Affalliance Audit Report

Do You Work With Affalliance?

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  • No

    Votes: 4 36.4%
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2017
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:D:D:D This is like the Christmas gift that just keeps giving. You truly don't know when to stop do you Marc? Man I've seen some selfish, moronic, and bad people in my time in this industry, but I have to say that you are the complete package, a certified triple threat. Congratulations.

we never had any dispute with our affiliates who are happy with their monthly commission

This is Trump-worthy denial of reality. I mean I present some actual evidence and you just deny, deny, deny. What about the GPWA threads full of unhappy affiliates? What happened with AskGamblers? They will take money off anyone and everyone yet they rate you and your program 1/10. They clearly aren't happy.

I am sure if i check all the Casinos you promote all of them have complaints

All casinos have complaints. The huge volume of complaints against your casinos stick out like a sore thumb though. And from what I can tell the vast majority are because of policies deliberately put in place by you and your dodgy operation to prevent people from withdrawing their money. Back on the GPWA you were called out about your criminal "30 day no play trick" that you learned from Affactive, that you were using to use to deny payments until the protests of a bunch of affiliates got you to remove it.

This is what you said:

Marc.AffAlliance said:
Before signing up to a Casino the player needs to read the terms and conditions, incase he finds something that he doesn't agree with he is more than welcome not to signup. Once a player signups up to the casino he is being verified and confirmed that he knows all the terms and conditions.

ELI5: You don't care about scamming and ripping off players, because you tell them you're going to scam and rip them off in the T&Cs. That is where your moral compass is. That is who you are. Scum...

this is a result from being lifeless or the fact you dont have a wife or family except maybe a cat or a dog to spend your time with.

.. who is really bad at insults. Like, 10 year old at primary school bad. I'm expecting you to call me a poo-poo head soon.

You are the exact definition of internet troll

Presenting evidence that shows everyone who you are, exposes the lies you tell, the scams you run, and the people you routinely rip off does not make me a troll. It is truth. And you can't handle the truth!

I am at my job because I am good at it

I'm once again sorry to tell you this dude. You're not good at this job, in fact the reality is the total opposite. You suck at it. You really should change careers and do something that doesn't involve dealing with people. I think you'd make a good sewer cleaner, you know like those guys that go underground and try to dig through fatbergs? It probably stinks, but no more than you do already at your current job. On the positive side there are no people to deal with, and you don't have to be very smart. Win win.

This thread is a prime example. The GPWA ones are more. The only conclusion I can draw is that you are part of the ownership of your criminal operation. Because no sane employer would keep someone so repellent, so incompetent, and so stupid in such a people-facing role that depends on establishing trusted relationships. It defies common sense. Only a moron would trust you after reading all the stupid things you have said here and at the GPWA. You're costing your employer money and potential affiliates every time you say something stupid, which is pretty much every time you speak.

I actually feel sorry for you

There you go lying again. You don't feel sorry for me. I enrage you. I make the veins in your forehead pulse and your head ache. You probably fantasise about hurting me. The last thing you feel is sorry. But it is nice to know that I live rent free in your head.

P.S i dont even read what you write

Aside from your obvious "I reject reality and substitute my own" way of dealing with evidence that proves what I'm saying, I actually proved that a few posts ago where I showed how dumb you are for asking what my website was. Have you figured it out yet? I don't think you have. Do you think by telling me you don't read what I write that its going to make me upset or something? It just further reinforces your own stupidity. You know what though? I know you read each and every word. You obviously don't understand everything but you try. That's good, keep trying.

For too long this industry has been kind to people like you: thieves, conmen, scammers, and rogue casino operators that prey on unsuspecting players. Enough is enough. The good affiliates and operators need to stand up and run the likes of you out of business for good. I'm happy to play a small part in that if I can.

Now I know you haven't read a single thing I wrote here but please don't make me wait so long for your next love letter. I have become quite accustomed to logging on here and getting the chance to tear strips off a halfwit rogue casino operator who has an unhealthy obsession with me. Like I said, like fishing in a barrel. Until we meet again... kisses!
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2017
Reaction score
And we're back. I knew you couldn't resist! ;)

Again I don't read what you write.

Suuuure. The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

I think many more AM's would agree with me that you are bad example of how affiliate should be

Just like the theory that a million monkeys randomly bashing at keyboards would eventually reproduce the works of Shakespeare, you've accidentally hit the nail on the head there. Not that you are as smart as a million monkeys, mind you. Maybe 1, or even 2 if I'm being generous.

