Favorite part about your job as an Affiliate?

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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It's Monday and instead of a dreary 'Monday morning blues' post, I thought I would see what others think about this industry or affiliate marketing, in general.

It's time to inspire those who just 'think about it' and are hesitant to make the jump into marketing (either full or part-time).

Reasons I love Affiliate Marketing

Freedom: When I am working on websites, whether that is content or a new feature, I have NO boss :) I can do it how I want and when I want - and get paid for that.

Change: When I am sick and tired of writing new content, I create some code for a new feature. When I am sick of writing code, I might research the latest SEO tricks. There is always something challenging and new about the industry.

Results: I really enjoy seeing the results more than anything. When I get on the first page of Google for a specific term - AND see signups as a result - it makes me feel like I have actually accomplished something.

Camaraderie: The folks in this industry, and definitely the members here at AGD, are among the best people I know. Despite competing with one another - we still share advice and offer help to one another.

Happy Monday!

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Am I the only one who loves Affiliate Marketing on a Monday? :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 24, 2008
Reaction score
I love my job also...

No Alarm Clocks - Here it is Monday and I woke up when i wanted, took my time drinking my coffee and then sat here in my nightgown most of the day choosing what i wanted to work on today....priceless.

Freinds around the world - I believe no matter were i wanted to go in the world now, there is someone i will know there waiting to greet me and spend sometime having fun, talking shop and showing me around....priceless

No one to answer to but myself - After many years having a boss to answer to, its "priceless" answering to myself and only myself. Makes you work all the harder so you don't let yourself down!

Pride - Having the fantastic feeling of being proud of yourself for starting and maintaining your own business. I have now started my own writing business because of this industry and its "priceless".....i was supposed to go to college to be a writer when i was young, but family kicked me out and was homeless, so going to school was out of the question, but here it is....40 years later and its "full circle"...I am now making a living writing and I owe it to this industry for getting me started!