Stats Since Migrations

Rewards Affiliates


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
Hi, Since Share, Mondial, Villento and Rich Reels were migrated to Rewards I have not earned a penny. I find that odd as almost monthly I received payments from them under the original affiliate programs. Could there have been a mistake in the migration? I have not received a payment from RA in over a year now. Is there a way you can check to see that all my old players were indeed migrated to your site? Thanks for any help, I just find this so odd.


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
I'm afraid Rewards Affiliates must be considered as "dodgy" at best.
It's a great shame because Renee is a super AM and the group has got so much potential for affiliates, but it seems they would rather "screw" us and just try to make as much as they can by their own means. :(

My advice is to stop promoting them, as I did recently.
It's just not worth it when there are much more reputable brands to work with.
It's hard enough to earn a buck in this game as it is, without wasting time & effort only to feel cheated at the end.



Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Hi, Since Share, Mondial, Villento and Rich Reels were migrated to Rewards I have not earned a penny. I find that odd as almost monthly I received payments from them under the original affiliate programs. Could there have been a mistake in the migration? I have not received a payment from RA in over a year now. Is there a way you can check to see that all my old players were indeed migrated to your site? Thanks for any help, I just find this so odd.

Looking at the data I have, I'm not sure how you came to this conclusion.

I find the comment about not earning a penny since taking over a bit rough considering you have around the same amount earned on your darmac account from an old PLP player this month that you used to earn with that group (see 5th May). Player date joined: October 22, 2008. So it looks like your players were in fact mapped correctly. You can see this info by drilling down into your player stats. Let me know if you need help with that.

Your Vegas affiliates players and your villento players were mapped to an account with username drewbear since that was the matching email to those accounts, although if I look at the last 6 months of your vegas affiliates stats, the total commission earned was $0, and on the villento brands, the last 6 months total earnings before we took over was $205.92 (the last 2 months being $0) so it's not surprising there is no commission earned from those players.

I have posted this info simply because a claim was made that we did not map players correctly and that there were earnings before taking over, when by looking at the data I have this is not the case.

Redbush - I have a feeling gamtrak did email me about this, but I will go through my emails and see if I can find it. If not, I will also go through to see which accounts the players were mapped to so we can be sure they were not mapped to a different account also.

I will wholely admit that there are accounts that were earning before we took over that are either not earning as much now or are earning 0, but we have seen this across the board, not just with players who have signed up through affiliates. And I have mentioned it on several occasions. There are also affiliates who have most of their players still playing and we have even managed to get dormant accounts playing again. So it seems to be one of those things where only the bad is getting posted.

@KK - Thanks for the compliment ;)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
I was almost going to promote these guys. Having read your comments aka "dodgy" i will not promote them. @KK Thanks for the honest non compliments :) about them.

I'm afraid Rewards Affiliates must be considered as "dodgy" at best.
It's a great shame because Renee is a super AM and the group has got so much potential for affiliates, but it seems they would rather "screw" us and just try to make as much as they can by their own means. :(

My advice is to stop promoting them, as I did recently.
It's just not worth it when there are much more reputable brands to work with.
It's hard enough to earn a buck in this game as it is, without wasting time & effort only to feel cheated at the end.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
Renee, I am just saying my last payment from RA Was in April of 2011 and every month my dashboard has been zero balance. This month is showing $65. I made decent earnings with Mondial and Share and now nothing. I do find that odd. I was just wondering if it was happening to anyone else


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
I was almost going to promote these guys. Having read your comments aka "dodgy" i will not promote them. @KK Thanks for the honest non compliments :) about them.

Hi Jeff, KK

I have compiled somthing you should read maybe this will help to understand how they work :

Rewards Affiliates Shaving with Cross Promotion | Rogue Casino Programs


1. With regard to mapping over players I can confirm all seems to be ok to me.
2. Grand Mondial and etc from the former Playshare Group had different bonuses, retention so if your players do not like the CR group than you have bad luck.
3. It is no secret RA is sending players promos from their other casinos and newsletters which do not include our affiliate btag.
4. Players will probably have more player accounts due to this, a lot will play under the CR btag as they are exposed to receiving their bonus promos from the entire group.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 20, 2010
Reaction score
Over the last 5 years I have not seen any other online casino group spamming so strong as RA.
From an Affiliate perspective it's not enough to just remove them, I believe players need to be warned about such online casino groups.
Their AM's are great but not that great as if they would they would be working for a FAIR TRADING COMPANY.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Mar 14, 2008
Reaction score
Hi Jeff, KK

I have compiled somthing you should read maybe this will help to understand how they work :

Rewards Affiliates Shaving with Cross Promotion | Rogue Casino Programs


1. With regard to mapping over players I can confirm all seems to be ok to me.
2. Grand Mondial and etc from the former Playshare Group had different bonuses, retention so if your players do not like the CR group than you have bad luck.
3. It is no secret RA is sending players promos from their other casinos and newsletters which do not include our affiliate btag.
4. Players will probably have more player accounts due to this, a lot will play under the CR btag as they are exposed to receiving their bonus promos from the entire group.

