Coinflip - Casino Affiliate & Gambling WordPress Theme


New Member
Feb 25, 2021
Reaction score

Hi everyone,

I believe that this is the best place to post this thread. Coinflip is our latest addition in our themes portfolio and bundles features for Casino and Gambling affiliates such as:

Coinflip theme also comes with niche functionalities such as:
  • MT Casinos:
    • Title
    • Description
    • Get Bonus Message
    • Casino Website URL
    • Image Detail
    • Social Media
      • Facebook link
      • LinkedIn Link
      • Twitter Link
      • YouTube link
    • Casino Features
      • Small Description
      • Casino Features
      • Pros
      • Cons
    • Casino Taxonomies:
      • Categories
      • Softwares
      • Licenses
      • Languages
      • Currencies
      • Payment methods
      • Featured image
  • MT Reviews: The reviews can be enabled by the admin to each casino
    • Reviews default fields:
      • Trust&Fairness
      • Game Software
      • Bonuses
      • Customer Support
  • MT Slots(Casino Games):
    • Title
    • Description
    • Choose Casino
    • Small Description
    • Listed Features
    • Pros
    • Cons
    • Categories
    • Featured Image
  • MT Bonuses(Casino Bonuses for Games)
    • Title
    • Description
    • Choose casino
    • Bonus Title Board
    • Bonus Code
    • Bonus External Link
    • Small Description
    • Listed Features
    • Pros
    • Cons
    • Categories
    • Featured Image
  • MT Bookmakers
    • Title
    • Description
    • Bookmaker Website URL
    • Image Detail
    • Bookmaker Bonus Title
    • Bookmaker Bonus Description
    • Bookmaker Features
      • Small Description
      • Bookmaker Features
      • Pros
      • Cons
    • Taxonomies:
      • Categories
      • Softwares
      • Deposit Methods
      • Withdrawal Methods
      • Withdrawal Limits
      • Restricted countries
    • Featured Image
    • Bookmaker features (Repeatable field for infinite list of features)
Purchase Coinflip theme:

Theme Demos:
→ Main Demo:
→ Home Video poker:
→ Home Horse Betting:
→ Casino Compare:
→ Home Blogging:
→ Home Bookmakers:

Theme Documentation:


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 29, 2015
Reaction score
Nice looking. But i wouldn't pitch a demo in such a shape ...!?


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
Nice looking. But i wouldn't pitch a demo in such a shape ...!? View attachment 3328

I agree, that is a totally crap score.

However, those horrid scores are taken on the sub domain URL. It would seem, the main domain,, is similar to ThemeForest and such. Hence, these places inject all kinds of additional, non optimised coding.

Nothing is cached, no CDN, no JS/CSS minification, not even the Version code numbers are stripped. All these additions, add,

insane overheads when all combined.

I'd like to see this "theme" on it's own domain, with WP and the theme optimised. I think we'd see vastly higher speed scores.

EG- here is a list of all the scripts etc used in the footer. It's the same story for the header too.

<link rel='stylesheet' id='gambit_parallax-css'  href='hxxps://' media='all' />
<link rel='stylesheet' id='vc_tta_style-css'  href='hxxps://' media='all' />
<script id='contact-form-7-js-extra'>
var wpcf7 = {"apiSettings":{"root":"hxxps:\/\/\/wp-json\/contact-form-7\/v1","namespace":"contact-form-7\/v1"},"cached":"1"};
<script src='hxxps://' id='contact-form-7-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='classie-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='js-mt-plugins-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='select2-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='js-modeltheme-custom-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='magnific-popup-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='js-modeltheme-mt-coundown-version2-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='slick-js-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='jquery-validation-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='mtlisitings-custom-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='modernizr-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='modelthemes-frontend-bar-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='js-cookie-js'></script>
<script id='woocommerce-js-extra'>
var woocommerce_params = {"ajax_url":"\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","wc_ajax_url":"\/?wc-ajax=%%endpoint%%"};
<script src='hxxps://' id='woocommerce-js'></script>
<script id='wc-cart-fragments-js-extra'>
var wc_cart_fragments_params = {"ajax_url":"\/wp-admin\/admin-ajax.php","wc_ajax_url":"\/?wc-ajax=%%endpoint%%","cart_hash_key":"wc_cart_hash_aaa62e1f61276820796d9ae522d1d405","fragment_name":"wc_fragments_aaa62e1f61276820796d9ae522d1d405","request_timeout":"5000"};
<script src='hxxps://' id='wc-cart-fragments-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='modernizr-custom-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='jquery-sticky-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='uisearch-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='jquery-appear-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='jquery-countTo-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='owl-carousel-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='modernizr-viewport-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='bootstrap-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='animate-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='jquery-countdown-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='wow-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='loaders-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='coinflip-custom-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='wp-embed-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='wpb_composer_front_js-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='gambit_parallax-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='vc_accordion_script-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='vc_tta_autoplay_script-js'></script>
<script src='hxxps://' id='mc4wp-forms-api-js'></script>

