Been thinking


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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It is pretty clear they are cross marketing, they have admitted to a certain degree of cross marketing but I think the point is that some are suggesting this goes far beyond just the logo cross marketing.

This is a very confusing situation when they are buying up brands of casinos we marketed for other groups, now that they bought them and mapped the players over to our accounts THEN they invite those players to join the other casinos they have is that stealing? I am not so sure, they bought the casino and the players and I consider it lucky we are still earning off the players not all other companies would even tag the players to us!

We could as affiliates just not put the banners up of the brands they purchase and choose to earn off the existing players they tagged to us OR we can put the banners up send them new players for them to cross market and take from us. UGG this is a complicated situation to be honest.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2008
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guys and girls, now really ....... do you think you need to test for water drops (individual accounts) as the entire bucket (your players base) is leaking because of all the holes in it (CR sites+x promo emails)?

get the bigger picture pls : you ware wasting time and money!

you all know where the CR tracking leaks are.

another CR email example I got :

Casino: Casino Share

If you have uninstalled your CasinoSoftware,
ClickHere to Download it again : xx (ALL their casinos)

Just saying !!

Thanks for sharing this. I'm a little confused about some parts of all of this.

Question: Is the CasinoShare player that this email was sent to, definitely tagged to an affiliate?


Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
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Daera, Rewards admits that these letters go out as retention tools to all players and are never tagged to any affiliates.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks Dom. For some reason I was thinking Renee said that an email like that wouldn't be sent to tagged players. thanks for clarifying. I think some of the facts got lost with me over at GPWA. All the negativity and high emotion made it hard for me to follow..
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Thanks Dom. For some reason I was thinking Renee said that an email like that wouldn't be sent to tagged players. thanks for clarifying. I think some of the facts got lost with me over at GPWA. All the negativity and high emotion made it hard for me to follow..

I am glad to see you understand now what is happening.

The first time I checked I said to myself nah can't be Rewards would never do this to wrong could I be. This literally changed my mind about all affiliate programs !

At Rewardsaffiliates they really need to think fast about how to stop those leaks rather than claiming it is not doable.


Google it and see
Dec 19, 2007
Reaction score
The thread at GPWA went into the 'can't understand' way at the beginning and not many stood up against the cross promotion.

I don't think the majority of affiliates really understand how this affect them and not paying attention.

IMO the FACTS need to be posted in a bullet point style in simple details that do not take an hour to read.

I'm now forced to work with RA due to them buying more brands and I really hope to see them give a bit more as IMO they are taking revenue that belongs to me.

As for Rewards Affiliates....I could careless what you do with the players after I bring them to you, but tag the player to me at the cross-promoted brand so that I can continue to get my rev share instead of taking it from me and calling it 'business' because IMO it's thieft!

Finally, the post at GPWA was a joke and no one that I know agreed with what when down and it was just swept under the rug. Let's hope it's not a repeat here. :)
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