Good casinos, no aff program


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 5, 2007
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3Dice is a great casino, but they put me in an awful position.
I am an affiliate. I want my players to play at good casinos, but 3 Dice has no affiliate program.

I am an affiliate that busts my but every single day to help my players.
I give back thousands of dollars to them in contests and get them
extra bonuses and faster cashouts and whatever I can do. I work 12-15 hours
everyday. When someone sends me a pm, I respond in 5 minutes or feel guilty.
When I go on vaction, it is only somewhere with wireless and still work 8 hours a day.

I know 3Dice is a great casino, but in my position it hurts. What
would you think about a casino that can open for a year with no affiliate program?
Sure a few "select" special people can promote them now, but the rest of
us are getting tortured from this. They gave me great explanations to why
there is no program yet. I can not fault those explanations, but my suspicious
side says they are getting most players unaffiliated and this is great for them.

This just sucks! There I feel better now.;D

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I agree with you. Plus, I think some have felt a LOT screwed by what they call an affiliate program at the moment also (including myself).

Their currect 'selective' affiliate program is crap. The stats are horrible and buggy. It is really NOT worth promoting them. They get free play at CasinoMeister because players that have played come in and sing their praises.

For now - that is what they want. I think they will leave affiliates out of the mix for quite some time. They are getting all the free advertising they need right now WITHOUT the headache of fixing their affiliate stats engine.

I think Bonustreak can speak more to this as well.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 5, 2007
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Their currect 'selective' affiliate program is crap. The stats are horrible and buggy.

LOL!! This is their reason for not having the "open"
affiliate program. I think we know where they stand
and their intentions, but there is nothing we can do.:rolleyes:

On a side note, I adore your Sloto'Cash banners
and any affiliate who is not already promoting
Sloto'Cash is missing out! ;D

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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LOL!! This is their reason for not having the "open"
affiliate program. I think we know where they stand
and their intentions, but there is nothing we can do.:rolleyes:

Nope, not a whole lot. I don't think they will either. I do know that they are quite pissed at the ROIA company that developed the software. It's been a hassle from the start.

On a side note, I adore your Sloto'Cash banners
and any affiliate who is not already promoting
Sloto'Cash is missing out! ;D

Thanks! Sloto'Cash Affiliates are truly a great program. They have 100% friendly T&C's, they pay on time, and Wael & Justine are incredibly friendly, supportive, and responsive.

I put the banners up for Tiered revenue only... I will only do that for 'Affiliate-Friendly' programs and Sloto'Cash is the only one being displayed for the moment.


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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I tried signing up this week, and this is the response I received:

Dear David,

Thank you very much for your interest. We are currently not looking for extra marketing exposure but we will definitely keep your offer on file for future opportunities.

kind regards,
Your Ticket-Team
:smellie_tongue: Why would anyone turn away additional exposure and revenue?

They can't possibly reach all players in existence without affiliates, or with just a select few. 3Dice could make a lot more money if they had a good affiliate program in place.

Oh well. Maybe they'll come around soon.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 5, 2007
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Plus, I think some have felt a LOT screwed by what they call an affiliate program at the moment also (including myself).

I missed this.. are you one of the special people?:eek:
If yes, send me your link.. I would rather have
some link up when they get mentioned than the casino get it all;D

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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Yeah when a few were selected to test out the program it was all about us affiliates, then when we gave neg feedback they stopped even talking to us, well ok mainly

Enzo never talks to me I do get paid but I have to bitch and moan and chase him all over forums and send private messages, to me it is a hassle.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Yeah, I think they are VERY player-friendly, but not affiliate-friendly at all.

They are not truly looking for affiliates, though. They wanted to use us to test out how much more traffic they might get. However, since their tracking was shittier than any other you could imagine - they got few conversions. As a result, I believe they just feel that affiliates are not in their best interest.

At this point - with all the love they get at CasinoMeister, you can't blame them. That's where the high rollers are and if those people are happy, they are making all the money they need.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 7, 2008
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Just wondering if there has been any more recent news on whether 3dice will start up their affiliate program again at some stage?

Is anyone here in contact with them?

My guess is that they are progressing slowly purely because they do not want too many people signing-up too quickly at this stage, rather than any other reason. Is it possible that once they are 100% happy that their infrastructure can cope with big surges in demand, they will introduce a (decent) affiliate program?


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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Well I was one of the few who was asked to test the affiliate program and they don't even bother to contact me anymore, I have to chase down my payment when I am due and basically would not recommend them to promote to anyone but do feel they need to continue to pay me what is due when it is due..

