

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 7, 2009
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Same here as well.. When you first posted about the charge backs I checked my stats and everything was fine... just checked back again, and 3 out of the 4 C-planet casinos I promote have all been marked as chargebacks...


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 26, 2009
Reaction score
Same thing here. Charge-back the last day of the month. :rolleyes:

I don't promote them much, as I was before - but the things don't look good.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
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It's just a thought but could this be linked to the whole Q/Tender issue?
I am sure it is, but that is not the point. C-planet could have let us know they were going to charge us for qt, but they didn't bother.

But that is not the worst of it. If you have promoted these guys for any length of time it is so obvious, from the stats, that they are skimming aff earnings.

Anytime you build up any kind of earnings... along comes a BIG winner to clean you out. This month alone I had over $22K in winners, not to mention the chargeback of $13k. And last month the winners won a little less $17k, but the percentage is the same as this month and every month I checked.

With these guys at c-planet I have figured that I am getting paid ~9.4 cents a click... every month over the last six months... what are the fucking odds of that happening by chance???
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
I was thinking to myself. the chargebacks are one thing but it doesn't explain the incredibly lame effort of disguise used to wipe out a month's earnings all from one big winner conveniently at the end of the month.

CP. as I know you are reading this, I would think if you are cheating your partners then considering the numbers I have amounted just using deduction based on what i have seen posted here, that you can afford to at least make a decent effort at cheating instead of adding in one big winner at the end of the month.

How freaking lame is that?


On a side note: a while back I went in and lost at one of their properties to a different aff which is what you are suppose to do if you play, (ie not play under your own tag)

and the money didn't show up in her stats.

granted, I had not played for more than 6 months and there is a clause in all RTGs (or nearly all of them) that says they close the account after 6 months inactivity.

Yet having said that, I had no problem logging in, playing, and of course, them taking my money.

Yet the aff side wasn't credited.


So in essence, what they want us to believe, is they don't have room to keep that sort of data on their books, yet they have room to keep all the other necessary info so that player could come back at any time in the future and play again with no glitches.

I must however add that after I brought this to CP's attention in a very forward manner, it was made right. I cannot say whether i am still tagged to that aff, but I may be able to answer that in a week or two.

Regardless, you can bet even if i am still tagged, that others will not, but also you can bet those players will still have the necessary info in the casino's books so they can return to play at any time.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
9k in chargebacks for us here.

Would have been nice to at least email us and let us know c-planet. FFS!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 8, 2009
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I have charge backs too but what is odd is I have charge backs for slotsville and I haven't even had them up for a week. I didn't realize the whole charge back process could be done that quickly. And I put them up after quicktender was out so that's not it.

Seems a little strange to me that a new player could initiate a charge back, have the bank do their thing, cplanet do their thing, and all this is magically reflected in my stats just a couple days after the player signed up. Maybe I don't understand how a charge back works but it seems like the whole process should take a little longer than 4 days.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
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It is not just the chargebacks...

I believe they are skimming aff earnings.

Look at your stats, what do you think?

I have had big winners 5K, 10K, 22K etc. that wiped out 80 to 90 percent of my earnings EVERY MONTH for the last 18 months and the big winners were almost always at the end of the month.

I first thought it was just me, then a few months ago Dom mentioned she was getting hit with a lot of big winners as well, that made me perk up and pay more attention.

Don't get me wrong I like to see winners... but at c-planet I have had more BIG winners in the last 18 months than I have had in the last 12 years in this business.

Again what are the odds?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
I would ask why they haven't responded since they obviously are aware of this thread but then I think it is hard to respond to a track record of 10 or so months of income always being erased at the end of the month.

On same note: I am guessing that since this is a recurring theme with more than one aff that RTG still has real time stats updating otherwise they could simply not show the income therefore have less to explain away with chargebacks and big winners.

I would have just said big winners but Kevin's experience with slotsville seems to indicate that the chargebacks are also after the QT debacle.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
After looking I had the exact same thing happen with Euro City.

One and only one Depositor on the 25th... gone with a charge back.

bb1webs said:
On same note: I am guessing that since this is a recurring theme with more than one aff that RTG still has real time stats updating otherwise they could simply not show the income therefore have less to explain away with chargebacks and big winners.
Totally Agree.

I also think that it is rather hard to respond when you get caught red handed with your pants down....
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
The chargeback should have nothing to do with Quicktender then, given that Euro City does not accept U.S. players.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
The chargeback should have nothing to do with Quicktender then, given that Euro City does not accept U.S. players.
Your right... I forgot about that.

son of a bitch.... I hate getting played for a fool.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
It is not all RTG ,My revenue is still reasonably the same with Mainstreet , Affiliate Edge , Inetbet and Affactive.I see a 5-10% charge back on these accounts and zero Charge backs with Inetbet.
Agree... It's not RTG
The problem is c-planet skimming affiliate earnings.

I still can't get over $13,000.00 in charge backs and $22,000.00 in wins.. in one month... If I start thinking about all 18 months of getting shorted... I get physically sick. 1 1/2 years worth of work down the friggen tubes...


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
I wouldn't count your chickens yet regarding the other RTG casinos. For example Affiliate Edge wiped out earnings when ewalletxpress went down so I would be surprised if they don't do it again.

C-Planet Support

Affiliate Program Representative
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
It should come as no surprise that the loss of QT was a very significant event. QT operated smoothly for many years, were fully trusted, and held in high regard by players and affiliates alike. Unlike e-wallet express and others, where the losses were absorbed by the operation, QT bankruptcy involved much larger sums of money – the chargebacks are a small part of this loss and are a reflection of the marketing operation sharing the loss of irretrievable funds, which it had never done until this point. We know that this has been an unusually trying time for our partners considering their recent losses from several major operations closing their doors in connection with similar circumstances. It has been equally difficult for our marketing company at this time and it should go without saying that we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.

@lots0 –We see no ECC chargebacks in your stats. You have been a valued affiliate and we really appreciate your partnership as well as the kind words expressed yesterday...
”I gotta say these guys at C-planet are the best! Not only have conversions been good, but I have been getting messages from players telling me how much they like some of the c-planet brands and these guys are great for whales... The guys at c-planet have also been putting up with me and holding my hand, ever since the QT disaster cleaned me out and I have been a real pain in the ass. If your looking for a rtg us facing brand to promote... I recommend these guys."

@rhondagrace – Quicktender was removed on May 25th/26th – Your Slotsville stats are from May 1st - May 25th, directly correlated with this period. You know you are a valued affiliate to us, we have tried our best to cater to you since the change of management and we apologize for the inconvenience.