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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 28, 2013
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I have also read yesterday the post here from Dave and i wonder that apparently one admin has deleted this post. If this is the case i must say that's not okay and very questionable.

Deleting posts only because this platform administration don't like what others has to say or act against their interests is highly objectionable.

I don't know Dave personally but i know that he's a very experienced guy. You don't always must have the same opinion in every case, but what he writes makes sense.

You have done once before deleting a post from Leopold or closed a thread because some of you don't like what was written.

Dear administration, you should remember for what these platform should stay or were created.

Your members here are experienced users and knows from what they are talking. We are here to share our experiences and to learn from each other.

Of course each platform owners has it's own interest, experience and different approaches to lead a platform. But a platform should be transparency and don't let yourself be put under pressure by companies that want maybe to be present on this platform.

No one can change your actions, you can do it only by yourself.

Until now i liked participating here because i know also how difficult it can be for users to express opinion or to be critical. I'm only a small fish in this shark tank since 20+ years and my opinion probably doesn't matter.

But with deleting posts you will only achieve that more and more users are not enthusiastic about it and are thinking about possibly no longer participating. I know from what i'm talking because i has to do with.

If you want to be like GPWA, that's your choice. All I can tell you is that money isn't everything and it spoils the character.

Levi Hogan

Affiliate Program Representative
Feb 6, 2018
Reaction score
Hi Everyone,

I did report the post for obvious violations of the terms and conditions. It was unprofessional and defaming with no real complaint about our platform or its methodology and included my personal details.

I have been in the industry since 2006 and work with many affiliates from here. I do not know AussieDave and I have never personally worked with or done business with him.
All of that aside, his response had nothing to do with my original thread.

1.1 'Flaming' will not be tolerated. 'Flaming' are described as the following actions: insults, belittling, harassment, and any other post that is meant to incite ire/anger (flame) in another person or organization.
1.4 Posting private information such as real names, real addresses, and LinkedIn or other social media URLs in regards to a member or organization is not permitted.
1.5 Berating an affiliate for promoting organizations you *may not* promote will not be tolerated. Suggestions are ok. Explanations on why it would help to promote other organizations are fine. Berating the affiliate(s) will not be tolerated.

I hope this clears everything up.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
@DaftDog and @Insider - guys I really appreciate you having my back on this, and standing up, speaking your mind and not being sheep. It means a lot to me, thank you.

@Levi Hogan - is posting facts now flaming? Your user name is YOUR REAL NAME... So using it is OK. Sounds to me like you've twisted the forum rules, to suit your agenda and hide facts. Not cool dude!

Your program T&C's state:
"Magical Spin’s, NevadaWin’s, PrinceAli’s or Myshare Partners and/or Magical Spin Affiliates may alter any or all parts of the Agreement at any time (even without prior notice to the contracting party)."

You once worked for Spiral Solutions (adding for literally years - linkedin), you'd be well versed with how they lied, cheated and eventual screwed their affiliates over. My peers have a right to know about past events that you were possibly involved in, or at least, knowing you worked for said rogue program/company et al.

If this makes you uncomfortable, that's not my fault.

Some folks use the handbrake excuse by defend employees of past rogues, by saying, they were ONLY an employee. True, however, they're first and foremost a person, a human like all of us. And, choosing to stay at a rogue-company who is shafting affiliate partners, makes every excuse a moot point.

22 years in this gig, I've been privileged to know a handful of Affiliate Managers, Program Directors and such, who, their moral and ethical compass are true. I've seen them walk out of jobs because said program is shafting their partners.

Hell mate, in your own T&C's you have this: "even without prior notice to the contracting party", you know, I know, and even blind Freddy knows this isn't acceptable, least of all professional or driven with ethical standards. It's a shake down.

Dude what you've done here, has caused you and the affiliate program you represent, more damage than anything I could have ever posted... Well done!!!

P.S. Least you have the balls to say you did it, even if the reasoning is lame and BS.

(edited post due to typos)
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
@Levi Hogan - FYI... the reason I started researching you is because of:
  1. Your program's dodgy/unethical T&C's.
  2. Your name rang a bell for me (Lloyd Apter was and still is a friend, I worked with BS since opened).
One should always be mindful of the choices they make, because bad-ones will, one day, return to bite your ass.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
Hi Everyone,

I did report the post for obvious violations of the terms and conditions. It was unprofessional and defaming with no real complaint about our platform or its methodology and included my personal details.

This is your point of view Levi but it change nothing that administration remove posts from experienced members.

You have surely the right to complain about the post because you don't like it.

Can be that the post is written a bit harsch but we are in a industry where being lied to and cheated on, this is also my experience.

You are reffering to point 1.4 but i haven't read anything about your personal informations. If you want to find informations about someone, lets say about social channels, then you will find because they are public.

