normally, especially in countries from tier 1.

To drive traffic to the content site, you must constantly monitor popular and long-tail keywords and adapt the landing pages to each query and geo.

Even when you only need a free registration to view content, it is challenging to promote some resources if their content, as our partner, is related to prohibited topics.

In this case, we are dealing with adult traffic. Oddly enough, there is fierce competition among websites. Webmasters are ready to use any method of fighting competitors, including aligning with search engines filters. So affiliate marketing is the best way to raise the metric.

Offer types

The offers from this vertical are divided into:
- news websites;
- blogs;
- aggregator sites or catalogs that collect information on various companies and services;
- video hosting, online cinemas;
- manga and anime
- thematic resources for narrow niches (for accountants, canine keepers, bankers, etc.);
- online libraries
- photo stocks.

Best ad formats for a website with 18+ video content

The following advertising formats are effective in promoting adult offers:
- popunder
- push notifications;
- inpage
- native.

You need to test to determine which format is most effective for your product. Unfortunately, however, not everyone is ready to budget for tests.

Evadav tip:
Try Evadav’s inpage traffic for your campaigns. This format covers iOS users. Such advertising drives a new solvent audience.

Popunder traffic for content website

The script of the popunder, integrated into the website code, automatically runs the landing page. The target page appears not over the working tab but under it, and therefore you can count on the high loyalty of the audience. In this case, popunders and clickunders are the least aggressive form of pop-up advertising.

Popunder does not block content; it unobtrusively waits for the user to finish his work and pay attention to it. He does this on his own accord, which means he wants to see the offer, and the probability of the target action is several times higher.

Benefits of popunder traffic for the content website

- No creatives. Quality triggering landing page - everything you need to get the lead.
- Low click cost relative to other formats.
- Huge Reach.
- Adapted advertising for all types of devices.
- The large traffic volume according to CPM-model (payment for thousand impressions).

Effective landing page for the popunder

The target page, run by the popunder script, is the only option to convert the visitor to a lead.

Mandatory components of landing page:
- interesting "catching" title;
- the main text, concisely describing the essence of the offer;
- eye-catching CTA button ("register!", "act", "subscribe", etc.).

Use this checklist to create an effective landing page for your campaign:

> the target page weighs less than 200 Kb and downloads in less than 2 seconds;
> the text is simple to understand and clearly describes the essence of the offer;
> the title intrigues and motivates to read the offer;
> page design is bright, not overloaded with text and images, and contains interactive elements;
> you can use various triggers: discounts, gifts, bonuses, special offers, countdowns, and anything that helps to retain the user.

Examples of quality landing pages, which are likely to bring a lot of leads, look like this:





Please note:
Here are the proper titles, the essence of the offer is clearly described, the visuals look harmonious, and the fonts are selected correctly. CTA buttons with accents on urgency - "Watch now", benefit - "Sign up for free".

And the following landing pages are poorly made. Look at them and try not to repeat these mistakes.


Such landing is uninformative and boring, and the font size is chosen incorrectly. The title is not intriguing but, instead, forces you to register.

Evadav tip:
Try not to use words that subconsciously cause resistance ("buy", "order", "register") in the text of the landing page. Replace them with a softer and more friendly "join", "try", "get bonuses", etc.

And there's no data entry form on this landing page:


In addition, we would recommend changing the call to action, otherwise the user will get confused.

Ad campaign setup

Okay, let's dive into settings.

The owner of the offer targeted mobile traffic from the USA. The country is multilingual, so the browser's language was not chosen. The publisher was interested in the users of Android devices with any browser. He did not limit the number of impressions and the budget.


CPM at the start was $2.42; a week later, on the manager's recommendation, it was raised to $2.83.

Landing, in our opinion, is effective, and the registration form is minimalistic:


Within a week, the campaign showed the following results:



According to the weekly test results, the partner optimized the campaign. On the advice of the personal manager, the publisher raised the bid, and added automated rules so that non-convertible zones would automatically go to the blacklists.

Advertising was inexpensive, so limits on display and budget were not applied.

The final statistics a month after the launch looked like this:


The case author received 1,303,229 clicks and doubled the traffic, investing only $848.38.

To date, he continues cooperating with our Evadav advertising platform as a webmaster, monetizing his adult traffic with push subscriptions. But this is another story. The partner promised to share the results in the following case.