NB - Hosting resources for this "theme" (subdomain), are probably below par too. All this adds up to very bad page speed scores.


New Member
Feb 25, 2021
Reaction score
Hi all and thank you for the feedback,

On our live demos, there is no cache or CDN enabled and we've used very high quality images and basically lots of sections on each demo, just to show what you can do with the theme. Most of our clients are using few sections.

Note: We've enabled Litespeed Cache and now the score on desktops is 75. Personally I would not rely on the scores only. *Of, course, the speed is the most important factor of a website, but you should keep in mind that the presentational demo can be heavy sometimes.

Please let me know if you have any other concerns or questions.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 17, 2017
Reaction score

Hi everyone,

I believe that this is the best place to post this thread. Coinflip is our latest addition in our themes portfolio and bundles features for Casino and Gambling affiliates such as:

Coinflip theme also comes with niche functionalities such as:
  • MT Casinos:
    • Title
    • Description
    • Get Bonus Message
    • Casino Website URL
    • Image Detail
    • Social Media
      • Facebook link
      • LinkedIn Link
      • Twitter Link
      • YouTube link
    • Casino Features
      • Small Description
      • Casino Features
      • Pros
      • Cons
    • Casino Taxonomies:
      • Categories
      • Softwares
      • Licenses
      • Languages
      • Currencies
      • Payment methods
      • Featured image
  • MT Reviews: The reviews can be enabled by the admin to each casino
    • Reviews default fields:
      • Trust&Fairness
      • Game Software
      • Bonuses
      • Customer Support
  • MT Slots(Casino Games):
    • Title
    • Description
    • Choose Casino
    • Small Description
    • Listed Features
    • Pros
    • Cons
    • Categories
    • Featured Image
  • MT Bonuses(Casino Bonuses for Games)
    • Title
    • Description
    • Choose casino
    • Bonus Title Board
    • Bonus Code
    • Bonus External Link
    • Small Description
    • Listed Features
    • Pros
    • Cons
    • Categories
    • Featured Image
  • MT Bookmakers
    • Title
    • Description
    • Bookmaker Website URL
    • Image Detail
    • Bookmaker Bonus Title
    • Bookmaker Bonus Description
    • Bookmaker Features
      • Small Description
      • Bookmaker Features
      • Pros
      • Cons
    • Taxonomies:
      • Categories
      • Softwares
      • Deposit Methods
      • Withdrawal Methods
      • Withdrawal Limits
      • Restricted countries
    • Featured Image
    • Bookmaker features (Repeatable field for infinite list of features)
Purchase Coinflip theme:

Theme Demos:
→ Main Demo:
→ Home Video poker:
→ Home Horse Betting:
→ Casino Compare:
→ Home Blogging:
→ Home Bookmakers:

Theme Documentation:

Hi modeltheme!
With all due respect, but your theme is a mediocre attempt to make a casino affiliate theme.
Look, there are already other Wordpress specific themes on the market with much better features and for a lower price.
Sorry for the criticism, but before selling something you have to ask yourself if your product is better than the rest.
In your case I did not find anything.
The theme code is not optimized, you are using a heavy Bootstrap framework with WPBakery page builder. The design looks ugly statically. And there are many other aspects that need to be changed.
I advise you to see examples like the guys from Mercury, Flytonic and PokaTheme have done.
Good luck to you!


