Money grab: Ladbrokes dumps all U.S. affiliates; steals future residual income


From Pandora.
Feb 22, 2012
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What with my limited understanding of this aff world, id be inclined to say that the majority of affs would be American and since the the us outlawed online gambling the push for affs to change target markets has saturated/extra publicity is no longer required to the point where they think they are kings (in europe) and need no help, at which point when/if they break into the us market they will re accept us affs WHEN they fail without you. Its a greed thing.

I'd love to say alot more but i would'nt want to make good programs turn rouge, this is a public forum after all.


New Member
Oct 31, 2012
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Thank you for the feedback on this. Of course, we’re not happy about the negative impact this decision has on our ongoing affiliate relationships and we have been trying to make this a smooth as possible for all our active affiliates. We would like to again express our sincere apologies for this undesirable change.

Ladbrokes does not accept US players and although our USA based affiliates were promoting us to a non-US customer base, we still had to cut our ties. As a public limited company, we are constantly monitoring risks to our current and future business. In the light of this, working with affiliates directly or indirectly associated with the USA is regrettably perceived as high risk for our future business in a potentially regulated US market.

All other affiliates remained unaffected and it’s business as usual.

Although this only affects a fairly small amount of Score Affiliates, we’re still mindful about the impact it has. Should our decision have directly impacted you and you have not yet made contact with us, please contact us on and we will be happy to discuss.


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
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I posted, but hasn't CM been HUGE fans of Ladbrokes?
I don't actually think he is - he only put them back on his Accredited List about a month ago.

I asked a hypothetical question on CM; What if Lads transferred all of a USA affy players over to a non-USA aff - and then they came to an arrangement about the commission between themselves... ?



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 9, 2008
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I agree that Ladbrokes absolutely should be paying off American affiliates, rather than stealing future revenue generated by these players, which is essentially what Ladbrokes is doing. Nothing surprises me about Ladbrokes' affiliate program, they've had a horrible attitude towards affiliates ever since day one when they tried to fob us off with 10% because "we can do it", which of course they could not. Ladbrokes were wrong then. They've been wrong MANY times since. And they're wrong again now.

Ladbrokes - sort yourselves out and pay up to American affiliates. Buy the players back from them, or encourage and help US affiliates to sell their player-base to another affiliate.

What's to stop a US-based affiliate providing a link to Ladbrokes via a trusted affiliate friend who isn't based in the 'land of the free'?

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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I don't actually think he is - he only put them back on his Accredited List about a month ago.

You are right.. I was thinking 32Red. How I could get them confused I have no clue :) Sorry!

I asked a hypothetical question on CM; What if Lads transferred all of a USA affy players over to a non-USA aff - and then they came to an arrangement about the commission between themselves... ?

I agree with this... they could do A LOT to be honest...

* Buy out the player bases (at minimum)
* Allow affys to sell out to non-US affys

I mean get real Ladbrokes... your statement above is ludicrous, everyone knows it (including your shareholders I'm sure) and you simply look like a thieving organization at this point.


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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I would personally be looking for something like 3-5 years worth, give or take -- depending on how steady the monthly earnings were up until the point of the buyout.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 18, 2008
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I would personally be looking for something like 3-5 years worth, give or take -- depending on how steady the monthly earnings were up until the point of the buyout.
10 months is the average price for affiliate accounts not sure what it will be worth to the programs though.You may get more from an affiliate who is delivering big numbers to them if they would allow sale of accounts.


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
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10 months might be okay for a U.S. facing account (RTG or Rival, for example), or for a relatively new affiliate account, or for an account with unsteady monthly earnings. But I think a larger amount is in order if the account is several years old, has steady monthly earnings, and consists of mostly UK or European players.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 18, 2008
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I was offered less for a account started in 2005 that only had non USA players and they had on average 52 active players each month.Part of the issue is there are not many people with the means to purchase good affiliate accounts,if you are earning $1000-$2000 range each month you may get more x factor but minute you are in the $5k+ range the multiple will drop .I believe they should make a blanket offer to all affiliates if they are going to purchase the accounts and alternatively they should give affiliates the option to change the account info to a non USA bank account.I believe Michael Corfman posted he was able to do this because he also has a European Business.They can't cherry pick who they are going to give special treatment to ,everyone needs to be treated in a fair way even if you only earn $200 a year.I personally have a balance of £61 for 2 plus years and have not worked with them in a long time so not affected by this but this is definitely not the right way to handle the situation .
I suspect their Legal team instructed them to have nothing to do with anyone in USA regarding the online Gambling .Maybe some paranoia on their part but then again has DOJ done anything in the past few years that make sense to any of us?
I have said this more than once and just my own personal opinion but I believe we will see more of this action against US affiliates so IMO it would be smart to set up banking outside USA .I know it may not be easy but you need to protect your income stream and more of these companies will use this excuse to take advantage of the situations.Internet Marketing/Publishing is not illegal and neither is providing a service but obviously they have lost their common sense here.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 2, 2009
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Bonustreak wrote:
I received a laughable 6 month average compensation offer from Ladbrokes as a sort of settlement.

Was that 6 months of the income you would have made or six months of the income Laddies would have made. If it wasn't the latter, they are, to use the technical English term, taking the f****ng p*ss!


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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So this last left off with myself still NEVER being paid for my players that were stolen from me & now they have changed over to playtech.. I am currently talking to a new person on board the team there and I hope there can be a settlement for us US based affiliates to get our players back and our accounts re-opened IF we have offshore banking that is...
Last edited:


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2013
Reaction score
So this last left off with myself still NEVER being paid for my players that were stolen from me & now they have changed over to playtech.. I am currently talking to a new person on board the team there and I hope there can be a settlement for us US based affiliates to get our players back and our accounts re-opened IF we have offshore banking that is...

I don't see what the big deal is to get you taken care of if the (above) is completed. My first priority would be getting this taken care of so I would get more traffic. But I have to say that the smaller guys will probably be out of luck. Then again... how many small USA casino affiliates could there be promoting Ladbrokes... In this regard maybe they should just put a price on the players and pay off the people who hooked them. Its not like Ladbrooks has a shortage of money I would assume.

Ladbrokes Partners

  1. AGD Terms Certification
  2. Slow/Delayed Payments?
  3. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  4. Have Negative Carryover?
  5. High Roller Policy
  6. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  7. Missing Admin Fee
  8. Ambiguous Termination Clause
  9. T&C updates not emailed



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