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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From what I can tell, they do not want affiliates promoting them. They are not working diligently on a new affiliate program and Enzo has flat out said to me that the current program and tracking is bad.

I don't think they will be adding affiliates anytime soon. Not until they hit a plateau, anyway. That is a guess, but I'd bet an accurate one :)


New Member
Apr 11, 2008
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Dont know if I am allowed to do this (and if I am not then sorry - I am new here!) but if they dont want you as an affiliate then I definitely do!

I account manage Welcome to Blackpool Club and we are looking for as much promotion and coverage as possible! I can pay CPA or Rev Share - whatever you want, i will do my best to facilitate it!

Why not give me a tickle and see what happens! And me to your MSN, email me, call me, or if you are in the UK - I'll even come and see you!

Look forward to hearing from you!

Neil Mitchell
Webroute Services
email -
skype - TheBoyMitchell
phone - 020 7838 9399

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Not a problem here, Neil :)

Please send us an email, though, as we will be looking over your Terms and Conditions soon. We typically prefer that links not be made until a program is certified - but we are also not tyrants and will not force this fact upon anyone.

However - if it is a spammer, then, of course I would have removed the links ;)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 7, 2008
Reaction score
I don't think they will be adding affiliates anytime soon. Not until they hit a plateau, anyway. That is a guess, but I'd bet an accurate one

I suppose it is possible for a company to have such a good product offering that they do not have to advertise through affiliates.

This has certainly happened in the world of online fashion. A couple of years ago a (UK) company, called ASOS called a halt to their affiliate program. They were fairly unprofessional about it too, calling them "grubby little affiliates sitting in their bedrooms" (or words to that effect).

Of course, affiliates were outraged and said their sales would drop, but quite the reverse has happened and they have increased sales hugely.

Luckily, this has turned out to be the exception, rather than the trend and I don't know any other companies in online fashion that followed.

My feeling is that when competition hots up for 3dice in terms of quality, they will be very keen to start up a decent affiliate program

But then what do I know?


New Member
Apr 11, 2008
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Not a problem here, Neil :)

Please send us an email, though, as we will be looking over your Terms and Conditions soon. We typically prefer that links not be made until a program is certified - but we are also not tyrants and will not force this fact upon anyone.

However - if it is a spammer, then, of course I would have removed the links ;)

No spam here sir, just good old-fashioned honesty.

What would you like in the email?


Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I suppose it is possible for a company to have such a good product offering that they do not have to advertise through affiliates.

This has certainly happened in the world of online fashion. A couple of years ago a (UK) company, called ASOS called a halt to their affiliate program. They were fairly unprofessional about it too, calling them "grubby little affiliates sitting in their bedrooms" (or words to that effect).

Of course, affiliates were outraged and said their sales would drop, but quite the reverse has happened and they have increased sales hugely.

Luckily, this has turned out to be the exception, rather than the trend and I don't know any other companies in online fashion that followed.

My feeling is that when competition hots up for 3dice in terms of quality, they will be very keen to start up a decent affiliate program

But then what do I know?

Good point :) All we can do is speculate at this point. I don't see a move towards solidifying their affiliate backend, so I think they are not nearly ready to bring affiliates on board.

They have already brought larger affiliates onboard to their crappy affiliate program, but I think most have decided not to promote due to the sheer unreliability of the tracking system.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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At this point - with all the love they get at CasinoMeister, you can't blame them. That's where the high rollers are and if those people are happy, they are making all the money they need.

I thought casinomeister stands for doing the right thing. Why is CM the main contributor and the affiliate program not open for others, strange.

Well $$ must have convinced CM to jump the boat sad to read this.

I emailed them and boyoboy are they incompetent for running a casino site but praised by the player advocate like there is no better place.......just for CM sake. G this makes me feel sick.


WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
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I remember webroute services from a CAP thread and it left a bad taste in my mouth. I can't remember the final conclusions, but I stayed away:


Feel free to set me straight Mitchell. Many of us feel ripped by at least some of the programs webroute is associated with. If I missed anything let me know - Webroute services is not owned / controlled or operated by Cpays? what is the official relationship? Thanks for clarifying.


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
I also actually asked Enzo about the affiliate program back about a month or so ago and he said that they were currently having a new program designed along with the tracking software to accompany the program by a well know forum mod.

I further asked if affiliates would be able to sign-up to the program then and the response was, IMO somewhat "arrogant", when he told me that affiliates would only be invited to participate in their program...whatever! :rolleyes:

There could be a few reasons for this that I'm sure we could all think of here but IMO, it's not worth the trouble.