New Member
Feb 25, 2021
Reaction score
Hi @casinoduende and thank you for the 'feedback',

We are always open to hear any kind of feedback. Actually, via feedback a product/service gets better and better. This being said, from your 'feedback' I understand that our theme is "mediocre attempt to make a casino affiliate theme" just because of the Bootstrap framework & WPBakery page builder?

Considering the design ugly is just a matter of personal preferences. At this moment, more than 300 casino affiliate websites are using this "ugly designed theme" -> See it on ThemeForest.

So from an affiliate point of view, your doesn't mean too much! I would appreciate your casino affiliate experience by telling us some key features you don't see in our theme. Our team will be thankful and will implement any interesting feature.

I would love to hear more regarding this "And there are many other aspects that need to be changed.". Any specific feedback?

I consider that the market can have multiple players (themes to choose from) and by using a builder, our theme is meant to cover the needs for unexperienced users (in order to create their website).



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 17, 2017
Reaction score
Hi @casinoduende and thank you for the 'feedback',

We are always open to hear any kind of feedback. Actually, via feedback a product/service gets better and better. This being said, from your 'feedback' I understand that our theme is "mediocre attempt to make a casino affiliate theme" just because of the Bootstrap framework & WPBakery page builder?

Considering the design ugly is just a matter of personal preferences. At this moment, more than 300 casino affiliate websites are using this "ugly designed theme" -> See it on ThemeForest.

So from an affiliate point of view, your doesn't mean too much! I would appreciate your casino affiliate experience by telling us some key features you don't see in our theme. Our team will be thankful and will implement any interesting feature.

I would love to hear more regarding this "And there are many other aspects that need to be changed.". Any specific feedback?

I consider that the market can have multiple players (themes to choose from) and by using a builder, our theme is meant to cover the needs for unexperienced users (in order to create their website).

Hi @modeltheme!

First of all, check your website modeltheme(dot)com or the server, response speed is an eternity, also sometimes it does not work and throws error 522.
Now then, I answer you.
Look, I understand you perfectly, and I only critique your product, there is nothing personal.
But I would like you to understand one thing. You are selling a product, and you want me or other members of this honorable forum to help you and point out the errors. I think you are a little bit wrong in your business strategy.
I don't have any problem to help someone without profit. But in your case it is different, I am not going to give you free advice.
If you find here a person who helps you for free to improve your product, so that you can sell it even more for a higher price... then I will be happy.
Of course this is just my personal opinion, neither you nor other members of this forum may not agree with me, and that is your right.
In previous comment, I indicated which products you have to see to make the comparison.
Analyze and research yourself, do some hard work to gather the necessary information to improve your product and don't expect someone to give you the easy, fast and free solution.
At the end of our dialogue, I will offer you some free tips. Create a forum on your main website and ask your 300 inexperienced users to share with you their ideas to improve your product. It would be a good option for your business, so do other professionals.

Best regards!
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Reactions: ddm


Former Member
Nov 16, 2018
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^ exactly what this guy said.

FWIW I redid one of our WP Casino sites last week, and the homepage looks like this on lighthouse:

for this reason (knowing that perfection is attainable if you work hard), i could never imagine paying hard cash to a developer who cannot achieve at least close to 100% , because if you're not hitting top 1%, you're doing it wrong, and you need to rethink how your theme is built.

an affiliate site is like a baby, you want to give your baby the best chance in life.... so you give it "the best" food..


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 17, 2017
Reaction score
There is a saying that a picture says more than a thousand words.
First screenshot of the metrics of the demonstration website coinflip(dot)modeltheme(dot)com
And in second screenshot is one of my websites
I think you can see the difference.
By the way the latter uses the very similar template is from Mercury, but fully modified and optimized.
Well, when modeltheme developers reach the core green metrics, then you can say that it is a theme for casino and gambling affiliates. But so far it is a mediocre theme. The matter is closed.


