CR Issue

Rewards Affiliates
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Feb 5, 2010
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The tested results are missing test players and missing money, I won't upload any proof at this time, definitely to a later moment. Won't be only CR :)

If your going to make such a statement as fact please post the proof.

I am involved in some serious tracking as well over the next few months which is why i have not been involved as of yet.

I just figure why get involved unless i have solid proof.

I see so many people say the same things over and over and over that they have proof and yet not one time do they ever post it.

It really makes us affiliates look like asses when we make claims and provide no proof.

Please post your proof. Otherwise whats the point of all this.

People will just roll their eyes and not find anything we say serious.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 20, 2010
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I originally posted in the meaning "that I agree with the opinion that CR is a cheating affiliate program" cross promoting is in fact seen as a rogue behavior. Proof for that has already been posted by other members here.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 20, 2010
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In fact I know 2 players who played at one CR casino from my site, none of my new players in the CR stats matches with the amounts I know from the 2 players. What would be the conclusion for you?
But let me add that the aff managers that work at CR are all super nice and fast in response and me personally I am over it, I got used to get ripped off in this business.
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Feb 5, 2010
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In fact I know 2 players who played at one CR casino from my site, none of my new players in the CR stats matches with the amounts I know from the 2 players. What would be the conclusion for you?

I totally agree with you. I am not suggesting you are wrong. Like I said I am conducting my own tests as well. I have some tests going on with some affiliates here on this forum and other places as well. I know how testing is done and ways to find out if the casino is cheating us. I have tried in the past to organize a group of us to do this for a long time.

I am glad affiliates are doing their own testing for sure and its a good idea.

What i am asking is - for you to post your process and show the proof that Casino Rewards is stealing from you. If you have this proof that goes along way for unsure affiliates.

It will also show GPWA (if they allow their sponsorship to continue) that they are choosing to support a casino that practices these behavours.

But most of the arguments never bring proof to light. Actual solid proof with evidence to bear the fruit.

What I am trying to say is post the proof which you claim shows how CR has stolen your players from you.

Make sense?

Cross promoting yes is a rogue behavour we all know this, some will say its predatory but what your suggesting here is you have got two people to deposit under your links and those 2 players are no where to be found.

What this suggests is they are going beyond cross promoting and are in fact stealing your players a much worse act.

I don't know if they are doing this - I do know yes they are cross promoting but have no clue if they are stealing players which is what your suggesting.

If you post proof everyone can see.


Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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Still need solid proof in order to get anywhere.

Umm not sure if you saw this or not:
Renee false statement

To me that proves aff links are being dropped. In fact if you can find an aff link on that screen cap or in the text post of that mailer above I'll go he!

If however you mean actual proof to CR stealing players, well that proof would be here:
Exibit A

and here: Exibit B

Without having access to the back end of CR you know it's impossible to prove what your asking for. However given I have supplied proof they contacted MY player and DROPPED my affiliate tag, and that this player clicked through to two CR casinos and both tagged MY PLAYER to the CR tag and not me, should be proof enuogh that CR have stolen from affiliates.
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Feb 5, 2010
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Yeah saw those Dave...

This OP said the players came right to his site deposits under his links and the players are not tracked to him.

This would indicate pure theft from direct affiliate links from ones own site.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I think this thread is just going way too far with too many baseless accusations (yeah, I know that first sentence is going to have your blood boiling Dave, but continue reading).

I will run some tests on players at CR, myself. If anyone else would like to do so (who is an UNBIASED person), please contact me at:


For the remainder of this thread, I do not want any more accusations being thrown CR's way until these tests are completed. It's not right, IMO. If you cant abide by that, then you will be banned from posting at AGD until the tests are complete. Yes, this is fair IMO.

Again, those who wish to conduct tests, please contact me. I will help perform the audit myself and set up a test plan that will help us come to our own conclusions.

Thank you.



Certification Member
Dec 18, 2006
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I have a long standing relationship with Rewards and still promote them.

BUT - I don't think these accusations are unfounded, just too much unrelated retoric is thrown in which keeps confusing the issue.

Fact is that every player you send is sent continuing emails with links to all other properties, and if they click on one of these links, they are not under your tag for the new property, they have essentially been switched from a casino you sent them to to a casino where Rewards collects all the profits without having to pay the aff.

Michael was happy that Rewards put "redownload" above the links. But, with all the talk about signing up to as many casinos as possible in the letter itself, players do click these links and will spend most of their time playing without aff tag. The "redownload" doesn't mean a thing. The links are supposed to be for branding. Branding requires images, not links. If these images were not linked, I would have no issue.

Now can someone please explain to me why it's OK for CasinoRewards to contact one of my tagged players, supply them with untagged links to and other sites they own, have my player click on another casino and then have MY PLAYER tagged to CasinoRewards?

Very simple issue.

So I am in no way discounting the issue, and in my book it will continue to count as a black mark on Rewards' reputation.

At this time I have a lot of good marks for them also, such as superb service for affs, an excellent retention team (albeit this works against us when they push players to untagged properties) etc etc, and I will continue to promote them for now.

But I am watching stats like a hawk. And I would very much like to see what Andy's tests bring us.

