How many ftds a month before you can do this full time?


New Member
Feb 12, 2024
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Hi guys, I know this is asked a lot and I'm a new profile and all, but I'm just wondering how many ftds per month or how many ftds you guys had overall before you guys could do this full time?

Currently I'm not old school and have websites like you guys, instead I have a unique and same username in several social medias such as Youtube, Pinterest, Quora, Twitch, Telegram, etc.

I then try to build a brand around that username by creating engaging content or just hang around.

I then send them to my discord channel to build a community around gambling or just send them affiliate links or place affiliate / discord links in my profile or post if it's allowed.

I started January, so about 1 month and 2 weeks now.

Currently, I have 7 ftds, most are from the US and some are from Canada.

Not much earning yet, so how many ftds did you get before you could quit your job?

Very interested in people focusing on US, though I'm starting to get more traffic from all over the place.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nov 20, 2013
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It depends on what you're promoting, as player values differ across verticals, whether it is Casino, Sports, Bingo or something more niche.

It also depends on whether you're on Rev share deals, CPA, or hybrid. With CPA you get paid up front, Rev share is for the long term, once you've built up a critical mass of players bringing in a regulare stable income you'll know when's a good time to go FT.

If you're getting loads of new FTDs, you may want to consider CPA initially or a hybrid deal, as that will get you to FT quicker.

For me, it was 10 FTDs a month, but I'm in a niche where player value is high. It took me a year to get that, but that was back in 2014.


New Member
Feb 12, 2024
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It depends on what you're promoting, as player values differ across verticals, whether it is Casino, Sports, Bingo or something more niche.

It also depends on whether you're on Rev share deals, CPA, or hybrid. With CPA you get paid up front, Rev share is for the long term, once you've built up a critical mass of players bringing in a regulare stable income you'll know when's a good time to go FT.

If you're getting loads of new FTDs, you may want to consider CPA initially or a hybrid deal, as that will get you to FT quicker.

For me, it was 10 FTDs a month, but I'm in a niche where player value is high. It took me a year to get that, but that was back in 2014.
Thanks! The vertical is Primary Casino, so many of them are slot players.

I'm currently on a Revshare deal, all the ftds are between $50 - $200.

So, I guess having at least 120 ftds and then a minimum 10 ftds per month after that, to have some semblance of a minimum wage salary for me.

Hmm, not too bad though, since freedom in this kind of work is kind of nice.

Guess this will do, back to the grind, I guess.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 19, 2013
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The number of depositors is not always the factor that gets you there if you are on revenue share. One depositor
can make large deposits regularly and account for more revenue generated than dozens of other depositors.


New Member
Feb 22, 2022
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As said, there are so many factors affecting the monthly income especially on RS deals. One high roller can make or break you. Also the player lifetime on a single casino is way shorter than like 10 years ago. How many depositors are staying active after 3 months, 6 months or 12 months from their registration? So instead of the player pool I'd focus on the monthly FTD number when considering leaving everything else.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 7, 2015
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I would ask how much money before you become full time. and that depends how much it costs you to live, so that's your answer