7starsPartners changing ALREADY SENT players deal without any prior info

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New Member
Oct 29, 2017
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(edit. this has been posted to GPWA as well , prior to this , 7stars had also been notified that i would be posting this issue to AGD and GPWA).

Heya all!

Had talked about this now with 7starsPartners and tried to find some kind of middle ground with no results. Notified them as well that we can continue this here as well to get some outside opinion on the matter.

Long story short , end of 2020 we agreed on to list 7starspartners brands to our site. Brands had not been at the site prior to this. We agreed on a hybrid deal , there was no FTD limits ,brand limits, certain placements etc. Just a regular listing. 7stars was also informed that this will be for one site only which is a SEO-site which only has one GEO of traffic. This was agreed on few minutes with no issues or problems. This was no special push of the brands , just a typical standard listing.

After this , had to take a break for a few months in the business and 7stars was one of the brands i did not get to list yet. As of March 2021 , i went through the brands we had not listed yet if agreed to and listed the brands on March. The agreed hybrid deal was still on and i listed the brands at the site. Things was going pretty nice , decent amount of traffic coming in and some earnings generating.

Fast forward to end of the month , i log in to their affbackend and first thing i see is that earnings are 0€ and that the deal and already sent about 120 players had been changed from the hybrid deal to a standard revshare ladderdeal starting from 5% revshare. Important to note is that the deal had not been changed so that new players coming in would be on the standard revshare deal , the deal had been changed so that the ALREADY sent players had been transferred to this as well.

I contact them that what is happening and why is this the case. They respond that it´s been so long we agreed on it and they have no idea where the traffic is coming from. Although we had gone through EVERYTHING including the site and that we only have one site and one GEO-we work with. ( Everybody understands they are just throwing something in response to get away with this) I asked to find some kind of middleground and their response is that players have not deposited enough yet and have won so Netrev is negative
( Netrev actually also recovered nicely at the end of month when winners played their wins back) I could have understood that the new players coming in from the deal change date would be on the standard but i will not accept that the deal of the already sent players had been changed.

TLDR: 7starspartners changed the deal of the already sent players from hybrid to standard revshareladder which we had agreed on about 3 months prior. They had full understanding where traffic is coming from and there was no certain placements , push campaigns , limits etc set for the deal. Change was done suddenly with no prior communication or info , only after our first contact they started to throw all kinds of answers.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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@Agentti - did you get this deal is writing? Seems it was done very quickly, hence the question.


New Member
Oct 29, 2017
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@Agentti - did you get this deal is writing? Seems it was done very quickly, hence the question.
This was done in skype so it´s techically in writing , the chat logs are there. It was done quickly yes because not us or them had any terms in terms of placement , limits , timeframes etc. Just roll it and see how it goes.

Been in business since 2017 and have never had a case where the already sent players deal is changed without info. Maybe have been lucky until now.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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never had a case where the already sent players deal is changed without info.

Unfortunately this is exactly how scum-bag, clip joints, operate. It's known as a Bait and Switch ;)

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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Hi Agentti,

even if it is in many cases futile or at least hard to complain at GPWA, if the program in question is sponsor there, I will give you a tip.

When you are posting an issue to a sponsor program - like in this case with 7Stars -at GPWA in the unethical behaviour section, which looks right in the first moment, then this issue has not the same weight in the long run as directly in the sponsor section.

Negative threads outside of the sponsor areas usually in most cases will not be moved intentionally into the sponsor areas, because they know, such negative sponsor topics in the unethical behaviour section will vanish after some time due to new threads and no one cares anymore.

If you are opening directly into the sponsor area such a thread, then it's more important, because they can not hide it so good and you have better chances for attention.

This is the "forgotten sponsor thread scheme" by GPWA.


New Member
Oct 29, 2017
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Hi Agentti,

even if it is in many cases futile or at least hard to complain at GPWA, if the program in question is sponsor there, I will give you a tip.

When you are posting an issue to a sponsor program - like in this case with 7Stars -at GPWA in the unethical behaviour section, which looks right in the first moment, then this issue has not the same weight in the long run as directly in the sponsor section.

Negative threads outside of the sponsor areas usually in most cases will not be moved intentionally into the sponsor areas, because they know, such negative sponsor topics in the unethical behaviour section will vanish after some time due to new threads and no one cares anymore.

