How to handle donations on your taxes

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
Hi - with the passing of friends and old time affiliates comes the desire to help out the families they left behind. After making a donation I wondered how to classify this? I want to find out before making any more errors if it was wrong that I used my company to do it.

Does anyone have any idea? I'm starting to think I should have used my personal bank account, but then again, if I "posted my company name and World Casino Directory gave the money" (which is entirely not fun as you really want to "give" not "brag" or "announce" - but this "brag" might make the donation become "advertising" and thus be able to write off.

Sorry to sound funny - just am curious what others are doing in terms of classifying this? -thanks for input- I know it sounds gross and self-serving post, I just want to make sure the IRS is cool with my donations.