j) Applicants must provide at least 5 active players to become a qualified Affiliate and to have the right to request a withdrawal.
Thank you for your efforts, but the fact, many programs are using it, does not make it any better. It's the same as with the admin-fee rip-off. Thanks to GPWA shortly 90 % of all programs are using that fee, and it's still the same rip-off as it was the time, when the whole idea to steal money was born.
I am working for the small affiliates, because they have almost no real protectors in this industry, and for the small affliate a first payout term can be a desaster, and it's not only a scam in my opinion, it's also a disservice, because with such a term and the bad surprises coming to the heart, a program is demotivating it's small affiliates from the beginning.
Either a program does not care about their small affiliates or they are too stupid to think twice about the demotivation issue.
Conditions look quite friendly. Something similar to odd comparison conditions. I think that next week I will try to connect to their affiliate program. I'll update my comment later.