Gaming Promo re-instates Negative Carryover

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Gaming Promo have recently removed the ‘No Negative Carryover’ clause from their terms.

TERMS UPDATE, Commissions, Negative Carryover

If you are participating in the GamingPromo Revenue Share option, and the Casino Net Revenue of all your referred players in any given month is in a negative position, we will zero out such negative balance at the beginning of the new month, so that no Casino losses will be carried forward against your account.

Summary:Gaming Promo NO LONGER zero out negatives. Since there is no ‘Effective Date’, this is assumed to be a breach of their own contract if they move forward with this implementation.

NOTE: Gaming Promo’s website still states on the FAQ page that they do not carry over negatives. See image below:
Gaming Promo re-instates Negative Carryover


Affiliate Program Representative
Feb 19, 2009
Reaction score
The ONLY way I could see a brand making changing a no negative carryover is if.. and only IF they:
(1) calculated the impact it would have on the affiliates and compensated the revenue share accordingly. That would mitigate their short term losses.
(2) make it optional for affiliates. Otherwise the term would not be retroactive at current rev share.

Aff Europe Management

Affiliate Program Representative
Dec 21, 2009
Reaction score
Aff Europe announcement/response

This post should also answer this question.
Aff Europe which is the new affiliate site which replaces gaming promo offers NO neagtive carryover to any of its affiliates including exisiting.

Please go to our site affeurope .com to see how we have made this an affiliate friendly program. (T&C's at the bottom of site)

See my statement below to clear up all issues.
thanks in advance.

My Name is Marc Benezra and I am the Marketing Director for AffEurope

This is partly my fault as this is a misunderstanding rather than a malicious attempt to cheat affiliates.

City Club Casino and Crown Europe were both owed by different groups, City Club belonged to Gaming promo.

A merger took place to bring the 2 casinos together onto one brand and Aff Europe was created to host these 2 casinos together so they could be marketed together.

Having spoken to Andy here at AGD i assured him our main concern was the affiliates and clearing up this issue.

We have created T&C’s to suit the affiliates, we have got rid of the neagtive carryover, the 3 plan commission scheme which meant you had to sent traffic that month to earn revenue.
I know that the affiliates are key to our success, and because of this we have set up an honest and transparent affiliate program which offers 40% rev share for life to all new affiliates (or the option of a hybrid or CPA deal) with NO negative carryover.

There has been no cross sell of players from City Club to Crown Europe. I can assure you of this. Rest assured there was nothing untoward going on here, it was a misunderstanding and should have been cleared up along time ago.

We are keen to meet with all our affiliates and potential new ones.
I will personally be in London for CAP 2010 (we will be presenting the iGB affiliate of the year award at the dinner the night before) and if you want to discuss this further or meet up to discuss anything afiliate related my team and myself will be mroe than happy to do so.

I will end this post by apologizing sincerely for any confusion or problems this may have caused.
As of today (Dec 21st) we have launched Aff Europe officially and Gaming Promo will be closing down to make way.

Your usernames and passwords will work at from when Gaming promo closes.
If you are already on a plan then as of December payments the negative carryover will be removed for the life time of all old and new players you send us.

Any affiliates wanting to move onto the 40% for life no negative carryover deal please email your account manager to get this changed as of Jan 1st.

I would like to end by wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.