online casino info dotcom is spamming me !!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
The "person"who owns has been spamming my site for over four months. I spent all of the holidays removing 10's of thousands of articles like this one

You will see they link to my site using one word that means nothing and then to a buffer site that has a link to their site.

My disavow sheet is 45 pages long. It has been 100's of hours...

Please help me stop them it is totally out of hand.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
One of my sites is being linked by articles like that too. Always using random anchor words and posted on irrelevant blogs all over the place. Its an automated negative seo attack against lots of different established sites.

There is nothing you can do except monitor it and update the disavow file. Ours is over 2000 domains currently and I update it weekly.

There is actually a small side benefit to this. Yahoo and Bing don't seem to interpret any links as negative so these dicks trying to attack us are actually improving our standing within those search engines.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
Have you noticed ANY impact?

Was there a negative impact when the links were created?
Did it reverse out when you "disavowed"?

I don't think google is that easily gamed in 2015 - have you considered ignoring them completely? (and saving a lot of time)

Actually that is what I did at first, but I felt a negative impact. Even that of course is speculation but it corresponded to those articles after leving them for a few months.

After disavow the very next day traffic increased 25%

Agian it could be unrelated but,

G likes it nice and clean. :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I have not noticed anything specific from this particular attack and the others I see weekly. We are on top of this sort of thing really quickly now and no-one can ever say for sure what caused a change in rankings as there are so many factors to consider. I don't even really monitor rankings, just overall traffic volume.

That said, within the last 2 years we were hit with a far less sophisticated attack of over half a million automated forum links that all used the same anchor text. That one caused us a google penalty and months of work to have it removed. Believe me you do not want this to happen to you, and it is very easily done with sites offering to do it for a pittance for any scum willing to pay.

So learning from that, another more recent attack in a similar vein was spotted and disavowed early and has had no effect or penalty (so far, fingers crossed). I don't see it as a waste of time. I'm not taking any chances and unfortunately it is necessary pre-emptive maintenance these days. These new ones described by muffincrumbs are particularly bad because the anchor text linked is completely random in a machine generated article which makes them extremely difficult to find en masse.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
This unfortunately is exactly why Google is floored by design. No 3'rd party should be able to affect a site's serps with negative SEO.
It's akin to someone busted for speeding and you being held accountable for it. Totally utterly ludicrous!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
We're now seeing links very similar to this popping up from the verified casinos hacker. The sites that are hacked are being cloaked so GoogleBot sees a blog page of machine generated rubbish, with links to lots of different affiliate sites using random words, along with links to loads of other sites that have been hacked. They have created a massive link network of hacked sites but are also trying to link out to other good affiliate sites, ether for authority or to damage them. But a regular visitor that isn't using the GoogleBot UA sees the verifiedcasinos / yoosocial / 777bestcasino spam. You can check for this yourself by downloading a user agent switcher and viewing the hacked sites as googlebot yourself.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
hmm... sounds like KloakIT or something similar :( Should get caught soon, I would think. Cloaking only works so long and then banning, but do enough of it over and over and it lives for awhile


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Well its been working for the best part of 12 months now so I don't share your optimism. And so what if an individual hacked site gets banned? The hacker just lets his bot do the work of finding thousands more vulnerable blogs to hack each week.