Brightshare chargeback


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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2. "....BS has been shaving like no other." Inspiration, would you like to offer any facts here, or just throw out the accusation?

What Vladi said

All in all, after shafting affiliates and underpaying us with the "All Slots USA" rip off, then selling all the player accounts to jackpot Capital without compensating anyone, the accusations made by Lloyd Apter of shaving and dodginess, and the repeated questions being brought up like in this thread, I really don't think that they are very trustworthy and if I were a new affiliate I would steer clear of these guys.

and the 15% new commission rule.


Nov 11, 2007
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Hi Inspiration,

1. "What Vladi said" has no facts - just "accusations" and "questions" - in his own words.

2. "the 15% new commission rule" - is not shaving.....this is a legitimate point in our T+Cs - one which most affiliate programs have - feel free to check them - and some are even stricter in that your commission drops to a reduced rate if your account has no new players in one month - ours is three months. A point, BTW, which has been discussed and accepted by AGD and GPWA.

Thanks - Marcia


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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I'd like to put forward another observation which has just sprung to mind.

Hypothetically if these chargebacks are bogus, then affiliates are being screwed over twice. Once with the chargeback deductions and then with locked accounts. If this ends up being the case, then guess who has these players now ;)

I don't believe an ex-program manager, would wait 2 years and then stir up shit about Brightshare on the premise he's disgruntled. Human nature doesn't usually work like that. These things happen because people are angry, hurt, offended etc etc. If he was going to stir up shit (irrespective of a non disclosure clause in his contract), he'd have posted this information long ago. Because after 2 years, people have moved on and the pain associated with things like this has faded away.

The shenanigans (facts) tied to the ASUSA scam prove Brightshare and Spiral Solutions are ethically challenged. What's happened since then, is just more of the same BS - bullshit.
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Hate to say it, guys... but Marcia is 100% correct - we need facts here. Baseless accusations shouldn't happen from our side (affiliates) any more than it would from their side (affiliate management).

Let's please stick to the facts here.

Thanks! (and, no, I'm not taking sides... nor was I prompted to make this post) - just for clarification :)


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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we need facts here.

But, even when facts are posted mate, in relation to BS, they get side-stepped. The $38 Chargeback fee is one, as is the thread topic.

(Off topic) but still related to trust issues and Brightshare, ASUSA - yes I know BS tried to claim ASUSA was not related to them but got busted on that too!
http:// www. affiliateguarddog. com/forums/mg-usa-players-being-sold-rtg-operators-affiliates-left-out-t3996.html (you thanked the poster here) and then posted: http:// www. affiliateguarddog. com/forums/mg-usa-players-being-sold-rtg-operators-affiliates-left-out-t3996.html#post26363

Redirecting tagged players/traffic to an RTG casino, and not giving the affiliates tagged to these players, due credit. As you stated "They need to read a business ethics book ".


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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It might be an idea to start a class action against them. With hundreds of affiliates the legal fees won't be much at all. Anyone interested?

It seems some affiliates program think, they can do what they like, to their partners. The GP (grand prive) schmozzle proves that. And, it's my opinion, if affiliate back then took a class action out, instead of wasting their time discussing it on forums, it would have given a clear message to the programs.

Count me in on a class action law suit. Better a court ruling anyway!


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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I'm glad you put the word "facts" in quotation marks......

I thought you were "outta here"
Incidentally, anything else you say, state or otherwise post, should that too, be taken with a grain of salt :rolleyes:


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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Hi Inspiration,

1. "What Vladi said" has no facts - just "accusations" and "questions" - in his own words.

2. "the 15% new commission rule" - is not shaving.....this is a legitimate point in our T+Cs - one which most affiliate programs have - feel free to check them - and some are even stricter in that your commission drops to a reduced rate if your account has no new players in one month - ours is three months. A point, BTW, which has been discussed and accepted by AGD and GPWA.

Thanks - Marcia

There are no real facts to prove things regarding players unless somebody has performed a proper audit.

It is my overall experience with your program (opinion) and what you did with our players base without giving proper credit.

Besides that you can point your finger at the new "approved" T&Cs as often as you want, these will never become very sexy whatever makeup you put on it.

It is rather lead by example : they can do it so can we.

All are not thieves that dogs bark at.........


