Affiliates Shark Intro!


Affiliate Program Representative
Aug 8, 2019
Reaction score
Hi everyone! I’m Ana, the Affiliates Shark representative. We are very happy to announce the certification from Affiliate Guard Dog. I just wanted to let you know that you can reach out to me whenever you need anything. Also, I would like to tell you guys a little bit about our program:

Affiliates Shark is focused on creating the most beneficial long-term business relationships possible, with both you the affiliate and with the end customer. Based on years of experience we know that the quickest buck is not always the best buck. That’s why our policies around payments, rules and commission plans are always very fair for both us and the customer(s). We believe that if we treat you right, you will treat us right and we can be in business together longer. Unlike other casino affiliate plans in the industry you can count on your players staying as your players for their lifetime. Other reasons to choose Affiliate Shark include:

· Introductory commissions packages in excess of 50% commissions. (50% for the first three months)

· Customized banners, landing pages and other creative assets to serve to your customers.

· State of the art gaming system attached to the brands we support. The best in payments, fraud controls, bonuses and game play software await your players

· Highly competitive affiliate software, with player updates every hour!

· Monthly Payouts on the 15th.

· State of the Art tracking and statistics.

· Customer Support 7 Days a Week.

· Lifetime Revenue.

Our restricted countries are:

Australia, Algeria, Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Belize, Costa Rica, Curacao, Czech Republic, Finland, Hungary, Iraq, Iran, Malaysia, Myanmar, North Korea, Poland, Syria, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine.

Please feel free to let me know all your questions and concerns, i'll be more than glad to assist you guys!

Skype: Ana TSS
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
Hi Ana, welcome to AGD.

Got one small point I'd like to draw your attention to.
In the T&C's it states:

4.5. Affiliates Shark Affiliates shall pay the Referral Company/Affiliate each month for services rendered during the preceding calendar month. Payment shall be made prior to the 15th working day of the following month. If the amount of compensation for one month is less than US $500, the amount shall be made available in the succeeding month (when the accumulated amount is greater than US $500).

Payment shall be made prior to the 15th working day of the following month. If the amount of compensation for one month is less than US $100, the amount shall be made available in the succeeding month (when the accumulated amount is greater than US $100).

$500 is ridiculously high. $100 is reasonable and fair.

However, which threshold payment is valid?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 25, 2009
Reaction score
Also, what are your methods of payment?


Affiliate Program Representative
Aug 8, 2019
Reaction score
Hi Ana, welcome to AGD.

Got one small point I'd like to draw your attention to.
In the T&C's it states:

4.5. Affiliates Shark Affiliates shall pay the Referral Company/Affiliate each month for services rendered during the preceding calendar month. Payment shall be made prior to the 15th working day of the following month. If the amount of compensation for one month is less than US $500, the amount shall be made available in the succeeding month (when the accumulated amount is greater than US $500).

Payment shall be made prior to the 15th working day of the following month. If the amount of compensation for one month is less than US $100, the amount shall be made available in the succeeding month (when the accumulated amount is greater than US $100).

$500 is ridiculously high. $100 is reasonable and fair.

However, which threshold payment is valid?

Hey AussieDave!

Hope you're doing great. Yeah you are right, $500 is very high. But actually we are making payments under $500. I am in a process right now to remake some of our policies, this specifically, is one of the most important. I'm working for it to happen soon. I will keep you guys updated.

And about the threshold, to be honest with you, if you're starting with us now and you're not making more than $100, i will keep your id on my list to check it out every month, and whenever you get to at least $100 or a little more i would contact you to see what would you like to do with that accumulated commission. If you would like for me to send it, i would and if you would like for me to wait till you get a little more, then i would do so too.

Let me know if you have some other questions regarding this matter :)



Affiliate Program Representative
Aug 8, 2019
Reaction score
Affiliate Shark - Are you guys more like the Great White Shark or the more human friendly Whale Shark. Your business name seems to imply I may lose a leg while swimming in the affiliate ocean. ;)

I would say the second option... LOL... We are more like a human friendly whale shark... Don't worry about your legs!



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 30, 2013
Reaction score
I just wanted to let you know that you can reach out to me whenever you need anything.

Please feel free to let me know all your questions and concerns, i'll be more than glad to assist you guys!

Doesn't seem so :cool:

Why to go through all the effort of getting approved on AGD if you do not manage to reply to someone who tries to contact you. Beyond me.

Affiliates Shark

  1. AGD Terms Certification:
    Terms and Conditions
  2. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  3. Have Negative Carryover?
  4. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  5. Missing Admin Fee:
  6. Ambiguous Termination Clause:
  7. T&C updates not emailed:


Audit coming soon

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