I don't see this case as being closed. And I find it a bit insulting that Renee refuses to post at AGD. AGD is a very professional, friendly board and if people get out of line they get reeled in.

On the other hand, Renee doesn't make the decisions at Rewards and she doesn't deserve any kind of personal attack. And ending a long standing friendship over this doesn't make any sense and further complicates any kind of negotiations. So please keep a professional tone and show facts only, not wild accusations or name calling.

I would like to see this dealt with, but I will step in if this thread is not kept on a purely professional level. I will delete labels such as liars, frauds, etc etc, they don't do anyone any good and are unprofessional. Stick to facts, people!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
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But I am watching stats like a hawk. And I would very much like to see what Andy's tests bring us.

I am too watching the stats but what can you do if you are on wagershare where there is no such thing as a deposits column ?
Besides that CR has given the acquired players from other groups you refferred different player numbers.

I don't see this case as being closed. And I find it a bit insulting that Renee refuses to post at AGD. AGD is a very professional, friendly board and if people get out of line they get reeled in.

What I find a slap in the face is that over at GPWA this highly important issue has been swept under the carpet very quiclky, whereas they could have handled this way better to set an example for all programs that do this kind of marketing. Now it looks like they have given in and have no power at all.

I am sorry but this is how I feel about it

I think it is very difficult for her to do so regarding the related thread at GPWA, it has been a company decision to continue their way of marketing.

On the other hand, Renee doesn't make the decisions at Rewards and she doesn't deserve any kind of personal attack. And ending a long standing friendship over this doesn't make any sense and further complicates any kind of negotiations. So please keep a professional tone and show facts only, not wild accusations or name calling.

She has to listen to her superiors, I do not blame her.

I would like to see this dealt with, but I will step in if this thread is not kept on a purely professional level. I will delete labels such as liars, frauds, etc etc, they don't do anyone any good and are unprofessional. Stick to facts, people!

Yes I also would like to stress if you have done some testing and you are a 100% confident something is not ok, post it with the documentation you have that proofs it.

On the other hand repeating how their tracking works and in which cases it does not, there is really no need for that as it has been explained in detail and summarized here


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 18, 2008
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I just want to add my two cents in on the 'testing ' , if you send 10 players to a casino and give them $50 to deposit one or two times these players are not really worth their time to mess with.Send a player to a casino who will sign up with the max bonus offer then deposit 5 times more before the day is out then have them play every single day for a month depositing frequently ,these are the players who get casinos tempted to play around .This would require probably $5000 to do a proper test ,to justify running a test on a casino of this size you have to make $5000 or so to just the expense.I have a few larger accounts and we run our tests on these usually once or twice a year .Also don't even think to run a test with affiliates or using same address or phone number , I am sure the ones who cheat must have some system to cross check before doing any funny business.I ran a test of 6 players with a group in 2009 and had 2 managers do the test for me as well.5 of 6 players did not track and casino group said they had visited the site before and their cookies don't over write.I won't post in public the group but I am happy to pm all of you the name.I personally do not want the liability that will come with sharing test results so I do my testing to help me run my business and not to tell others how to run theirs.


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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I don't see this case as being closed. And I find it a bit insulting that Renee refuses to post at AGD. AGD is a very professional, friendly board and if people get out of line they get reeled in.

I feel the same way, also I will be watching this thread we do not allow attacking/flame wars here at AGD which is why it has remained so professional.

Looking forward to the test results Andy.


Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
I feel the same way, also I will be watching this thread we do not allow attacking/flame wars here at AGD which is why it has remained so professional.

Looking forward to the test results Andy.
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Oct 5, 2010
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As a player

I have despised CR since they took me from dominics captn cook and i have only recently learned to despise her for supporting anything they do


Oct 5, 2010
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You saw it, i regret it, whatever
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Oct 5, 2010
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thought better of it
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Former AGD Member
Nov 24, 2007
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Renee doesn't make the decisions at Rewards and she doesn't deserve any kind of personal attack. And ending a long standing friendship over this doesn't make any sense and further complicates any kind of negotiations. So please keep a professional tone and show facts only, not wild accusations or name calling.

Renee may only be an employee but she is well aware of what's taken place. Defending & or turning a blind eye to stuff like this is ethically wrong on so many levels (IMO).

As Renee is the spokesperson for this mob and again reiterating defends their dodgy practices, then she's speaking on behalf of and for the company she works for. I shouldn't have to explain that.

I've attempted to contact the owner and managing director of ITS Management Jamie Taylor a number of times but obviously he'd rather have Renee cope the flack here on the forums About time he grew some nuts...
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Oct 5, 2010
Reaction score
Renee may only be an employee but she is well aware of what's taken place. Defending & or turning a blind eye to stuff like this is ethically wrong on so many levels (IMO).

As Renee is the spokesperson for this mob and again reiterating defends their dodgy practices, then she's speaking on behalf of and for the company she works for. I shouldn't have to explain that.

I've attempted to contact the owner and managing director of ITS Management Jamie Taylor a number of times but obviously he'd rather have Renee cope the flake here on the forums About time he grew some nuts...

Sorry I was on the wrong thread, kinda stupid, dont say much these days. CR are slime for sure, sorry the engineer dave doesn't get that
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