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
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1. "What Vladi said" has no facts - just "accusations" and "questions" - in his own words.

Seeing as you have a strange definition of the word "fact" and you have in effect called me a liar I'll make it real simple for you.

On the topic of Brightshare, I too had the argument about having the full amount of the chargeback deducted from my earnings way back in 2009/10 or so. At the time that is exactly what they did. They calculated commissions, then subtracted chargebacks off the commission total, not the net revenue. The argument got nowhere, not least because I think the AM at the time completely failed to understand the question I was asking. As it was only a few hundred and we were earning lots at the time (those days are long gone with these guys) we let it go.

Unfortunately cannot find the email records to prove this one. I do have it noted in one of our revenue spreadsheets though. It is a FACT and I am glad that you have changed your ways and now calculate chargebacks correctly.

All in all, after shafting affiliates and underpaying us with the "All Slots USA" rip off, then selling all the player accounts to jackpot Capital without compensating anyone, the accusations made by Lloyd Apter of shaving and dodginess, and the repeated questions being brought up like in this thread, I really don't think that they are very trustworthy and if I were a new affiliate I would steer clear of these guys.

These are all facts.

I was owed around $4400 by All Slots USA and was paid less than $1600 when they disappeared. Emails to Janet Edwards asking where the rest was were not replied to. FACT.

On 21/06/2011, at 6:10 PM, affiliates USA wrote:


We are doing all effort to transfer the remaining of our clients' earnings.
You will be expecting 1,549.10 USD in the next week or so to your bank account detailed below:

Best Regards,

Janet Edwards
Affiliate Manager
All Slots USA Casino Affiliates

From: Me
Sent: Wednesday, June 22, 2011 2:49 AM
To: affiliates USA
Subject: Re: AS USA Affiliate Program - Final Payment

Ok thats a start.

But how on earth do you come up with $1549.10 when we are owed $4398.37?
What can we expect the other $2849.27?

... crickets ...

This happened to other affiliates too. FACT.

All Slots USA sold their database of US based players to Jackpot Capital and even sent players mailers that directed them to welcoming landing pages and transferred their balances over intact. FACT. Look, they still have a couple of landing pages up.

All Slots
All Slots Casino

Affiliates that worked for years to send all these US players to Brightshare were not compensated with a percentage of the revenue that Brightshare received for this sale. FACT.
ASUSA (Brightshare) Closing

None of the players that were sold to Jackpot Capital were ever tagged to an affiliate account belonging to me. FACT.

Lloyd Apter has stated that management of Brightshare encouraged their employees to shave affiliates. FACT.
Message from Lloyd

Of course it is up to each individual to choose whether to believe him or not. I do.

I don't trust you or your company. FACT.

I recommend that new affiliates stay away. FACT.

So there you have it, everything I stated was a fact. Don't ever call me a liar again.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 1, 2013
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Thanks everyone for the posts and comments.

Personally I am trying to get out of the casino affiliate business for it is DEAD. My recommendation to any affiliate out there is to diversify to other industries ASAP. It was good while it lasted. The UIGEA, Euro regulation, financial crisis, and dubious casino affiliate programs, have killed the industry. Also in my case, the US dollar depreciation was a double whammy.

If casino operators think they can manage without affiliates then they will wilt and disappear eventually. If I was running an online casino I would be doing the exact opposite to what everyone else is doing. I would embrace every affiliate out there and would have a fully transparent affiliate program. I would not reduce commissions or make retroactive changes to the terms, and I would have monthly affiliate competitions to push for more exposure. That kind of a program would bring in a ton of business.

65% to 70% of something is better than NOTHING!! But there's no limit to the greed of casino owners. I know, I've worked with them. Earning half a million a month (straight in the pocket) is not enough.. must have more.

Over and out.. good luck to all.

Tropica / Cash o' lot

Affiliate Program Representative
Dec 15, 2011
Reaction score
It really is a pity that most affiliates feel this way.

The good news is that there are still programs out there that offer affiliates all the perks they long for. If you want to increase your income, work with those that won't screw you over. It will take time for the results to come, but at least you don't have to worry about quotas, NCO, etc.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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It really is a pity that most affiliates feel this way

Trying working hard for years, being loyal to programs and then, one day, waking up to realize they've been stealing from you, some probably doing it from day one! It's a not a pleasant experience I can assure you. Especially when most affiliates are just one-person businesses, who, work damn hard, trying to make a better life for their family.

