HTML5 / Mobile Developers?

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Anyone know of some good quality developers for HTML5? I really want to move a website FULLY to HTML5 and modern technologies, but am not quite sure who the quality folks are and who can do this type of thing for a moderate pricetag.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
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Going to HTML5 can be as simple as changing the doctype declaration at the top of your page. Its nothing magical or radically different from older versions of HTML and its almost all backwards compatible. You could probably do it yourself in about 10 minutes if that is all you want to do.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
I'm not looking to change the doctype, that means nothing. The idea of going HTML5 is to take advantage of the new structure and elements. I want responsive / HTML5 so that it works natively on tablets.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Changing the doctype may "mean nothing" but so will updating a few elements to use their new semantic names, for the sake of using HTML5. The new elements in HTML5 are things like <header> as opposed to <div id="header"> which you would use in the past and can still do anyway (as I say its all backwards compatible) and it won't make a bit of difference to anyone visiting the site. No-one should notice any difference at all unless they read the HTML source.

The work involved in converting "fully" to HTML5 is in changing a few elements to use the new semantic names and then updating the related CSS rules to correctly target the renamed elements. All of which is totally optional, offers no real advantage over sticking with the old way, and does not need to be done. So you really can convert to HTML5 by just changing your doctype and sticking with your old divs if you want. And as slotplayer said, depending on the browser mix used by your visitors there may be very good reasons not to change to using the new semantic elements even if you change the doctype.

The point is that unless you are paying for an entire redesign of an existing site or development of an entirely new site, paying someone to change your design over to HTML5 is buying snake oil.

Going to a responsive design on the other hand, is a whole different thing. Responsive design is not dependent on the use of HTML5 at all. You can have a responsive HTML4 site as the responsive part is done using CSS media queries + maybe a bit of javascript. Sure you can go to HTML5 at the same time, but the HTML5 part will be about 1% of the total work done.