Interesting AGD numbers

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I did some cleanup on the forums and looked at some information over time to come up with the numbers below. This will also show that my cleanup was long overdue, so yeah... might make me look bad in the process :)

A current look into the programs that have closed since the last cleanup:

* 10 programs were previously listed as Predatory
* 10 programs were previously listed as Rogue
* 7 programs were previously listed as certified.

From those stats, the closing ratio is nearly 3 to 1 for a program that is listed as either Predatory or Rogue.

A look over time at the same information:

* 23 programs were previously listed as Predatory
* 19 programs were previously listed as Rogue
* 17 programs were previously listed as certified.

This information is what I could determine based upon all closed programs while we have been tracking them. This is nearly the same conclusion.. the closing ratio in this time is 2.5 to 1. However, this does not take into effect many ROGUE programs that sucked up other predatory or ROGUE programs during that time.

Suffice it to say... new programs will have more staying power by being affiliate-friendly from the start. I wish I had even more details into this, but it was great to see as I cleaned up the forums.

NOTE: Please have a look over the programs and let me know if there are any that are inaccurate. (Predatory, Rogue, Closed).



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Good job mate !

It is getting a lot worse with these hackers ranking for multiple keywords, IMO a lot of affiliates will give up at least that is what they are hoping for.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
IMO a lot of affiliates will give up at least that is what they are hoping for.

That's eactly what they're hoping for!
A good motivator to find keywords/long tails they're not targeting ;)

Edit: A compounding side issue here...
Other casinos who are not listed on these millions of doorway pages would also probably be having a hard time too because their affiliates have lost serps to the hacked pages.

Buffalo "claim" (via Anthony at GPWA) they've closed the hacker account, yet from history we know when this happens, casinos are removed within 24 - 48 hours. This hasn't happened and BP casinos are still on the doorway pages. Anyone who thinks BP are not involved/party-to these hackings (imo) has rocks in their head.

(hacked site) - (feeder iframe URL - whois data:
Domain Create Date:27-Apr-2015 08:27:45 UTC
Domain Last Updated Date:26-Jun-2015 20:50:07 UTC - four (4) days after GPWA Anthony claimed BP closed hacker account.
Domain Expiration Date:27-Apr-2016 08:27:45 UTC


Yet another feeder-site:

There are hundreds of these too.

Frankly it's a nasty set of circumstances all around for anyone other than BP and the hacker!
Last edited:


May 2, 2011
Reaction score
Doesn't surprise me at all. The morals in this industry are slim to none. It's one thing to be lied over the internet, but they actually meet you face to face, smile and still try to sell you that bear trap, as long as you are willing to stick your hand out and reach for more.

Andy on your Predator list Betfair shows up as has negative carry-over, but for the past 2 years, my negatives have never carried over to the next month (thank god). Maybe something to look at with others and adjust.

I think Euro Partners as just predatory is flattering, Automatic detracking, suspension + quota should be more than enough to move up in the ladder as a rogue :D

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
Firstly, let's NOT turn this into a hacker thread - that was not the intent nor is it even closely related to that topic.

Andy on your Predator list Betfair shows up as has negative carry-over, but for the past 2 years, my negatives have never carried over to the next month (thank god). Maybe something to look at with others and adjust.

I think Euro Partners as just predatory is flattering, Automatic detracking, suspension + quota should be more than enough to move up in the ladder as a rogue :D

Negative Carryover Betfair - I set that because of the following term:

4.10 In the event that the Amount Due for a calendar month is a negative amount, Betfair may, but will not be obliged to, carry forward and set off such negative amount against Amounts Due for future months which would otherwise be payable to you.

I see that as a negative carryover because they can apply it at will due to their terms and conditions.

Euro Partners - I will resolve that, can't recall why they were set to predatory instead of Rogue, but I am sure there was a reason.


May 2, 2011
Reaction score
Weird I guess it's that "may but not obligated". I see what you mean now, it's like they spin the wheel to see if it gets carried or not :D

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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yeah, there are a couple that do that. It's a frustrating term to come across.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Negative Carry Over, High Roller Corralling, Bundling etc etc etc... IF it was a bona fide legitimate deduction, every program would have implimented it since day dot, end of story!

Firstly, let's NOT turn this into a hacker thread

Just sayin the only reason it's a hot topic and will filter into threads is cause nothing is being done about it! While it probably doesn't affect AGD per se, there are members here who it really is affecting... again just sayin :)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 9, 2015
Reaction score
I try to only list AGD certified programs now.. But tbh its like trying to hit a moving target ;) I put one up, you move them around lol.. But from your stats looks like your coming out ahead with who deserves the title.. Nice work (and transparency) w/ the stats!

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
I try to only list AGD certified programs now.. But tbh its like trying to hit a moving target ;) I put one up, you move them around lol.. But from your stats looks like your coming out ahead with who deserves the title.. Nice work (and transparency) w/ the stats!

It is certainly not intentional to move them around :)

And, to be honest - this thread (well, to me anyway) isn't so much AGD-related as it is all of us. We all have a part to play in mentioning the good and the bad of programs. There are many programs that were great quality for a long time, but when indicators came down (slower payments, slower communications, etc)... members here spoke up, we changed their status, eventually they closed. There are just as many that were bad (from a T&C perspective alone) that we warned about and (eventually or quickly) closed.

I think it is good to see, though, that programs listed as predatory and rogue (in our overall opinions) are the ones closing down. I feel good about that at the end of the day.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 9, 2015
Reaction score
It is certainly not intentional to move them around :)
haha I know and its good that you do when you do.. I'm just saying..

And yes as a community this forum has been very helpful.. Without it we would all be much more in the dark. We all seem to get different information at different times from the programs, and have different experiences. This forum seems to piece it all together.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
I am surprised the ratio is what it is. I would have thought a larger percentage of rouge programs would have fallen by the wayside. It is sad to see so many legit programs that just fizzeled away.

With managing the forum and other duties of the superadmin, I would not expect a clean up to happen faster. You don't look bad bud


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 9, 2015
Reaction score
I think it is good to see, though, that programs listed as predatory and rogue (in our overall opinions) are the ones closing down. I feel good about that at the end of the day.

Looks like you got a few more right! Unfortunately...