still waiting on payment

Rogue Affiliate Program


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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I really have to be honest and I am in no way picking on you Rhonda but come one all this for $27? I see this and can understand totally why programs have a min amount rule before a payout is given. Your lucky they are sending that amount most have at least $100 min. I would suggest they just put it in your player account and be done with it.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
Here's the problem I have with this long thread and all the "Im still waiting" posts.

This is not Ben or C-planet's fault. They send out wired payments in full, just like iNetBet and CWC does. None of these 3 programs take out any fees when they send out our wire payments. BUT... all 3 incur fees along the way which causes the recieved payment to be slightly less then the earned amount.

My C-planet wire payment arrived earlier this week. The amount that posted to my account was exactly $27 less then the earned amount. Same as Rhonda. Mine is not short, but is from fees. I'm pretty certain Rhonda's $27 is also from fees.

When payments are wired, sometimes even though the sender doesn't take out any money for fees, there are fees deducted by a financial institution midway from the sender's bank to ours. This is quite common actually. My iNetBet wires are always $20 less then the earned amount. They don't take out fees either. CWC is always less for the same reason too.

It's not fair to blame Ben for customary charges that had nothing to do with him or C-planet.

By the way, thanks for the payment Ben! I received my August earnings in full on September 22nd. :)


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
Daera (Lori) makes a good point. Wire fees are a bitch, but that's what you sometimes get with wire payments -- even if the affiliate program agreed to pay "all" wire fees when they sent the wire. Last month, I received a wire that was $70 short thanks to all the damn fees. :eek:

Maybe an e-wallet such as NETeller, QT, Eco, or Moneybookers would be a better option. Accumulate multiple payments into the account, then withdraw once or twice a month.


Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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Engineer would that be the Coins wire by chance? Mine was 70 bucks in fees as well, I think he is looking for a new processor asap at least I hope so. I don't think the 27 in fees should even be given to the affiliate in this case if it is given then it will set a president by opening a can of worms. I could see other affiliates start nagging for the return of their fees and then guess what, we will all the sudden see a new retroactive term set in place due to this type of thing.


Super Moderator
Dec 14, 2006
Reaction score
It was BCP -- possibly the same processor, but I don't know for sure. Coins pays me via QT now, which is great. No wire fees; no international checks to deal with.


Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
no offense taken bonusstreak.. but they paided me only $179, my commission for June and July was $206. its the principle not the amount. and if I was a big time affiliate like you $27 dollars is probably a nickle to you. also I would take the pending balance in my player account, but I will say this again CPlanet doesn't respond to my messages also, I have always received the total commission that I have made, if cplanet is now subtracting the fee, ben should if said this, and I would have no problem with that. but if you read ben's post he clearly stated I'm owed money.

I really have to be honest and I am in no way picking on you Rhonda but come one all this for $27? I see this and can understand totally why programs have a min amount rule before a payout is given. Your lucky they are sending that amount most have at least $100 min. I would suggest they just put it in your player account and be done with it.
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Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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no offense taken bonusstreak.. but they paided me only $179, my commission for June and July was $206. its the principle not the amount. and if I was a big time affiliate like you $27 dollars is probably a nickle to you. also I would take the pending balance in my player account, but I will say this again CPlanet doesn't respond to my messages also, I have always received the total commission that I have made, if cplanet is now subtracting the fee, ben should if said this, and I would have no problem with that. but if you read ben's post he clearly stated I'm owed money.

Instead of the back-and-forth on this one... :) Ben - can you determine if C-Planet sent the full amount here? What I would like to have determined is this:

Was it an accidental mis-payment? Or did C-Planet pay the full amount and Rhonda's bank levied charges?

For wire payment, my bank (as almost all banks do) charge me. $27 is a VERY typical wire fee. If this is a bank wire fee - then I do not believe C-Planet should be paying additional monies. If it was a shorted affiliate payment (which happens from time to time, trust me), then it should be sent to the player account as suggested.

Thanks guys!


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
For wire payment, my bank (as almost all banks do) charge me. $27 is a VERY typical wire fee...
I sometimes forget just how lucky we are in the UK - we have not had to pay ANY bank fees for about the last 20 years! (Except if exceeding an overdraft limit).
In fact, UK banks pay us to have accounts with them - by paying interest on positive balances. :cool:

Back on topic; I received my C-Planet payment on Sept-18th = 3 days late.
BUT I'm not complaining - at least I'm earning something with these guys, not like the ZERO I get from about 50% of the casinos I promote... :mad:



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 13, 2007
Reaction score
not like the ZERO I get from about 50% of the casinos I promote... :mad:

KK, I hope that's casinos you're trying out .. other words, putting on display to see how they will perform ... and not casinos you just put up and now 3 years later still haven't made money with.

I say this because it is important for all of us to weed our gardens. If after a decent amount of time they don't produce ... take them off your sites because it may be that they are something more than merely incompetent at converting players.

