
Michael Hampton

New Member
Jan 9, 2017
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Just noticed the new affiliate program launched for IPS owned/operated sites. Wondered how long its been up and if any of you had experience of it yet. I'm paying alot closer attention to T&C's now and one thing that caught my eye was

(d) In respect of the following IPS Sites, Commission shall be payable to you in relation to non-UK Referred Player(s) only:

• www. pinkcasino .com
• www. 21.co .uk; and
• www. slotboss .co.uk

Now Im a UK based affiliate only focused on UK traffic and signups. Apart from being cheeky, why would an owner have .co.uk domains 2 out of 3 above, which would ordinarily be focused on attracting UK players, not pay out on them?

Seem like a bunch of chancers to me, though they have other sites in their network. Just wondered what your opinion were?



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 7, 2014
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Pays to read the terms before signing up, i bet this little treasure of revenue exclusion ain't in the FAQ's. They are happy to take your UK traffic, profit from it but not give you a cracker in return, LOL. These jokers are taking the piss big time :)


New Member
Dec 7, 2016
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Hi casinonewbie and Michael,
Thank you for letting me know about this thread.

We launched IPS Affiliates in November 2016 and are therefore a new affiliate programme to the market.

The reason why we don't pay for UK traffic on those sites is simply because we are heavily marketing those players ourselves within the UK.
If an affiliate signs up and requests one of those brands, we let them know that they won't be getting paid on UK traffic. However, we have many different affiliates with UK and non-UK traffic and they quite happily do that anyways.

We don't make a secret about it, and it is like Michael already said, we have many other brands an affiliate can promote where they get paid for UK traffic.

I hope this information helped.
If you have any other questions, please let me know.

Kind regards,


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 23, 2011
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The reason why we don't pay for UK traffic on those sites is simply because we are heavily marketing those players ourselves within the UK.

This is absolutely ridiculous.

Plenty of brands do a heck of a lot more marketing in the UK than yours do - just look at the high street bookies and the money they invest in TV/Print/Sponsorship. On the flip side, I'm in the UK and haven't even really heard of your brands, let alone experienced this heavy marketing you talk of.

Regardless, even if you were the most advertised casino brand in the country, why does that mean that the person who actually drove the registration - the affiliate - shouldn't get credit? Without them you wouldn't have the account.


New Member
Dec 7, 2016
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This is absolutely ridiculous.

Plenty of brands do a heck of a lot more marketing in the UK than yours do - just look at the high street bookies and the money they invest in TV/Print/Sponsorship. On the flip side, I'm in the UK and haven't even really heard of your brands, let alone experienced this heavy marketing you talk of.

Regardless, even if you were the most advertised casino brand in the country, why does that mean that the person who actually drove the registration - the affiliate - shouldn't get credit?

Hi baldidiot,

We do advertising on TV for example on those brands. Pink Casino sponsors Celebrity Big Brother at the moment, so we get a lot of feedback for that casino right now. We just feel like, that players have heard about those 3 brands through those channels, and this is how they find about the casinos.

All affiliates are free to choose another brand if they would like to, no one has to promote Pink Casino, SlotBoss or 21 within the UK.
As long as we don't keep a secret about the non-payment of UK traffic, I can't see this being a problem.

I hope this explains it to you. If you have any further questions please ask me.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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IPSaffiliates you are not God..............

What you are : big crooks that have a fraud, hoax, scam company.

A criminal gang that most likely is involved in brand bidding (using a lot of other brands names with paid Google advertisements) for and money laundering as well.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 23, 2011
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We do advertising on TV for example on those brands. Pink Casino sponsors Celebrity Big Brother at the moment, so we get a lot of feedback for that casino right now. We just feel like, that players have heard about those 3 brands through those channels, and this is how they find about the casinos.

Without sounding like a dick, so what??? Do you know how many casinos advertise on UK TV, it's pretty much every other advert on some channels.

If they've come through an aff site then that [the TV advert] clearly wasn't how they found out about the casino. Or maybe they vaguely knew the name and the site was able to convert them. Bu the key point here is that without the aff site that player wouldn't have signed up (not then at least) and would most likely register with a different brand on the aff site.

Based on this attitude we will never work with any of your brands, and I would advise other affiliates to steer clear also.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 23, 2011
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We never don't credit the affiliates for their traffics and leads, we work with multiple networks and individuals and they are all aware of the UK traffic rule on those 3 sites, and we have no complaints or issues with most of them promoting our 17 other sites instead, which they can be rewarded for both UK and foreign traffic. They all have healthy commission at the end of months and have no outstanding issues currently.

These two statements are contradictory. How can you say you "never don't credit affiliates for traffic" when you then go on to mention a rule which states you don't pay UK traffic to some of your sites.

What I think you mean is: you always don't credit affiliates for UK traffic or leads for some of your sites.


