I know of 2 other affiliates who have never been paid anything. I have cut them off like a gangrenous arm, but just out of interest, has anyone out there ever received a cent from these shysters?
I was paid early on when Jason was the affiliate manager there... that was YEARS ago, though. I think Cedrick got some people paid there as well, but he is long gone as well I am pretty sure
As far as I know, payments have not been a priority and people keep saying that they change their 'minimum payment' so that they can say they don't owe you.
Call me lucky.....I was paid regularly with Cedrik there and a little while Jason was there. The last payment I received was in May I think. After that, I tried to cash another payment check from Bigtree Marketing and they stopped payment on it.
Stay clear of this program for sure if you are counting on ever getting your money.