
Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Dec 31, 2013
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I provided pretty clear thoughts (and calcs) as to why both Wagershare and RevShare affiliates have to pay consumption taxes on profits - and that the taxes are the same value even if the profit sharing arrangements are different - and why also at times it will throw numbers off for WagerShare affs like me and Dave.

I also attempted to discuss how the consumption tax charge structure could be improved to avoid that.

Instead of discussing ideas and merits or otherwise - or coming up with alternate views - all I read is slurs of "shills" and "agendas" - to which I will say that I'm hugely disappointed in that response.

I wonder why your threads are pretty much deserted and only supported by the unhinged and the disaffected ... ?


Former Member
Nov 16, 2018
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^ thanks for making us all look twice, and then three times at this Paul.
you turned me from undecided to "ok", seems reasonable.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
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"And unfortunately some prestigious webmasters are also on her side as I experienced. Not neccessarily because of vicousness, but they do believe her tactics I guess."

You are completely right. Some bigs in reality are as small as a rat, or a rat to say it with the language of certain circles, thruth's almost no one wants to accept.

You have to know, almost all "bigs" never cared about small webmasters. Never. This is a very sad pattern, but it's the nature in business obviously. All what they provide, is lip services, especially on GPWA.

Moreover: Do you really believe, one of the "bigs" would Dave give a sober piece of bread if he would be hungry, after all what he did for the community over 20+ years?

No, never.

Thankfully, Dave has enough bread for the rest of his life. The finest bread one can imagine, and he deserves it, on the contrary to others. This tax grab case is not weak. Its scheer existance makes it strong.

Even if one has enough money, it's still possible to be on the side of the few, the small and against the evil. This is with Dave the case and also with me.