Gold VIP Club Still Rogue Casino

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
This group is just living by the spammers. I would not trust my money in this casino if it were the only place on the web. I get spammed constantly by them and it's a bit ridiculous. Of course they are using lists purchased from hackers and recruiting spamming Russian groups to fill up our inboxes.

What else would they do? hmm.. Just about anything, I think.

Here are some of the examples of spam I got today:

reviews {My Real Name Here}

Our bonuses are busting at the seams, so hold on tight the real fun is about to begin With the added windfall of 800% Rocketing to the top in bonuses, so you're sure to take off and land in a world of winnings !!


Slam your way into the Number 1 Casino today and start Rocketing to the top Sincerely,

Express your personality in color! Preview and select themes for Hotmail®. See how. xxx


two thousand dollars {My Real Name Here}

We've gone mad with bonuses, so hold on tight this ride is about to take off Get ready for lift off with 800% Rocketing to the top in bonuses, so you're sure to take off into the stratosphere !!


Slam your way into the Number 1 Casino today and start Rocketing to the top Sincerely,


Express your personality in color! Preview and select themes for Hotmail®. See how. xxxx


Enjoy every moment {My Real Name Here}

Our bonuses are busting at the seams, so hold on tight this ride is about to take off With the added windfall of 800% Making today your winning day in bonuses, so you're sure to take off into a world where you are the big winner !!


Rocket your way into the Number 1 Casino today and start Making today your winning day Sincerely,


Express your personality in color! Preview and select themes for Hotmail®. See how. xxx

Yes, the part that says: {My Real Name Here} is my real name. The emails that came in today are from Rival's database that was hacked several months ago. Apparently GoldVIP is using this hacked database now to try to get new players.

GoldVIP are complete scumbags... BTW - this will be announced to a bunch of social networks as well since AGD is now fully connected.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
You know what, I get dozens of emails like this - from various casino groups - every day and just ignore them. I've always thought it was part of the cost of doing business in this market. But, reading your email, maybe I should be naming and shaming.

Believe me, that will be a lot of names and a lot of shame!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
Lucky for me, gmail filters spam pretty well. So it's not hard to ignore the spam that goes to the spam folder automatically.

I also get tons of mails just like yours Andy. But since gmails routes them to the spam folder, I can ignore them. I have to say, Gold Vip Club is the worst with the spam. But there are other affiliates and casinos that I also get daily spam from. I hate it all! (The spam that is).