"What an affiliate should be." That's the key bit right there. It is clear what you think an affiliate should be, and you are right that many other affiliate managers think the same way. You expect affiliates to be compliant, unquestioning, money-obsessed, boosters who will shamelessly promote your rancid casinos without a care about what happens to the players that they refer. A bunch of compliant red cloak wearing handmaids to a bunch of deluded, psycho pimps (metaphorically speaking of course).

I am so happy that you have finally recognised that I am not like that at all. I do not "promote" anyone's casino, I don't care about the success of anyone's casino, and I am not a marketing tool of any affiliate program. Far and away the most important thing to me is giving good advice and information to the players that visit my site. That is what I care about and the rest takes care of itself. I will happily wear that like a badge of honour.

because of Trolls like you less and less Affiliate programs are willing to participate in a discussions over the forums.

If my pointing out the truth of your criminal operation scares away any affiliate manager, then serious questions must be asked of whether they are worried because they are on the same path as you. In that case it is better that they stay away from here, just as you now wish you had done. If, on the other hand, they are not part of a criminal organisation that is here to try to drum up more players to defraud, then they have nothing to fear.

Have you failed to notice that this site is for affiliates, and that it is not called Affiliate Manager Guard Dog? Just like my website, this site does not exist for your benefit. If you feel so sorry for yourself might I suggest you go and create a forum with that name and you can bitch and moan there about how the mean affiliates won't let you play here or spread your lies on our forum. I hereby relinquish my claim to the name "Affiliate Manager Guard Dog". You can have it, I promise not to sue you if you do.

Do you know those casinos?

Oh my. I know you think you made a good point here and you're feeling smug and all but goodness me I don't think you could have posted a more stupid thing if you tried. Lets take a look at the casinos you just tried to compare your operation to:
  • Part of the very well respected Bovada group. A group that you envy so much that you even named one of your clip joints after it. Then you paid people to spam forums with misleading posts insinuating that they are related. You literally want to be them.
  • Intertops: Around since the 1990s, maybe even before you were born. They have an excellent reputation for fair dealings with players.
  • Casino Extreme: These guys are a prime example of how you could be running your business, but you instead choose not to. I know this from personal experience btw, they pay out withdrawals near instantly. I submit the withdrawal and literally a few minutes later I have an email saying it has been paid in full. No BS, no delays, no fake claims that my ID went missing, no instalment plans, they just pay.
And you want to compare your unlicensed, low rent, two bit, instalment plan, spamming, 30 days no play no pay, rogue-ass, clip joint casinos to them? Are you barking mad?

I stand by any assessment of those places as decent options for prospective players. People tricked into patronising your casinos, on the other hand, may as well just flush their money down the toilet.

CL-Ed - Make love not war even if its with your Cat/Dog/Plastic dummy

Sorry.. wait... what? Is this a thing wherever it is you live? You make love to your cat, dog, and plastic dummy? Dare I ask... do you go one at a time or do you all jump in together? Don't they get jealous of each other with you spreading yourself around like that? Or do you have an open relationship? Is the plastic dummy Barbie sized, or is she (or he - I don't judge!) life sized? Wow man, my mind is blown with that insight into your personal life. It's probably not something I think you should have shared here, but hey more power to you for being so open and honest about your lifestyle. I don't know how to feel now though... I thought I was the only one for you.

I'm eagerly awaiting your next love letter my sweetie. I do find it a bit strange that you keep putting an ad in them though. Can I have a try at it too? This post was brought to you by AffAlliance, the program that pays revenue that is 100% earned from lying, cheating, slow paying, and stealing from players that YOU send to the slaughter. Are you ethically challenged? Morally bankrupt? Could not care less about player welfare? Join AffAlliance today!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 7, 2020
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2017
Reaction score
That's right folks, get your popcorn ready. I'm back and you know you love it.

It's a crying shame my love "Marc" has clearly decided to choose his cat, his dog, and his plastic dummy over me. I am heartbroken. I really thought we made a connection to last a lifetime here.

I guess we'll never know why Skyline Media N.V., the company that is still claimed to operate his casinos (sorry "Marc" you failed to delete all the traces from your sites), had its Curacao license terminated in January of 2019. And furthermore why Skyline Media N.V. itself was deregistered from the Curacao commercial register shortly after in February 2019.

We can only speculate as to the reasons. We know that sadly Curacao couldn't care less about treatment of players. So I think we can rule that out, despite how nice it would be to think that these casinos are so nasty that even the Curacao license fee collection industry couldn't put up with their behaviour. I wonder if they are playing shell company games to try to avoid any chance of anyone knowing who is really running their criminal enterprise? Tax avoidance? Hiding from pursuit by authorities? Worried they might end up like these guys? Who knows? Not me. Sadly I don't think my one and only "Marc" is going to be back here any time soon to tell us.

I'll just have to leave you with this photo to remember me by "Marc".



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