If you are opening directly into the sponsor area such a thread, then it's more important, because they can not hide it so good and you have better chances for attention.

This is the "forgotten sponsor thread scheme" by GPWA.
Thank you , a very good point to keep in mind!


Affiliate Program Representative
Nov 15, 2017
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Dear AGD community,

The deal was agreed in November 2020. Since then the affiliate became non-responsive, up until last week upon notification of the termination of the agreement.

The reasons for termination is that our Risk department flagged the traffic generated as unusual player activity. Upon further analysis, it became clear that the 75% of the traffic is not real. Contacts were made in an attempt to discuss this with the affiliate and after a lack of replies, we were left with no other choice than terminate the agreement.

Thank you,
7StarsPartners Team


New Member
Oct 29, 2017
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Dear AGD community,

The deal was agreed in November 2020. Since then the affiliate became non-responsive, up until last week upon notification of the termination of the agreement.

The reasons for termination is that our Risk department flagged the traffic generated as unusual player activity. Upon further analysis, it became clear that the 75% of the traffic is not real. Contacts were made in an attempt to discuss this with the affiliate and after a lack of replies, we were left with no other choice than terminate the agreement.

Thank you,
7StarsPartners Team

"The deal was agreed in November 2020. Since then the affiliate became non-responsive, up until last week upon notification of the termination of the agreement."

For starter , i´ve not been non-responsive , there has been zero messages or communication from you since doing the deal. So there literally has been nothing to respond to.

"Upon further analysis, it became clear that the 75% of the traffic is not real."

I´d like to see that traffic is not real , thank you. It´s really real as it´s been sent to you and now you just don´t want to pay for it accordingly.

"Contacts were made in an attempt to discuss this with the affiliate and after a lack of replies, we were left with no other choice than terminate the agreement.

This is a lie as well as i heavily stated , there has been zero (0) messages ,contact attempts or emails. There was zero messages before the change of the deal or after it was done in complete silence , only after me reaching out to ask why it was changed. Not sure why are you lying about this as it´s all recorded on skype.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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"Risk department flagged the traffic generated as unusual player activity. Upon further analysis, it became clear that the 75% of the traffic is not real."

Have you said 63 % or 79 %, then it would be more credible. For the next time.
German tax offices have a mathematically algorythm, which can detect "unusual" pattern or missing pattern of numbers at the end of sums or the beginning. There is a secret you don't know. I do.

And "75" is very "unusual" to be the correct number of your one-chair-no-window "Risk-Department", because 3/4 is something too usual like 3 instead of 7 for example by numbers. Better use two-digit prime numbers with "unusual activity" claims.

But now it's too late. If a program will start with that, beginning with tomorrow, it's also a lose-lose-situation, because it could be the Leopold-Fallacy, and in this moment you don't know, if I am not telling this only to force you to do so next time to catch you then.

I know, you will not follow me anylonger or you can not, which is more likely, but what I will say you is, that I don't believe a single word from you until I have seen non-fabricated-evidence which have been investigated by a third party forensic specialist.

All this are unproven claims. In the real world you have to provide evidence, because with such unproven claims you can destroy the reputation of an affiliate and everybody would sue you sucessfully for that.

Moreover: This old "unusual player activity" in most cases is a hoax, a scheme, which have been used already by casinos at the end of the last century to scam both, players and affiliates.

And when nothing else can help, then fabricated evidence will be provided. I have seen that so often and caught them so many times red handed with fabricated evidence, that I am at a point today, that I don't know, if I can trust any evidence again if it comes from this industry. This is sad but the result of countless bad programs from the last 20+ years.

We say in Germany: "A liar is never believed, even when he's telling the truth."

The lack of communication is also an old trick. Just sent out nothing and claim you have. The burden of proof at once is on the affiliate, but this is a paradoxon. He never can prove, that the program has not sent out a message. It's the same as if one shall proof, that unicorns does not exist. That's not possible.


New Member
Jun 8, 2022
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I was thinking of working with them just now. Thanks for the offer. I don't think I'll be working with them anymore!


New Member
Jun 30, 2022
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Just started working with the new website and wanted to add 7stars. Thanks for sharing!


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