Revenue Giants adds Negative Carryover Conditionally

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Revenue Giants adds Negative Carryover Conditionally
SUMMARY: Revenue Giants have decided to carry over negatives (against their TOS) when an affiliate does not update their payment methods.

TERMS Update - Negative Carryover

If the affiliate does not update the account with a valid payment method for a period of over 5 months , a calculation of the entire period of none payment will be calculated and not per calendar month.

SUMMARY: This is just another way to pocket affiliate earnings, IMO. Revenue Giants Terms say that they do not carry over negatives, but the new term clearly states that they can do it in a specific condition (retroactively)

Revenue Giants adds Negative Carryover Conditionally


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
That's pretty ambiguous, but I think your interpretation is probably correct. However, I have to ask this: what affiliate would not have a valid payment method in their account for 5 consecutive months if they're making money? And, indeed, even if they're not.

I'd guess that this is one of those terms that is designed to alleviate a certain amount of administrative headaches at Revenue Giants, but I'd be interested in Malci's input on this.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
Honestly I'd think they'd be happy to find, email the affiliate who is making money. Seems like a more respectful way to go about it. Something the affiliate might appreciate and then put up more banners.

Unhappy with the term myself. Especially given the fact that processors change all the time. just looks like an excuse to me.... ?

Stats should be calculated by programs not humans, so I don't know what headache there really is?


Affiliate Program Representative
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Revenue Giants Reply

[FONT=Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]Hi Guard Dog and AGD’s members, [/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]
Thanks tryme1, [/FONT][FONT=Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]:emoticon-0148-yes:[/FONT]
[FONT=Calibri, Verdana, Helvetica, Arial]Indeed I would be glad to explain this further;

The reason of this rule was because we found ourselves chasing affiliates to update their payment details, and the system keep rolling over commissions month after month not to mention attempting to send payment to incorrect payment details added by affiliates. We want to avoid it and to have all commissions and affiliate payment details up to date/speed. Having affiliates update their payment options helps keeping things in good order for us and for the affiliate.

This “rule” so far affect only one account in the entire system as most of the affiliates without payment details don’t have negative balance and at least 95% have payment option up to date.

You guys might not be a fan of this small rule by the sound of “negative carryover” but it worked since most of the affiliates updated their payment method and payment was sent more frequently and to more affiliates.

And WCD, for your comment, rest assure that if someone ask our help and we see s/he struggle to find a payment solution we will assist and will not use this rule as s/he make an effort to find a solution. We use it on cases when affiliate basically disappear for long time without giving any info on his account or keep giving us wrong account information. This “rule” assist us to have affiliates update their details on their own and on timely manner. We believe that 5 months is enough time to update your payment details.

Needless to say, this is of course not related to those that complete their valid payment method which is the majority as explained.

If anyone here has any other option how to do it differently I’m happy to hear other suggestions.

Malci[/FONT] ;)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
so why 'negative carryover'

I am sure that there could a better way to phrase that if 95% of affiliates have updated their details.

So the one affected, how is this going to be resolved, remove negative carryover when s/he updates their details?




Affiliate Program Representative
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Revenue Giants Reply

Constant dear, of course, once it is updated from that day onwards it is the same as all accounts (no negative carry over), the negative carry over will be only to reconcile previous period prior to the account being updated (with valid payment method).

That means that if account was with wrong payment method or with no payment method and let's say today it was updated we will combine the entire period (some goes back as to 2006) and all together e.g March 2006- March 2011 will be calculated as one period (i.e. negative may carry over when it is combined period) not one month by month. But from the day it is updated it is month to month reconciliation and payment. i.e. for April 2011 onwards each month is reconcile separately (i.e. no negative carry over).

Malci :)

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score

I don't think the question 'Why negative carryover?' was answered. What would be the purpose of penalizing your affiliates if they don't have an up to date payment method? I know that I have had that happen when Neteller went away (for US) and ECOCard.

Should I have been penalized? No. Would I have dropped that affiliate program like a bad habit after this happened to me? Absolutely.

I can not fathom a reason why this is necessary.


Affiliate Program Representative
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Hi Guard Dog, ;)

As I mentioned, having affiliates give invalid info or not having any info at all requires from us not only to chase on updating the info but also time consuming month after month trying to pay to an account that is invalid.
Plus, what good it is for affiliate to not give payment option? some other program may just let it slide so they wont need to pay, but I want my affiliates to be encouraged to keep their payment up to date what's wrong about that? as I said it works, most of our accounts now are up to date.

I want my affiliates to get their payment each month and to have the program without any debt or any ongoing never ending roll overs. so instead of calculating month after month which can be up to 36 months of activity in case the affiliate didn't update his/her payment info we will pay of course every penny no doubt about it! but instead of going month by month we will run a report for the period his/her account was not updated and we will pay the commission based on the total period and not month by month. This will mean a negative balance may carry over. Again, only for that period when the affiliate did not update or give us any info. Also, it is on a case to case basis, of course if something drooped on us all like happen with Paypal, Neteller, eWalletXpress, Eco etc it is a different story. Furthermore, we offer several options and assist affiliates to choose the right payment method. so why not to take the time and update your payment info?

Please let me know if you have any question my friends.

Yours, Malci