Wow thanks for the link (which lead to many more links) Things are much clearer now


Affiliate Program Representative
Apr 24, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Jeff, KK

I have compiled somthing you should read maybe this will help to understand how they work :

Rewards Affiliates Shaving with Cross Promotion | Rogue Casino Programs


1. With regard to mapping over players I can confirm all seems to be ok to me.
2. Grand Mondial and etc from the former Playshare Group had different bonuses, retention so if your players do not like the CR group than you have bad luck.
3. It is no secret RA is sending players promos from their other casinos and newsletters which do not include our affiliate btag.
4. Players will probably have more player accounts due to this, a lot will play under the CR btag as they are exposed to receiving their bonus promos from the entire group.

You definitely have something to complain about considering you had your best month ever with us last month and you promote us very heavily on your site despite telling everyone else not to. Good to see you follow your own advice.

Over the last 5 years I have not seen any other online casino group spamming so strong as RA.
From an Affiliate perspective it's not enough to just remove them, I believe players need to be warned about such online casino groups.
Their AM's are great but not that great as if they would they would be working for a FAIR TRADING COMPANY.

I find your post very ironic.

These threads turning into flames that contain the same info over and over after I reply to a post are getting old.
If a question can't be answered on the forums without crucification, then I don't see any reason to participate. I have email, chat and phone. If there are questions perhaps they can be directed there moving forward.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 5, 2012
Reaction score
You definitely have something to complain about considering you had your best month ever with us last month and you promote us very heavily on your site despite telling everyone else not to. Good to see you follow your own advice.

To be fair Renee - and you know i try to be as we've talked at great length - all of us here know that when a player signs up to one of the CR group they then get a hefty amount of promotional mail for other venues in the CR group. If you get a player via an affiliate and then that player gets bombarded with mail asking them to sign-up at different CR venues and when they do they are not tracked to the affiliate at the new venue it's perfectly understandable that the affiliate would feel that they'd been treated unfairly and it's going to come up when CR are mentioned on affiliate boards. I do understand that it must be difficult to deal with this subject coming up time and time again - and CR are not the only group to do this - but as long as this happens, there are going to be a lot of unhappy affiliates.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 20, 2009
Reaction score
Renee : You definitely have something to complain about considering you had your best month ever with us last month and you promote us very heavily on your site despite telling everyone else not to. Good to see you follow your own advice.

1. I have not touched that site since years, traffic has almost gone. You knew that before you posted it.

I did not know about the cross promoting issue until I performed some tests.

I selected RA for not having to deal with month end surprises, what you see is simply what you get*. I will have to promote your brands to leave the multi basket principle intact that protects my monthly income. You also knew that before you posted it.

(*) Promoting is at own risk, it is a warning that RA does cross promote quite heavily under their btag in newsletters/promos.

3. Sure I had my best month ever ........ but would be A LOT MORE when including the referred players that have been siphoned away by all those promo emails and newsletters with 30+ clickable brand logos above the player information.

So I should not complain about your company that has a habit to put those profits in their own pockets?

4. It is very clear that this cross promoting policy has been set by the upper management - its the RA marketing model they won't let go of.
you can't do anything about it Rene just defend it at your best, It is an affiliate managers job which I can understand.

5. you posted this :

https:// www. affiliateguarddog. com/forums/cr-issue-t4308.html

All the information is available at the GPWA including the resolution which was agreed on by the private GPWA members.

Rewards Aff. has never informed their affiliates about this by sending them an email, sweeping it under the carpet will not solve it.

6. This will NOT go away anytime soon.

by BB1Webs :
If you are willing to sit quietly in the shadows and accept anything less than what you've rightfully earned then you not only deserve the screwing you got today, but also the one you're going to get tomorrow


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 5, 2012
Reaction score
1. I have not touched that site since years, traffic has almost gone. You knew that before you posted it.

Did she though, or did she just take a quick look at the stats on your account and see an incongruity?


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 21, 2012
Reaction score
Yer it is the same info over and over again Renee as your say; but it's the ethics of Rewards Affiliates that cross promote and shave affs that will keep me from not going anywhere near your brands. Just Google "Rewards Affiliates" and see what results appear. I love the trophy Renee in your pic but it does not pay our bills! But please keep your responses open; lets not hide these comments from the search results so everyone can make an honest judgement on Rewards Affiliates, sharing is caring right?:cool:
You definitely have something to complain about considering you had your best month ever with us last month and you promote us very heavily on your site despite telling everyone else not to. Good to see you follow your own advice.

I find your post very ironic.

These threads turning into flames that contain the same info over and over after I reply to a post are getting old.
If a question can't be answered on the forums without crucification, then I don't see any reason to participate. I have email, chat and phone. If there are questions perhaps they can be directed there moving forward.
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Rewards Affiliates

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