Can take week, or 5 months
In different languages than English, sometimes google updates are very slow so you may see spammy websites.
And sometimes google updates go "Wrong" in a way that can be good for you, and rank new website very high for few days, than it's important that the website would be clear and with good inner links etc. Because otherwise, they won't punish you, but just put you back down to the organic "Normal" Results for new websites with allot of competitors.
In different languages than English, sometimes google updates are very slow so you may see spammy websites.
And sometimes google updates go "Wrong" in a way that can be good for you, and rank new website very high for few days, than it's important that the website would be clear and with good inner links etc. Because otherwise, they won't punish you, but just put you back down to the organic "Normal" Results for new websites with allot of competitors.