Rules can also be interpreted in different ways. One can discuss that Dave maybe have the chance to relativize his post or to soften something.

He certainly didn't mean you personally, but your position as the responsible manager behind the group or the group itself.

You come here and secretly complain about other posts you don't like. I find you must endure when you work in this business.

I think if people are connected to crooked behavior or anything else, then it should be allowed to bring that up.

There is so much fraud and dishonorable behavior in this industry, also AGD or LCB knows that.

I don't think personal insults are okay either, but where does a personal insult start and where does it end?

So also my posts will lead here to different opinions and views.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
May 15, 2007
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Your program T&C's state:
"Magical Spin’s, NevadaWin’s, PrinceAli’s or Myshare Partners and/or Magical Spin Affiliates may alter any or all parts of the Agreement at any time (even without prior notice to the contracting party)."
What's the point of even having terms and conditions on your site if you can just change them as you see fit. Any program that has t&c's like this is a joke and can never be trusted.
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
Just an FYI this is not a certified program at AGD so please be aware of reading the T&C's before joining or working with this program

Is MySharePartners specifically "certified"? No.

However, Magical Spin Affiliates, certainly is.

FYI, if your quick when loading, you'll see the site is using/accessing data from and populating MySharePartners with this data.

The T&C's uses on are those sneakily feed from a FRAME, but come from, which in the aformentioned T&C's, these state multiple domains.

In fact, in the following thread, AGD has "certified". What I finds hard to understand though, is how AGD missed the rogue-clause?
(even without prior notice to the contracting party)

Checking the Wayback Machine, that nasty and very unfriendly affiliate statement, was on the T&C's way back in 2019, when, @Guard Dog said: "Terms look friendly"

Any program who uses (even without prior notice to the contracting party) in their T&C's is not friendly!!!

I've asked this question previously, and it always gets ignore. So instead of asking again, I'll simply accept that a NO reply answer, actually means that NO one actual vetoes T&C's. Or, if they do, they skim over it, because it doesn't affect their livelihood. AKA... a paid employee of AGD.
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
So I do some more digging, and find this:

Accepting players from the UK even though they are not UKGC licensed.

POGG's trustworthy rating 3/10

And why is it that when one tries to visit:, they end up on, even though, remain in the browser URL...

Everything about this place stinks, and looks uber dodgy.

I don't highlight rogue activity or those who have been associated with rogue programs, to just stir the pot. I do it because affiliates have a RIGHT to know who they're about to do business with, and if said business and or employees et al have any dirty washing!

I notice Levi was here again today/night, but this time no comment... Hiding low, magical idea, mate!
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score

Feel like singing a rendition of...
'If you know that your dodgy clap your hands'... However, I'll refrain that urge :cool:
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Levi Hogan

Affiliate Program Representative
Feb 6, 2018
Reaction score
@Levi Hogan - FYI... the reason I started researching you is because of:
  1. Your program's dodgy/unethical T&C's.
  2. Your name rang a bell for me (Lloyd Apter was and still is a friend, I worked with BS since opened).
One should always be mindful of the choices they make, because bad-ones will, one day, return to bite your ass.

Hello AussieDave.

First - I will try to respond to each of your current posts regarding our program, I am sorry for the delay but I do try to not work over the weekends.

Second - Regarding Brightshare, Lloyd and whatever else happened 10 years ago, I had no hand in that. It isn't my problem and I can't change what happened. I am sure you aware that I worked in many other marketing departments at that time and mainly handled the IT and back-office of affiliation at that time.

Third - the terms you pointed out. I have relooked them over and already booked a meeting with our legal team in order to fix the wording. I can see, from your perspective and others in this forum, how this could be misconstrued despite the fact it has never been an issue for the last 6 years nor has this term ever even been put on the table or questioned by anyone else. So addressing the issue that I do have some control over - it will be taken care of early next week.

I will create another post to speak about your other concerns as to not make this post lengthy.


Levi Hogan

Affiliate Program Representative
Feb 6, 2018
Reaction score
Is MySharePartners specifically "certified"? No.

However, Magical Spin Affiliates, certainly is.

FYI, if your quick when loading, you'll see the site is using/accessing data from and populating MySharePartners with this data.

The T&C's uses on are those sneakily feed from a FRAME, but come from, which in the aformentioned T&C's, these state multiple domains.

In fact, in the following thread, AGD has "certified". What I finds hard to understand though, is how AGD missed the rogue-clause?
(even without prior notice to the contracting party)

Checking the Wayback Machine, that nasty and very unfriendly affiliate statement, was on the T&C's way back in 2019, when, @Guard Dog said: "Terms look friendly"

Any program who uses (even without prior notice to the contracting party) in their T&C's is not friendly!!!

