

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 26, 2009
Reaction score
We all receive newsletters of some description, however these can become quite tedious after a while and if you’re like me, get deleted without being read.

What information would you like to see in a newsletter?

Program Updates.
New Creative Alerts.
Upcoming Promotions.
The All Famous Affiliate Interviews.

What else would you like in your newsletter?? How often would you like to receive a newsletter?

All relevant ideas welcome..

Regards :)

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Ha - deletion of newsletters is certainly something I have done on many occasions. I used to store them in a 'newsletter' folder in Outlook, but it just became a folder I never viewed.

The title is very important. If it is a general title, then I tend not to open the email. That is the first and most important thing to get me to look deeper.

Too much information is also a deterrent for me. If the newsletter is extremely long, then I tend to archive it.

What gets my attention:

1. Great Title with news I feel makes sense to my business

2. Concise newsletter - no too long

What I think should be in a newsletter

1. Banner Updates

2. Special Promotions

3. Quick Stats - How much did your top affiliate make? How much did your average affiliate make?

4. Tips and Tricks - What trends can affiliates make use of to garner more traffic

That's my shortlist :) Affiliate Interviews are overdone. We can go to GPWA OR read any of the newsletters or magazines now since they all have stolen GPWA's idea on that one. (IMO)


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
Reaction score
The content has to be about new things for me to do more than scan - New program features, new games in the software, new creatives.

I love newsletters announcing new games and those which feed in links complete with tags for new creatives. When I get these, the changes get implemented within one day at most.

Everything else gets read when I have time (often that is like - never)


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
Reaction score
Pretty much what everyone else has said I agree with one thing that really ticks me off is when a program has major changes and they forget to tell us about it! Another thing that is cool is what slots are the players enjoying and if you can go a step further and tell me the geo location that enjoys certain slots that is even better. If your program has progressives I like updates on that and fresh marketing material is a MUST :)