RA Stats vs my counter ?

Rewards Affiliates


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
I have been monitoring traffic sent for a while to the Rewardsaffiliates brands and I started with Casino Action that shows less recorded clicks in the RA stats and the traffic is just from 1 site (?).

See pics taken for February :

Counter Stats vs RA Stats

Anyone seen the same ?

Could it be that bots/US players visited the links, but a click is a click right ?

Please comment.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Could it be that bots/US players visited the links, but a click is a click right ?

Please comment.

Most programs I notice a small difference in clicks in my tracking system versus the affiliate program. I think some do differentiate between bots and that may be the difference. Crazy enough - Rival was the only one that tracked 1 to 1.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
Reaction score
I believe if you use the RA bounce back url it won't register on the RA side but would as a counter exit link click.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 17, 2009
Reaction score
...Could it be that bots/US players visited the links, but a click is a click right ?

Please comment.
In my experience, click and download numbers are dependent on the filters used (if any) by the aff program.

Click numbers, just like dl numbers can be vastly inflated by bot and automated traffic hits.

Some programs count all hits, no matter the source (like Rival) and others use differently configured filters to try to exclude bot and other automated traffic from the stats. So these numbers from most aff programs are never that accurate, in my opinion. Not to mention that aff programs that do use filtering on their stats are almost always silent about how they filter their 'Hit' and 'dl' stats. So you never know just what is being filtered.

Sign-ups or Registrations (Real live leads)... those are the stat numbers to watch, imo.

If someone is willing to dl the software and then sign-up.. there is very little reason, imo, that the person should not then make a deposit.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
yeah probably repeated clicks by bots are filtered which could explain the difference.

will think about having some audits done to check if the leads (remain) track properly.


Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Any link that goes through referral.asp counts as a click, so the bounce back will also count as a click. If it does not go through the referral page, it will not count as a click. There are a few old links that were available that did not go through this page, so it's also possible that you still have those on your site.

The clicks are also session based, so if someone double clicks your link, or clicks it twice in the same session, it should only count as one click.

There are many factors that could cause the difference. We can't guarantee any third party tracking though because most of the time they do not factor in things like unique clicks, impressions etc.

So now we are moving onto audits of our click tracking... are you saying you believe we are not tracking properly now?
I test this myself every day and I am 10000000% positive that it is tracking correctly.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
Reaction score
Any link that goes through referral.asp counts as a click, so the bounce back will also count as a click. If it does not go through the referral page, it will not count as a click. There are a few old links that were available that did not go through this page, so it's also possible that you still have those on your site.

The clicks are also session based, so if someone double clicks your link, or clicks it twice in the same session, it should only count as one click.

There are many factors that could cause the difference. We can't guarantee any third party tracking though because most of the time they do not factor in things like unique clicks, impressions etc.

So now we are moving onto audits of our click tracking... are you saying you believe we are not tracking properly now?
I test this myself every day and I am 10000000% positive that it is tracking correctly.

Hi Renee,

I'm a little confused.

This is what the dev guy said back on 10/17/2011 regarding a click for GMD not registering. I'm using up to date code I believe, that is to say it does have referral.asp in the url.

Hey James

I’ve just had our dev guy have a look at the code and any players that hit the bounce back link will not show as a click in your stats because they do not actually hit the site before they are redirected.


Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
You're right - I thought someone had asked me before but for some reason I thought that it did count because it went through referral, but if it doesn't hit the site it doesn't hit the referral page on the site so it can't track. Sorry about that.

Test it out and let me know if you see any different.

If you are not using the rewardsafftrack link, for example the old links: xxhttp://www.aztecrichescasino.com/referral.asp?aff_id=affXXXXX, then the bounce back link doesn't work and anything to the above will count as a click apart from the session thing I mentioned above.

xxhttp://www.rewardsafftrack.eu/affiliate/referral.asp?site=azr&aff_id=affXXXXX - the bounce back/geo targeting will only work on these links with rewardsafftrack in the url and as slotplayer said, the bounce back will not count a click because it doesn't hit the site.

Let me know if I've jimmied up anything above :p


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
So now we are moving onto audits of our click tracking... are you saying you believe we are not tracking properly now?
I test this myself every day and I am 10000000% positive that it is tracking correctly.

No but I saw a difference in my stats but it is probably :

1. the bounce back will not count a click because it doesn't hit the site.
2. links clicked multiple times in the same session.


Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
I would say that is likely the case.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
Reaction score
If that was meant for me I don't have time or desire to test RA tracking. I'm sure its working. They have a good technical team over there.

As a far as audits, any IA (Betfred) or Top game (affilatewide) would be a good candidate. I seen things that raise some flags.

In any event if you're not taking advantage of the RA bounce back URL for USA visitors you should.
Compared to the some of the other MG's that off usa players an RTG nd its a much better implementation and I know I get business as result of it whereas I've never made a single cent from those RTG nd offers.

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