Expert tips from Evadav

11. Target one geo in one advertising campaign.
So it is easier to win the auction and get objective statistics for optimization and better results.
12. Install the CPM above the recommended by the system.
The higher the bid, the more in-demand traffic sources you buy, and the more you get traffic and leads.
13. Set postback up.
Do not ignore the importance of tracking conversion information.
14. Add automated rules.
This option will optimize the campaign without your participation.
15. Pay attention to technical optimization.
The audience won’t wait for a page he hasn’t even requested to upload.
16. Set a daily limit for the campaign budget.
This way, you can control the cost of purchasing traffic.
17. Explore and analyze the market.
If you do not know how to do the proper landing page, see promotional materials of the current campaigns of other advertisers in spy services.
18. Adjust display frequency capping.
Set no more than one daily show for one user to avoid annoying them.
19. Use pre-landers to promote sites on prohibited thematics.
So you can go through the moderation on the platforms with strict requirements for advertising, eliminate non-target traffic and warm up interested users.
20. Use Evadav’s personal manager tips.
He’s interested in your results!

Final thoughts

A content site is a vast vertical in traffic arbitration with many directions and opportunities. With the real case example, we showed that Evadav’s popunder traffic converts perfectly.

With low CPM and minimal partner participation, the traffic volume to the site with 18+ video content more than doubled and brought 1 303 229 clicks.

B]Buy Evadav’s quality traffic[/B][


New Member
Aug 17, 2022
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Hello, Advertisers!

Nutra is a classic evergreen vertical in affiliate marketing.

In addition to making excellent earnings (this industry brings billions of dollars to advertisers annually), the Nutra vertical requires a deep understanding of consumer behavior, making it ideal for affiliate marketing.

The Evadav team has created a detailed step-by-step guide in which you will learn:
- vertical's features, prospects, and problems;
- the target audience of Nutra offers;
- promising traffic and geo channels;
- working approaches to making creatives;
- the best advertising formats for promotion;
- the secrets of profitable advertising campaigns;
- and, of course, actual advertising statistics to inspire you to even more fiery results!

Immersion in the world of Nutra and exclusive advice from Evadav experts for profitable campaigns and ROI await you.

What is Nutra vertical?

Nutra is biologically active supplements, dietary products, minerals and vitamins, and cosmetic products. This vertical has many directions.

> Target audience is mostly women aged 35-55, but there are also men aged 25-40.
> Competition level: consistently high.
> Traffic cost: average.
> Pricing model: COD, SS-offers, and Trial.
> Offer type: "white" - the user gets a product that could solve his problem. But with 18+ products, you will have to bypass the moderation.
> Difficulty level: It’s easy to start with Evadav traffic.
> Geo: The highest conversion is in the countries from Tier 1 and Tier 2. You can also try Tier 3.

Features of Nutra offers: relevance, problems, and prospects

Even experienced arbitrage managers can hardly promote dietary supplements.

Let’s see what problems advertisers face when working with Nutra offers:
- high traffic requirements (most often geo from Tier 1 are listed in offers’ KPIs. Tier 2, and 3 geos are rare);
- consumers are often unaware of some of the supplements that could potentially solve their problem until they see the advertisement. Therefore, Nutra can't be found through search engines, which means that it is simply pointless to promote it with keywords;
- high competition, tough to advertise Nutra in Tier 1, but the level of payouts motivates ideally;
- leading the user to conversion is difficult, and it's nothing to do here without warming up;
- Nutra vertical products target the solvent audience - there are no cheap goods, so it is even more challenging to get the lead from Tier 2 and 3.
But look, what results can be achieved with the right approach:


Best geo for Nutra offers

The list of the most stable leaders to date looks like this:
- India
- Indonesia

Secondary geo which also show good conversion:
- Germany
- Great Britain
- Brazil
- Italy
- Georgia
- Japan
- Israel

Evadav tip:
Pre-analyze the relevance of the offer in any geo to get a good CR. Do not neglect Asian countries. Demand for Nutra is good. Yes, the payouts are lower, but large volumes and low traffic costs offset this.

Target audience

At first glance, it may seem that the target traffic should be sought among the young and progressive generation.

But in fact, it turns out that the products of non-traditional medicine mainly interest adults.

Generation Z trusts exclusively evidence-based medicine, pays dearly for consultations with specialists, and buys individual nutritional plans. Sometimes the young audience is also interested in "wonder pills", but adults - much more often.

