seeking investment


New Member
Hello guys. Our team is working on black seo for a long period of time.
Sometimes ago we came to casino business.
Right now we have about 70 sites. Some of them are in top of google. I will show you all info.
If you have money and want to make more - contact me by private message, i will give you all information.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
... Black seo? As in blackhat? No thank you... Blackhat is the very short term plan... I think most members here are in it for the long haul..


New Member
i have some domains for 2 years on top, i can show you all info.
anyway if you dont know what are you talking about - just dont talk)


24 years & still going!
anyway if you dont know what are you talking about - just dont talk)

lol that's funny, given you've commenced this thread, at a community, where the majority frowns upon blackhat ;D Besides, if these sites have been in Google top serps for 2 years, then it makes this thread even more suspect, by you coming here asking for investment $$$'s.
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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
i`m asking not about $$$, but about $$$$$.
and what is problem?

I'm not quite understanding... you are asking for investment into black hat seo? For what purpose? If you are good at black hat seo, then you wouldn't need investors, right? Most of the tools you need for that 'sport' are fairly inexpensive - correct? I'm lost.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Does that even work anymore? It has to be all quality or nothing at all I think.

I mean we all want to do the best we can with our visibility, but I agree with online18 when he said I don not think anyone here is really interested in the route.

But I think we are all guilty of grey-hat tactics, and much argument lives in the definition of the in between.

I don't get it either. Are you trying to sell something?


New Member
Unfortunately blackhat tactics still work, especially in other languages than English.
Still waiting for Google to kick in a higher gear to remove these blackhat sites.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Yep, actually I've seen quite an uptick on these sites recently, unfortuantely.


check out all the ones beating casinocity (ridiculous because casinocity most people know is a very trusted site)

ive noticed a huge network of these and they are pushing affactive and revjet brands exclusively it seems :mad:

Unfortunately blackhat tactics still work, especially in other languages than English.
Still waiting for Google to kick in a higher gear to remove these blackhat sites.


24 years & still going!
Yep, actually I've seen quite an uptick on these sites recently, unfortuantely.


There's a lot of the sh#t going on lately. It's especially annoying when there's a alog update and the whitehat sites get deranked BUT these blackhatters thrive. Seems what Cutts says is only relivant to mainstream SEO because in our industry, Google rewards blackhat and other varied dodgy activities. And it seems we're all under the misaprehension that doing blackhat is only short lived.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Even if it is not short lived, the short term gains are enough to justify doing it, and then reinvesting and doing it again. Either way it is a cycle that must be broken.


New Member
Hello guys. I need to explain our position.
We are looking for close term relationship. We have many sites in top in FR, US, NO, UK and we got full e-mail box of letters from affiliate programs, managers, casino brands.
All of them are talking about putting their brand on our sites. But when we begin talking about some guarantee or prepaid - talk is closed. Casino - a place where there is always a lot of money. We just want to find trusted partner, to work closely to each other and get money.

About seo - i bet, if we are working on same countries - you know our sites. We are not doing just blackseo, there is a lot of our sites in top, that are moved in top, just because of good content and links from casino related sites. Blackhat seo and White seo are very close to each other, the difference is that we(blackhat seo) have more instruments and resources, and everyday trying new ways to cheat google. But we are so good at blackhat, how good we are in a whitehat.
I`m opened to discussion, fell free to contact me, if you are interested, i will show you our current positions, commission stats, etc.


24 years & still going!
What myself and I believe other members are have hard time understanding, is why you'd seek "investment" if, your sites are ranking as well as they are. These sort of serps produce BIG dollars and if you have all these sites, then you'd be making BIG dollars. Hence "seeking investment", makes even less sense. In this case 2+2 doesn't equal 4!


New Member
You are right, if there is a good month - you can catch some vip players and earn 100k$ commission, but usually you earn much less.
And i`m not working alone, we have a team, and believe me, we are not millionaires.
For example - we got 30k$ commission.
We need to pay for hosting(we have about 120 sites, on separate ip`s, that must be payed every month), also we need to pay for some our blackhat and whitehat seo purposes, like ahrefs elite account and other seo sites.
Now lets count our profit:
30k$ - seo, hosting, new domains, commission of bank, atm and other= 27k$
We have 4 peoples in our team. 27k/4=6.75k$.
6,7k$ not so much, because we all have a wifes, childrens, diesel fuel for car. And i dont see a way here, to invest my own money, because i dont have them. But big casino brands got this money, and some investors also - that means, that we are losing time, because:
1) process of going to top - is a long period.
2) with every year, there is a lot of newcomers in "online casino business", that means - its going harder to get top places.
3) you need to make money today, not tomorrow - because nobody knows, what will happen to this world tomorrow:)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Thanks. It is comforting to know that being a cheating, spamming dickhead that is only interested in money costs you so much.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Exactly what is investing going to do? Are you going to all work faster and harder? If so, why don't you just do it?

But if it really is money you need and 3k gets you 27k explain to me one more time really really slowly why you won't invest $750 per month per team member to double your earnings to from 6.75k to 13.5k per month :emoticon-0137-clapp

Vladi, I think you forgot two important adjectives in your list there... 'stupid' and 'liar'

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
This will be my last post as this thread is really annoying me to be in the top threads at AGD.

3000/4 = 750 is not a joke. You have four equal partners walking away with 6.75 each month. If you all put in 750, that equals 3000. By your own math next month you'd all make 13.5k each.

I'd advise against investing in anyone who can't do simple math.


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