I've asked this question previously, and it always gets ignore. So instead of asking again, I'll simply accept that a NO reply answer, actually means that NO one actual vetoes T&C's. Or, if they do, they skim over it, because it doesn't affect their livelihood. AKA... a paid employee of AGD.

Hi AussieDave,

Apologizes, I remembered you from another forum and see we have already spoken concerning this and I felt is had been resolved as I took your feedback and acted on it. However, at the time there was no mention of the above terms and conditions clause or I would have addressed it prior as well.

I will quote from the other forum.

And as you can see in our terms and conditions we are the same company and this is transparent.

Terms and conditions Is Mysharepartners rebranded. Not iframed just redirected. and we own many domains.

Last updated November 29th, 2021

The following document sets out the terms and conditions (the ‘Agreement’) for participating in the Magical Spin’s, NevadaWin’s, PrinceAli’s or Myshare Partners and/or Magical Spin Affiliates Program “all being are subsidiaries of BETRUST ENTERTAINMENT B.V.” (the ‘Program’).

Hi Aussie Dave,

I see you took a lot of time to research things on me and our program. We are honored and I will try to explain some of the things you noted.

Concerning the mention of me personally above.
When searching my name you will find me looking for traffic and partnerships for the last 14 years. I am not sure what the relevance was. Unless it had to do with my relationship to Magical Spin Affiliates.

Regarding our URLS
We have redirected to "" being our original affiliates program and where our site is parked. We decided to re-brand our name as we took on more casinos to manage under our licenses. However, our tracking platform was already setup under the original URL and hundreds of IO's "Contracts: already signed. So we opted to keep MagicalSpinAffiliates active also. We are the same company after all.

Regarding Iframing
The Iframing within our terms being forbidden is an industry security standard to avoid our sites being iframed. " Iframes Bring Security Risks. If you create an iframe, your site can become vulnerable to cross-site attacks. You may get a submittable malicious web form, phishing of our users' personal data. A malicious user can run a plug-in.

Regarding Terms and conditions, the T&C's are delivered via a DIV layer
Please note:
We have now removed the DIV layer and added a button with URL. Although we provided this page on request.

Terms have been updated to make it more clear.
The following document sets out the terms and conditions (the ‘Agreement’) for participating in the Magical Spin’s, NevadaWin’s, PrinceAli’s or Myshare Partners and/or Magical Spin Affiliates Program “all being are subsidiaries of BETRUST ENTERTAINMENT B.V.” (the ‘Program’).

Regarding GGR of 25 - 35%, which in the " T&C's it refers to NGR, the commission structure would end up being of a pathetically low value, once all the GGR deduction took place." We welcome you to test our system our terms are clear and the formula used is made public. We pay on gross gaming revenue meaning the NGR seen is based on the Gross calculation. We are transparent about this. If we say 30% you get a real 30% no hidden fees or admin costs to you.

Terms and Conditions were also updated to be clearer to the public concerning Gross Profit ‘Gross revenue does not take into account other business deductions commonly made by casinos, such as staff costs and hospitality expenses. It also does not include taxes. ‘Gross’ means total, so gross revenue is the total amount of money being earned by the casino.

I hope this answers your feedback.


In closing, I would like to add I am always available to answer any questions or concerns in regards to our platform.



New Member
May 8, 2014
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Hi Levi

Just to clarify. Are you saying the part that states "Magical Spin’s, NevadaWin’s, PrinceAli’s or Myshare Partners and/or Magical Spin Affiliates may alter any or all parts of the Agreement at any time" is an acceptable term.

Levi Hogan

Affiliate Program Representative
Feb 6, 2018
Reaction score
Hi Levi

Just to clarify. Are you saying the part that states "Magical Spin’s, NevadaWin’s, PrinceAli’s or Myshare Partners and/or Magical Spin Affiliates may alter any or all parts of the Agreement at any time" is an acceptable term.

Hi Jono78,

We were actually addressing an issue in regards to the above that was left over from the previous management. which stated (even without prior notice to the contracting party). If applicable, Which has been removed.

Which read:
Magical Spin’s, NevadaWin’s, PrinceAli’s or Myshare Partners and/or Magical Spin Affiliates may alter any or all parts of the Agreement at any time (even without prior notice to the contracting party). If applicable, notice will be given by message to the affiliate’s registered email address and will be deemed to be served immediately when sent by Magical Spin’s, NevadaWin’s, PrinceAli’s or MysharePartners and/or Magical Spin Affiliates

However, yes of course we must keep our terms and conditions flexible in order to accommodate updates with industry standards, international banking laws and licensing and regulations.



New Member
May 8, 2014
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"alter any or all parts of the Agreement at any time" is not flexible. It's worthless. The only thing you have changed in the T&C's is the fact you have to email an affiliate prior to shafting them.