Traffic sources

You can use any traffic source for Nutra offers — social media, Google Ads, teaser networks, marketplace, push.

Effective advertising formats

The following formats work perfectly for Nutra offers advertising.
> classic push notifications;
> popunder;
> native ads;
> inpage.

Evadav tip:
To promote Nutra products, choose Classic-style - such ads show the best CR and CTR in beauty and health offers. Please note that custom styling is an exclusive feature from Evadav.

Nutra attracts advertisers for a reason. If you do everything correctly, spend the budget wisely, and use all the options of the advertising network and recommendations from the Evadav team, ROI will only please you.

Read the guide on promoting dietary supplements, and don't be afraid to test the Nutra offers.

Read the guide

Launch Nutra-campaign with Evadav


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Apr 1, 2023
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Does EvaDav have an affiliate program, and what conditions does it offer?


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Aug 17, 2022
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Does EvaDav have an affiliate program, and what conditions does it offer?

EvaDav offers an affiliate program where you can earn up to 5% commission on the earnings of the publishers and advertisers you referred. Details and conditions of participation can be found on our website or from your personal manager.


New Member
Apr 7, 2023
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Which countries are the most profitable to work with EvaDav?


New Member
Aug 17, 2022
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Which countries are the most profitable to work with EvaDav?
The most profitable countries to work with EvaDav are USA, UK, Canada, Germany and Australia. However, the effectiveness may vary depending on your niche and campaign.


New Member
Aug 17, 2022
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Hello, Evadavers!

Are you looking for a profitable niche but considering trading a place for professionals? And in vain! You are players, too, but only in the traffic market. And I’m sure you’re wondering how many people here want to make money from asset price differences.

If you still have doubts, read how our advertiser made $3,926 a month.

ROI 37%+ on trading offers. It is achievable with Evadav!

In our case study, you will learn the following:
- subtleties of trading vertical;
- features of the target audience;
- all about the effective promotion of trading offers;
- traffic sources and advertising formats that bring results;
+ tips on configuring campaigns from Evadav experts.

Read the case study

Launch trading campaign with Evadav

Thomas Andreas

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 7, 2018
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a lot of commercials for Evadav here. Has anyone tried them or they any good?


New Member
Aug 17, 2022
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Hello, Evadavers!

Looking for a hot bundle for American traffic?
Then hurry up and read the case study from our partner, who earned $10,000 on a dating offer in the US in a month.

You will find a lot of helpful information:
- Dating offers prospects in the US;
- features of the target audience;
- Secrets of earnings on online dating in the US;
- Effective advertising formats;
- Converting creatives for Americans.

We offer not to delay until tomorrow what can be earned today using the ready-made bundle from our advertiser and recommendations from the Evadav team.

Go to the case study

Launch a dating campaign with Evadav


New Member
Apr 28, 2023
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What ad formats does EvaDav support and which one provides the best conversion?


New Member
Aug 17, 2022
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What ad formats does EvaDav support and which one provides the best conversion?

EvaDav supports a variety of ad formats, including push notifications, native ads, popunders, and videos. The effectiveness of each format depends on the specific campaign and target audience. Our experts are ready to help you determine the best format for your business.


New Member
Aug 17, 2022
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Hello, Evadavers!

If you've read our Advertising Strategy Guide for 2023 for the United States, you know what is relevant today to promote in the States.

Cams vertical is steadily moving up and breathing into the dating's back.

In the new case study, you will find a hot bundle with 38% ROI and the latest information:
- what is Cams vertical;
- target audience features;
- traffic channels and payment models;
- what creatives for cams offers are more clickable;
- how to configure and optimize a campaign for a more significant profit.

And while you’re still thinking, your competitors are testing our push traffic with Cams offers and sharing results.

Read the case study

Make money with EVADAV LEADING ADS


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May 7, 2023
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What to do if the advertising balance was written off, but the advertisement is not shown?


New Member
Aug 17, 2022
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What to do if the advertising balance was written off, but the advertisement is not shown?

In the event of such a problem, please contact our support service or your personal manager. We will quickly study the situation and take the necessary actions to eliminate the problem and resume advertising.


New Member
May 12, 2023
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Can you provide examples of successful cases where advertisers achieved significant ROI increases using your ad network?