  • screenshot_1.png
    126.1 KB · Views: 89
  • screenshot_2.png
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Reactions: ddm


Former Member
Nov 16, 2018
Reaction score
OP got Schooled hard ITT.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 17, 2017
Reaction score
OP got Schooled hard ITT.
No, it is not. I didn't mean to.
Just constructive feedback to make things right. Lately, there are many who want to sell anything and make a quick money. F......g TikTok!:eek: It's a joke!:)


New Member
May 9, 2021
Reaction score
Hello AGD Members,

I'm looking for a bit of guidance. I'm attempting to put together a Wordpress Casino Affiliate site dedicated to one network of casinos -- I'm not planning on tackling the entire gamut of casinos to compare and acquire affiliate status with each. Just trying to keep it simple.

I've looked at Mecury, Flytonic, Vegashero, and Coinflip, and frankly was most impressed by the overall UI (look and feel) of Coinflip.

The others looked a bit clunky in their operations -- I like the smooth menu selections of Conflip, and it all just seemed "good looking" and easy to navigate form a user perspective.

Now I stumble upon this discussion and I'm finding myself in a conundrum. I don't know the first thing about the reports you're showing, however, I get the general gist that Coinflip isn't performing as well as some of the other providers.

Naturally, I want to give myself the best chance of success moving forward, and it seem that the data you're displaying indicates that Coinflip has some work to do in order to compete on the level of the other providers.

So, frankly, I'm at a loss, as my decision to move forward with Coinflip has been halted, as I realize that I could put a lot of time and effort into developing the site, only for it to achieve poor ranking and exposure, simply because the internals aren't optimized and competitive with other products.

So could anyone offer suggestions on the ideal framework for me to built my small, casino affiliate website?

Perhaps there are even better solutions than Wordpress? (i.e. another CMS or dedicated system that will allow me to enter content so it can be formatted and delivered for a comfortable UX while meeting the necessary requirements in the background for optimization, SEO, etc.

Ideally, down the road, if the returns are solid enough to merit hiring a dedicated developer, I'd certainly go that route, but presently, given loss of income due to COVID, I'm trying to get this operational on a shoestring budget.

Your advice and guidance is sincerely appreciated!

To the ModelTheme representative -- I really do like the look and feel of your product ... I just want to give myself the best chance for success, and it sounds like some of the other packages have been performance-tweaked to specifically serve this industry. I look forward to seeing how CoinFlip adapts to this requirement. :)

Respectfully Yours,

Synergy Services


Former Member
Nov 16, 2018
Reaction score
So could anyone offer suggestions on the ideal framework for me to built my small, casino affiliate website?
wordpress is fine - the key is a smart developer - not plugins, hacks
- 100% is quite easily attainable.
- don't scrimp on devs.
- make them show you 100% sites before you hire them.

you probably wanna build something bespoke IMO.

do you have budgets for a proper website? or is it all about finding an "ok" $50 theme [<- an oxymoron] ?


New Member
May 9, 2021
Reaction score
Thanks for the prompt response ddm.

Presently, there are only two casinos in this network, with a third in development, and hopefully five total by year's end. Hence, I'm really concentrating on the merits of these preliminary casinos. Wasn't planning on going all out to develop a comparison website, or repository of all the casinos out there as an affiliate for each. Figuring on simply working this one single network.

That said, I was hoping to get started on the cheap, and gain some measure of success in order to determine what improvements would best serve this particular site. I would then hopefully have a better budget and strong notion of improvements for a more customized, perhaps even a "bespoke" solution.

I guess this is the "jumbo shrimp", "government intelligence" oxymoron approach, though I could probably afford a couple hundred bucks, but knowing the cost of development, that's not really worth anyone's time, short of programmers in 3rd world countries.