What these programs do, is nothing short of out-right theft.

Not that I'm pointing a finger at you mate but after promoting Playshare group since they opened, more than few affiliates then watching, Casino Rewards blatantly cross marketed and whore their other brands to these tagged players. Affiliates who were earning decent 4 and 5 figures each month from Playshare, soon made nothing. It's this greedy and crooked operators who have ruined the industry.
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Just saying, this thread relates to Brightshare, why hasn't it been moved to the Brightshare Forum?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 21, 2012
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This post is 100% spot on about about Brightshare "aka" Noshare, we dumped these clowns way back as many things were just not adding up.
They are either
A. Thieves
B. Totally useless
C. All of the above

Take your pick....

Seeing as you have a strange definition of the word "fact" and you have in effect called me a liar I'll make it real simple for you.

Unfortunately cannot find the email records to prove this one. I do have it noted in one of our revenue spreadsheets though. It is a FACT and I am glad that you have changed your ways and now calculate chargebacks correctly.

These are all facts.

I was owed around $4400 by All Slots USA and was paid less than $1600 when they disappeared. Emails to Janet Edwards asking where the rest was were not replied to. FACT.

... crickets ...

This happened to other affiliates too. FACT.

All Slots USA sold their database of US based players to Jackpot Capital and even sent players mailers that directed them to welcoming landing pages and transferred their balances over intact. FACT. Look, they still have a couple of landing pages up.

All Slots
All Slots Casino

Affiliates that worked for years to send all these US players to Brightshare were not compensated with a percentage of the revenue that Brightshare received for this sale. FACT.
ASUSA (Brightshare) Closing

None of the players that were sold to Jackpot Capital were ever tagged to an affiliate account belonging to me. FACT.

Lloyd Apter has stated that management of Brightshare encouraged their employees to shave affiliates. FACT.
Message from Lloyd

Of course it is up to each individual to choose whether to believe him or not. I do.

I don't trust you or your company. FACT.

I recommend that new affiliates stay away. FACT.

So there you have it, everything I stated was a fact. Don't ever call me a liar again.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
This post covers most, if not all, of the ASUSA debacle ASUSA And Brightshare Lies, a lot of similarities connected to, specifically chargebacks, in that post and this thread. Taking into account what Vladi, UKJeff, fulltimer and other Brightshare affiliates have posted here and elsewhere, these all point to BS operating their affiliate program in a rogue manner. For how long that's happened is anyone's guess.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 23, 2009
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I just wanted to pop my head in here and say that we started working with BS recently and so far are impressed with the hands-on nature of our relationship with them. I haven't been following this thread overly closely - but from what I have read it all seems fairly standard for affiliate programs these days.

We prefer to hand-pick a small amount of operators that we trust and work out our own deals - everyone has there own approach. I'm not endorsing BS, but what I will say is that we extensively investigate all programs, and even more so potential and current partners... what we found is that BS is more trustworthy/equal with the best programs on MGS.

Take it for what it's worth, I'm just one affiliate. Feel free to slam/trash/scream at my analysis, it won't upset me. I've been around a long time and feel comfortable with this report... have zero ulterior motives except to show my experience thus far.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 1, 2013
Reaction score
This post covers most, if not all, of the ASUSA debacle ASUSA And Brightshare Lies, a lot of similarities connected to, specifically chargebacks, in that post and this thread. Taking into account what Vladi, UKJeff, fulltimer and other Brightshare affiliates have posted here and elsewhere, these all point to BS operating their affiliate program in a rogue manner. For how long that's happened is anyone's guess.

And the chargebacks continue on... same player. Charging back now three months in a row.

December 2013 ASM6...553 chargeback -980.56

It doesn't matter what Brightshare reps write, or what their cronies write here. Brightshare reps have no affiliate management skills. I mean seriously, if I'm not worth more to them as an active affiliate than a couple of thousand dollars, then it's clear to me that their plan is to get rid of affiliates all together - keeping the players of course and 100% of the revenues. Wouldn't be surprised if they closed shop this year.


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