Removing Revenue Giants

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
Reaction score
ok, ok, ok.... you are both good people :) Now calm down. I think things were taken a bit out of context on both sides here and the conversation should likely take place 'real time' on Skype. Malci is pretty easy going, much like WCD... I'm quite sure you 2 can come to an agreement much easier that way.

Just my opinion... no 'shooting the messenger' here ;)

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
I'm not pissed at Malci - my memory sucks and the internal messaging things really irk me. Email should be the main way of communication or Skype) I was not aware of these methods and had always felt forced into the silly internal PM stuff. I see the contact link now up there (very obvious I admit!) - So now I know, I always looked at the menu on the left which takes you to the messaging service. ;D

Anyway I see not reason to continue the discussion - things other than bad results in my stats have been brought to light (which I feel is a more likely reason FOR the bad results) so I will not be recommending the casinos in the future.

I've made plenty of friends along the way - so not saying that. But I don't join an affiliate program and immediately try to make friends with the manager. I just try to send traffic, be respectful, etc. I don't have the time to do that other stuff. Anyway, I'm not here for a fight, so I'm all good with letting this go into the cyber-ether...


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 18, 2008
Reaction score
I was one of the first complainers about revenue giants going back 2005/2006 but when Malci took over I have to give her credit as she worked with us and set up special bonus and landing pages. I mainly work with their bingo rooms and earn a low $xxxx a month with them.They bought out a few top game casinos and for us their casinos have never attracted good quality players compared to other programs who can have crazy players dropping very high $xx,xxx a month.IMO other than Vistagaming they are the only decent bingo rooms still in USA market.

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
We used to do low $xxxx each month, too. ... but it's gone through at least two dry spells for us that are ridiculous and after promoting them for so long and delivering a decent amount of traffic and having used to made a fair amount we are down to making a measly $44 bucks or something... to me its just too much.

We've been promoting them since 2006.... so we should have some base. Something... but it just dribbled down to nothing.

Nothing against Malci, but that plus the bad terms that were pointed out are enough for me to pull the plug. However since I have no bingo programs right now to replace them with, they remain.


Affiliate Program Representative
Jun 20, 2007
Reaction score
Casinobonusguy, I appreciate your post. :emoticon-0148-yes:

Guard dog, I know you mean good and to get things to calm and I will never be upset at the passenger especially if it is you 8) but I am upset at the entire situation and mainly the way an affiliate choose to express incorrect things and in a forum without even giving the curtsey to the program by communicating this privately. You must agree that there aren't many good affiliate programs out there, so if there is a good affiliate program that always there for affiliates, are honest, work hard for their affiliates, bring on more casino and bingo clients and don't mess around, the minimum they deserve is respect and certainly not insults.

WCD, even if I dont agree with your actions, I'm still ready to discuss how to improve your stats privately if you are interested.


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
Reaction score
Andy is away at the moment but I will say that of course we appreciate any program manager that is willing to come address issues on the forum.

I hope that everyone can agree to disagree, take this up in private with each other so that business can continue nicely :)

We try our best to keep everything professional, not personal on the forum but as everyone knows times are tough in this business so tempers are easy to rise.

Remember we are all in this together guys, we need to be a tight team to succeed in business.

I will be personally removing anything that is insulting personally from here on out, so keep it professional everyone!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
I have chosen their bingo sites for Online Bingo Sites - Bingo Bonuses, Reviews for which I have no regrets, I do not have a lot bingo traffic IMO its the best group for us bingo players.

Malci posted previously $9.99 was the min deposit, I think.

You can not deny that she is very responsive.

I trust this program but currently peeps do not open their wallets as we all would like to see, it is not like in the good old days anymore.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
Reaction score
We used to do low $xxxx each month, too. ... but it's gone through at least two dry spells for us that are ridiculous and after promoting them for so long and delivering a decent amount of traffic and having used to made a fair amount we are down to making a measly $44 bucks or something... to me its just too much.

We've been promoting them since 2006.... so we should have some base. Something... but it just dribbled down to nothing.

Nothing against Malci, but that plus the bad terms that were pointed out are enough for me to pull the plug. However since I have no bingo programs right now to replace them with, they remain.

I think dormant accounts are disabled. I have a SV test account for screens and it is disabled.

Account Disabled
There are a number of reasons why your account may have been disabled:

1.You have not used your account in over 365 days

Revenue Giants

  1. AGD Terms Certification
    Terms and Conditions
  2. Slow/Delayed Payments?
  3. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  4. Have Negative Carryover?
  5. High Roller Policy
  6. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  7. Missing Admin Fee
  8. Ambiguous Termination Clause
  9. T&C updates not emailed



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