It's a shame, really, as I had the CEO of the Network in a Zoom Conference with a marketing group, which I told, repeatedly, that they needed to prove the broad strokes on their marketing plan, what it would produce (new player acquisition), and what it would cost.

Unfortunately, the marketing group insisted upon a $10K upfront good-faith deposit in order to "deep-dive" research the company, its offerings, and how best to market. I'm from an era where if you wanted someone's business, you came in fully prepared (as I told them) with a proposal outline each step, estimated time frame, projected results, and finally cost breakdown.

I guess I'm just old school, but at any rate, the CEO shot them down, thinking it was a scam. I know both sides, I introduced both to each, but one side let me down.

Now all I have to run on is what I can try to put together myself, simply as an affiliate, as I don't have any other marketing contacts that can perform to expected levels (i.e. 100,000 new players acquired by year's end) even with a substantial marketing budget.

Probably far more info than you expect, but I'm the one who isn't making ridiculous sums of money presently, so I can only cut back on the necessities to throw what little I have and hope to work on developing something positive that will attract enough players to net me enough income to step up to the next level.

Anyway, I hope I'm not wasting your time, but for the time being, it's a shoe-string budget, that doesn't require a great deal of backend magic, just enough to present the present two, and eventually three, four, and five casinos to players with a Promo Code for an extra bonus. Additional pages on the specifics of both casinos would naturally be included.

Thanks for your response, and again, any thoughts or suggestions would be appreciated.

Respectfully Yours,

Synergy Services


Former Member
Nov 16, 2018
Reaction score
let me come back to this with some observations

1. you can't afford a decent website right now.
2. you want to compete in a hyper competitive SEO landscape w/ no budget - where LINKS mean everything and they can cost a lot..
3. link velocity is a thing, so you cannot really rocketship to the moon quickly without doing some 'gray hat' at least.

seems a tad daft to try to slowly grind an endurance race only to come in last because you didn't have $ for a decent engine
seems like you should find a partner with some budget and give yourself a chance ...

"don't hope for success, prepare for it"
[not trying to discourage you here btw, i just know it's a grind!]

[maybe way off base, but just saying what I think, based on your post of 'bad beat stories' : ) ]
[sorry for OP for how we derailed this thread with this]
Last edited:


New Member
May 9, 2021
Reaction score
Thanks ddm ... Yeah, it sucks not having discretionary funds, and I've reached out to several folks, but they are generally always too busy.

Decent website ... Approximate cost to develop? Remember, just promoting one Casino Network with 2 online operational, 1 in progress, 2 more in planning.

Wouldn't even know where to start with SEO, and yeah, buying can be expensive and nonproductive, unless you really know what you're doing.

Looked into Link Velocity -- Rather a difficult concept to digest, given the different views, but I'm sure it exists and there are few who know the inner workings ... No access to anyone who wears the infamous "gray hat" and generally such methods come with an altogether different cost. ;)

Trying to partner up, but also looking into what I can do on my own with Mercury, Flytonic, PokaTheme ...

Have also looked at CoinFlip, VegasHero, PokerDice, SlotMachines (Template Monster, which brings up Game Zone?!), and BeTheme.

Looked at Child thems of PokaTheme and Mercury. Looked at Flytonic Plugins (which would also require a theme).

Frankly, I can't seem to settle on an overall package that appeals. Each has features I'd like to see on a different layout or vice versa.

Is there one that generally is "better" than the others when it comes to necessary features? I know Poka does mention some interesting compatibilities with Google AMP and High Speed scores -- which given the nature of this thread, seems important.

And what of dedicated vs. shared hosting? I know there are providers like Kinsta that offer all sorts of speed improvements.

I may just be overthinking this or possibly in over my head. You really need a team of professionals on your side, and that's beyond my budget presently.

Barebones, would any of the above packages even have a chance at organic SEO results and be suitable from someone looking to play a casino?

Thanks again for all your assistance and suggestions. Don't mean to be chasing my own tail, but just trying to see what I can do with what I have.

Warmest Regards,
