Question about a no negative carryover policy


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
I have a general question, mainly asking because it is such a large sum of money.

Without giving out to much information, I am working with a program that has a "No negative carryover" policy. I have read through the TOS and it does not say anything relating to this, but I just wanted to know in general how it works with 'No negative carryover'.

I had a player win 35k last month. New month comes, stats are set back to zero, then the players starts playing his 35k. Without the player making a new deposit I have now accumulated a total of 11k in commission for this month.

Assuming the program acts in good faith, and there are no large wins, etc. Should I expect any issue with this commission?

This may be a dumb question, I would just expect to see something in the TOS about it.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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It's not a dumb question at all. The program may have some kind of 'high roller' clause that will mean you don't get your $11k commission. However, it all depends on the program.

This is exactly right.. Look for 'High Roller' in the T&C, look for 'Quarantine', look for 'Negative'.

Also - if this is your ONLY player, look for Minimum Player Requirements.

Of course, it's easier if you let someone know the program (even via PM) so they can look over the contract as well.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 7, 2009
Reaction score
The program is C-planet, and it looks like it may be from a long time player. I see nothing in the TOS in terms of anything that would relate to a high roller clause of anything of the sort, so looks like if all goes well I should be good.
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