[WTS] Top Rated Writer Available for Taking Orders

Subhajit Roul

Sep 6, 2018
Reaction score
Let me introduce myself. My name is Subhajit, and I have been a freelance writer for 10 years. Through my excellent command of the language, I provide clients with engaging content. In addition to writing, I also handle editing, proofreading, and formatting.

✅ 100% positive rating

✅ Top-Rated Writer on Upwork with more than 200 projects completed

✅ Level 4 Writer on PeoplePerHour

✅ Member of the Digital Point Forum since 2009, completed more than 300 projects

I enjoy long-term jobs. In my long career, I never missed a deadline, and I will notify you when there are problems. You can always count on my quick response time. I am also available over the weekend. As a full-time writer, I would be a good fit for this job. Would you be interested in my skills?

Skype:- subhajit.roul

Subhajit Roul

Sep 6, 2018
Reaction score
If you're looking for someone to write excellent copy for your casino, betting site, or slot game reviews, then you've come to the right person. I have extensive experience in writing compelling copy that engages the reader and drives conversions.

Some of the benefits of working with me include:

- High-quality, well-written copy that engages the reader

- A focus on conversions, so you can make the most out of your traffic

- Fast turnaround times so you can get your content live as soon as possible

If you're interested in seeing what I can do, then please don't hesitate to get in touch. I look forward to hearing from you soon!