Taking Bids on Graphics Package


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
I am currently taking bids for a complete website graphics package for a gambling related website.

Bids should include; All website graphics, including Logo, Favacon, Icons, Backgrounds, Color Scheme and all associated themed miscellaneous website graphics, in required file formats for a php/MySQL template driven site.

I am only looking for very high quality and totally unique themed graphics packages.
Let me stress, only totally unique themed graphics packages will be considered.

Portfolio examples required upon submission of bid.

Winning bidder will be required to work with site owner and a webmaster/coder, to set design and theme the graphics.

All bids and transactions will be required to be held in the strictest confidence, by all parties.

I will be taking Bids until October 1st, 2010.

Please PM here me if your interested in submitting a bid or have any questions.


New Member
Sep 3, 2010
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Robert at Brandsoftech

To whom it may concern,

We would like to quote on this project. Our company web sites are BrandSoftech.com - and DimerNet.com

What type of volume or number of sites are you looking for per month? Do you require flash graphics for each.

Please let us know.

What email can we submit quote too?

Kind Regards,

I am currently taking bids for a complete website graphics package for a gambling related website.

Bids should include; All website graphics, including Logo, Favacon, Icons, Backgrounds, Color Scheme and all associated themed miscellaneous website graphics, in required file formats for a php/MySQL template driven site.

I am only looking for very high quality and totally unique themed graphics packages.
Let me stress, only totally unique themed graphics packages will be considered.

Portfolio examples required upon submission of bid.

Winning bidder will be required to work with site owner and a webmaster/coder, to set design and theme the graphics.

All bids and transactions will be required to be held in the strictest confidence, by all parties.

I will be taking Bids until October 1st, 2010.

Please PM here me if your interested in submitting a bid or have any questions.


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
Reaction score
Our company web sites are BrandSoftech.com

I checked the URL, lol...this place designed, marketed and promoted the VCG clip joint, VIP Lounge.

Credit where credit is due, the flash (James Bond 007 theme) in that site kicked so to did the design...But what tha? With talent like that...you worked for the BIGGEST crooks in the business, Virtual Casino Group.

And as it happens, BrandSoftech.com is located in Costa Rica too.

Hmmm wonder if this place is owned by VCG too.



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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
I am only looking for very high quality and totally unique themed graphics packages.
Let me stress, only totally unique themed graphics packages will be considered.
I usually do not parade this around but I am good at motion graphics, graphics, coding, well basically everything you need. The advantage is trust. I never put all my energies into affiliations because it just doesn't pay lol. Instead I always have done freelance work of all sorts, too many to list.

I am booked for the next little while but would be willing.

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New Member
Sep 3, 2010
Reaction score
Hi Dave,

First of all, yes I did work on contract with the Virtual group for the Bond site many years ago. But please, they have nothing to do with Brandsoftech. I worked for them back in 2006 for a very limited time. Since then I have created sites for Chipleader, WorldRefer, 49erCasino and a ton of others. We have absolutely no connection with them at all for obvious reasons.

However, that being said, I would still like to quote on your site. One question, is the site being built on Wordpress or a similar content management platform and do you require flash?

Please let me know. Look forward to hearing from you.

Kind Regards,