New Member
Mar 2, 2009
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That's crazy. Players coming from direct marketing on TV would go straight to the site.
But arriving via an affiliate site would be from clicking a link after some sort of recommendation.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 16, 2010
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That's crazy. Players coming from direct marketing on TV would go straight to the site.

Ask them the fares for 15 seconds spots on a TV channel... it's gratis? Uuuuuhhh...
Our traffic is free of charge (for them). No pay, no stress. Now, ask us how much costs our work to drive traffic to them (operators): SEO, marketing, writers, technicians, programmers, designers, bloggers, bonus updaters, hosting...

We (affs) pay our fares, TVs pay their fares... they (the subject) got money.

Fairly enough, steering clear as stated by Baldi


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 9, 2010
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This is absolutely ridiculous.

Plenty of brands do a heck of a lot more marketing in the UK than yours do - just look at the high street bookies and the money they invest in TV/Print/Sponsorship. On the flip side, I'm in the UK and haven't even really heard of your brands, let alone experienced this heavy marketing you talk of.

Regardless, even if you were the most advertised casino brand in the country, why does that mean that the person who actually drove the registration - the affiliate - shouldn't get credit? Without them you wouldn't have the account.

Exactly this! Everything I wanted to write

"The reason why we don't pay for UK traffic on those sites is simply because we are heavily marketing those players ourselves within the UK." This is simply the worst excuse for non payment I have ever heard

That's crazy. Players coming from direct marketing on TV would go straight to the site.
But arriving via an affiliate site would be from clicking a link after some sort of recommendation.

Either I misunderstood this post or you did Rebecca Bailey otherwise you wouldn't be 'liking' it


New Member
Dec 7, 2016
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Unfortunately we have to pay for the TV ads we are doing, we wish there were for free. And as you, we have expenses as well. We might not be as popular as other brands you are comparing us to, but as you can surely understand we are new and need to cover our marketing costs, as minimal as they might seem.

I can only repeat, that we do not make our affiliates take on those brands and market them. Everyone is free to choose the sites they market. We advise them about the non-UK payment rule, and let them make their decision on whether or not to promote any of those 3 brands to foreign territories.

Kind regards,

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I missed this spam. They shouldn't be posting this crap on here.. pretty obvious attempt here, IMO. Spamming isn't the way to endear yourselves to affiliates, IMO


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 19, 2013
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If you don't want affiliates to promote to UK players, then restrict affiliates from promoting the brand all together.
It's ridiculous for affiliates to promote any casino brand and then be restricted from getting credit for new players
that arrive from certain countries. Players that arrive via an affiliate link did not do so because of a TV spot. If they arrived
via a TV spot, they would have typed in the URL directly. That affiliate clause is just a way for you to get all of the revenue.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 23, 2011
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If you don't want affiliates to promote to UK players, then restrict affiliates from promoting the brand all together.

Exactly. It's not like only affs targetting the UK pick up UK traffic. Our sites are mainly UK focussed and most on .uk domains, but we still get a decent whack of players from a wide range of countries.

I can only repeat, that we do not make our affiliates take on those brands and market them. Everyone is free to choose the sites they market. We advise them about the non-UK payment rule, and let them make their decision on whether or not to promote any of those 3 brands to foreign territories.

Whilst I see your point, I'm afraid to tell you that we (and a lot of other affiliates) will see this as a reason to not promote any of your brands. Ever.

As I'm sure a lot of other affs can attest, a program that has a negative clause in its terms is much more likely to introduce additional negative terms. So, imho, anyone promoting the other brands is at risk of further daft rules based on arbitrary marketing campaigns, as well as whatever else is thought up to save money.

For a new program this seems very very short sighted.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 7, 2014
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Smart operators know the value of engaging with quality affiliates in long term relationships (in the right way). They obviously have some boffin on the payroll that's advising them to spend shit loads on TV ads, good luck with that :) It's probably all gonna end in tears for anyone that promotes IPSaffiliates........


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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How would it be if potential players are attracted by a heavily paid ad at some crap reality show at tv, they have a look at Google and in the first dozens of results they'll be able to read how crap Pink Casino or whatever it may call, is....

Not just for Pink Casino, but for all their brands. Either it is fair or unfair, our interests must be protected.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 7, 2015
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Unfortunately we have to pay for the TV ads we are doing, we wish there were for free. And as you, we have expenses as well. We might not be as popular as other brands you are comparing us to, but as you can surely understand we are new and need to cover our marketing costs
So you use affiliates blood sweat and tears to pay for them with no reward? I would up your TV campaigns as soon this may be the only way you will get any players.. How to destroy your program and alienate yourselves


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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If I have this correct... You accept UK players affiliates send, BUT don't pay affiliates commission, on the aformentioned UK players... o_O:eek::confused: