How to get a community going?

Frankie Yale

New Member
Jan 25, 2011
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Just launched a poker forum. Do you guys know of a service that can post topics to get the ball rolling?

I'm obviously looking for poker posts, so no mass-nonsense postings. Also replies should be semi-intelligent and very much on topic.

Can't imagine such a service not existing. Any ideas?

How do you guys get your communities going?


WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
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It was hard five years ago, I'm sure its harder now. Personally I think the only chance a person has at creating a forum is either (a) having a very popular service to support or (b) having a lot of friends that will help you get things going.

Paid posting does not work. (imho)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 11, 2008
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Hi Frankie,

Feel free to open an account at Poker Nations . You can post blogs and update members with promotions you have going on.

Good luck getting the site going!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
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You can google 'forum population'. But you need to be prepared to have your forum filled with crappy semi-literate posts by people from 3rd world countries who are paid for each post.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 9, 2010
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I really don't know of any decent service, you are better off paying someone you know (& you know to be english speaking/intelligent etc) to be a multiple poster and a few disagreements/controversial topics (imo) always liven forums up & remember to find an effective way to keep on top of the spam if it does get going, good luck as forums are so hard to get off the ground but well worth it if you do succeed


Jan 21, 2011
Reaction score
How do you guys get your communities going?


Imagine about a big forum you want :)

imagination will encourage you to do real things and bring you real ideas for your business :)

do it often :) ... just walk towards it... you will find ansvers

if not look in the book of Ninja, it says: A road of a thousand miles must begin with the first step :)... so I guess you are on the way already, but miles in front of you :) ... from my point of view you already succeeded when you started walking towards your goal :)

in the book of Karate it says that to master a kick you need to repeat it about 1000 times :)...

and that girl that was making 1000 dragons to heal herself from cancer and died when made 999? that's a nasty lie... she made 1000... only the book wouldn't be sold because everybodie would be happy about her... this way they sell a great book but destroy people's faith in the end because they lie for profits lol... jerks... because it means she fought hard and made 999 dragons but only 1 was imporant... and what about the road she went trough while she was making 999? ... lol...

while making 999 dragons she became perfectly happy... didn't made the 1000'th one because her health wasn't depending on dragons but on her belife

so the ansver should be simple... you need 1000 something :)... maybe 1000 forum posts to get it going :)... but forum posts not crap posts :)... best write them alone or with few friends :)

don't worry you will succeed :)

In the province of the mind what one believes to be true is true or becomes true within certain limits to be found experimentally and experientially. These limits are further beliefs to be transcended. In the province of the mind, there are no limits. - John C. Lilly

sorry but I must get in, I think I'm smarter then this C. Lilly :)

in the province of the minds there are no limits... and so the same thing is in the province of the space... and space is as material as it is spiritual... and outer space is also same as inner space inside us...

this means that if we open our mind then there are no limits anywhere at all... it is only our minds that are closed inside of limits and therefor we think our bodies are also closed inside limits...

what one belives will be true 100% ... it doesn't matter if it is the mind thing or the body thing (material)... if you belive your body will change then it will... and the tool to achive anything in our life is practice :) ...

like for example: if you want to jump 10 meters hi in the air you will still have to start practicing from the very start but eventualy you will achive what you want lol :)

but... it's easy to be smart, it's hard to open the mind :)
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Frankie Yale

New Member
Jan 25, 2011
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You can google 'forum population'. But you need to be prepared to have your forum filled with crappy semi-literate posts by people from 3rd world countries who are paid for each post.

Tell me about it.

That's why I hesitate to go that route.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 23, 2011
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There are plenty of services that do this kind of thing, but from what I've seen they appear to be similar to the trash articles you can buy from SEO firms - poorly written non sensical.

You could try fiverr - there are a few people on there who will post on your forum X amount of times for $5.

Or exchange with other webmasters - you post on their forum and they post on your etc... Or even offer links in exchange for posts.

I remember seeing a service once where forum owners can register and swap posts, but it didn't seem to have many people using it.

Good luck though, it sounds like an uphill struggle but worth it in the end!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 27, 2010
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I know it must be tough, but like somebody already said in this thread, the only way to fail is to quit! I'd say a lot of posting on blogs about what you can offer and promos and stuff that will catch your readers eye! Also word of mouth is not a bad way to get things started. Get your friends to join also!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 23, 2011
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Why not also post a link here, you never know someone might come and make a post to help you out :cool: