ComeOn Affiliates- Resolved

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
ok, it has been brought to my attention that ComeOn Affiliates has an image on their site that is VERY controversial. I'm not a big fan of it and, to me, something has got to be wrong with any decision maker that would allow this...


I have thrown ComeOn into the ROGUE pit until this is removed. Maybe I am wrong... let me know what you think.


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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
I don't work with them but if they pay I don't think this photo can be a problem. Just my point of view...


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
I think it's just bad humour. Not worth a rogue demotion IMO. That should be reserved for thieves, not programs with a bad sense of humour.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Yea I would just mark it as a bad attempt at humour. Although, we are talking about it so maybe they achieved their goals.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
I agree with pinkytoe in that maybe they are trying to get some free press or something.. IMO its a bad decision to do anything that could possibly offend your customers.

I myself would give them a 'freedom of speech' pass on this one, and not rouge them.. But maybe inform them it could possibly cost them business.

Hopefully the same marketing person makes better judgment calls on the actual player facing side of things..


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
I don't think it's a rogue-issue, but it didn't offend me, but that's prolly 'cos I don't understand the joke it's trying to make? :/


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
You can see why it will offend but the intention is clearly to deride the characters, not glorify them. It's both misguided and insensitive and they ought to be embarrassed but "rogue" intimates the program can't be trusted and that's not the case here IMO. They need to pull this asap though. Talk about giving your competitors a stick to beat you with!!
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
There is nothing that is clearing the negatives. The imagery would be better if it incorporated a bulldozer, or a cleaning crew. On a monitor is one thing, but if you where a t-shirt with this on it I will probably punch you in the throat.



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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
It's in poor taste, yes, but not worthy of a rogueing - especially when you consider that in all other aspects their program is great.

Have you tried contacting them directly to voice your opinions?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
I don't think they need to be in the rogue pit it is a case of tasteless marketing.. It has also been removed & I do think they need to make an apology to many who were offended at this..

Our industry has many many Jewish folks in it that are very upset about this.

You make a good point about Jewish affiliates seeing this in a certain light, potentially. It is super easy for me to say "I'm not offended by this" but I really have zero idea if/how much this would offend a Jewish person. I don't even know if 'Jewish person' is politically correct, because I don't really know many Jewish people. Not by choice, I'm a big fan of Curb Your Enthusiam :) - I just don't seem to move in the same circles. Or I do move in the same circles, but I don't notice, or care, because I'm not really into religion these days.

I guess I'm trying to say, I'm not offended by pics of Hitler, but I recognise I'm in no position to know how it affects other people.

For me, the worst thing about this 'joke' is how enormously unfunny it was/is.
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Affiliate Manager
Hi, I work for ComeOn! We have used this picture for roughly 37 months now, and we have also used it in our decoration in affiliate conferences. The intention have certainly not been to offend anyone. We tried to talk to smart people by being smart, but have obviously failed.. So, just to clarify about the intention; these three historical individuals are reputed for their bad ideas and the negative effect they have made on humanity. We thought it was a good picture when connecting it to the text "negatives NOT carried forward." And, yes, we have gotten good feedback on it previously, and now, after 37 months some are offended. We want to be good guys, we don't want to offend anyone, so now it is taken down.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
They are saying they are talking to smart people, but they failed.

I could be wrong, but either way it would be more funny than insulting at this point.

So what is it ComeOn? You callin' me stupid or are you trying to be cool and say "ohh its been ok all this time..." as your draw in the sand with your little toe innocently?

You know I'm from Atlantic City right? Wanna fight about it?

I got a whole box of punches to the throat up in here.

Again, in my first response I gave a way it would have offended less people, but this time you really could have avoided even more defacing by saying "sorry" just once.

dumb is as dumb does.

proof is in the puddin

to see is to behold

integrity and love comes from the heart


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
LOL I did laugh out loud at that reply. I understood it in the same way others did... While being somewhat confused by the meaning of that post... It very much sounded like something that would come right from the mouth of Brick Tamland...

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