If they are cheating you then the money they are gaining is helping to grow an entity in this industry that we all can do without. Even if the program is eventually ignored by all serious affs ... if they are given time to gain their bankroll by our neglect to stop adverting non-producing programs ... not only will they then be well-funded for advertising but considering their proven ethics it is likely they will invest some of that monies into supporting black hat affs because I remind they won't have much exposure on white hat portals.

I think you all can see where that goes and can figure how quickly that could make our already bad waters .. even more murky. its a very valid point.

* Not picking on KK, just saw an opportunity to make a point.

oh and you'll thank yourself for shedding that dead weight in the long run.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
I got the impression Ben's statement to Rhonda saying that he didn't know why she was underpaid, was taking what she said as fact and reassuring her that if she was underpaid he'd make sure she got the rest.

From what I understand, Jonathan is the one that would have the exact payment details. I'm just guessing to say that Ben probably didn't have that in front of him when he posted.

Luckyleo from our forum, received her payment for August earnings $27 less, as did I. I don't think it's by coincidence that our payments are all $27 less.

Does anyone here receive payments from iNetBet, Intertops or CWC via wire? If so, they'd know that the amount received is always $20-$30 less due to fees. These fees aren't being taken by the receiving bank, but maybe a financial institution along the way.

I don't think it's feasible for programs to send our payments out for more then we earned in anticipation of fees that might come out after it leaves their hands. Nor is it feasible for them to refund us for fees that were incurred after it left their hands.

If a program made a mistake on my earnings paid, whether it was $1 off or $100 off, it wouldn't matter. I'd want it corrected and I'd want to be paid the correct amount.. to the very last dollar. Regardless of the size of an affiliate, the earned amount should be paid out correctly, to the last dollar.

But if C-planet paid the earnings out correctly, and the difference is due to some fees incurred from the wire transaction, then there's nothing to correct.


Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
Hi Ben,

I see you were here on the 29th but did not respond to me, or this thread.
if it was a fee it was taken out by your payment processors not my bank. and all my other payments that were wired there was no fee taken out, again if this was an oversight I do under stand.. but, the blatant fact that I'm being ignored is just plain rude. why cant you directly answer me?
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Staff member
Dec 15, 2006
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if it was a fee it was taken out by your payment processors not my bank. and all my other payments that were wired there was no fee taken out,

If it was the affiliate programs processor that took out the fee which I am sure they do some place along the line, most of the time affiliates absorb that fee. If your bank is not charging a fee, which I find really hard to believe because ALL banks charge wire fees then please tell me where you bank I need to get an account there, I would be in heaven with no wire fees!!

From where I come from banks charge fees for every damn thing they can it is how they make a profit.
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Ben C-planet

Affiliate Program Representative
Feb 15, 2009
Reaction score

The $27 was a bank charge.

I am sending you today $27 from my own personal bank account and I will absorb the charges myself.

Let that be the end of it.

I am well aware of the internal problems we have in accounts and that sometimes payments are delayed and chasing up swifts is like getting blood out of a stone, however I do follow up on everything and all affiliates get paid in the end.

We do not convert for everyone, we are not perfect, but we have 3 great brands that i believe in and a great propriety affiliate back office that was developed in house and is run by a great team.

Our presence in the SERPS is tremendous we are promoted by nearly all of the top sites for top keywords , so we must be doing something right.

There is too much "them and us" on the forums , Operators are deemed as the bad guys and affiliates as the poor and cheated.

There are some unscrupulous operators around just as there are as many unscrupulous affiliates.
I have been stung on numerous occasions with prepayment deals and affiliates not delivering, I do not post rude threads when an affiliate looses his rankings in Google, nor do i rant and rave if an affiliate doesn't answer my e-mails or phone calls. I realize that affiliates have expenses and running costs and are reliant on their earnings.

However to be an operator is no picnic, this simple equation may give you some insight , approx 20% of deposits goes back to players in winnings, 15% goes to the software provider, between 5-15% goes to processors , 25 -45% of revenue goes to the affiliate.

Not much is left for running costs of tech support, customer service and running the affiliate program, let alone profit. We are not going out of business, but i just want to put things into proportion as some of these threads are too much already, from me being personally insulted to affiliates cursing and making wild accusations.

This is not all directed to you Rhonda but to the forums as a whole and those who are looking for a thread fight.

We are reliant on each other , I will do my best to try to improve accounts and communication and I ask of affiliates to keep things in proportion.


Hi Ben,

I see you were here on the 29th but did not respond to me, or this thread.
if it was a fee it was taken out by your payment processors not my bank. and all my other payments that were wired there was no fee taken out, again if this was an oversight I do under stand.. but, the blatant fact that I'm being ignored is just plain rude. why cant you directly answer me?

WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
While I understand the nature of your note, this jab here irritates me.
There are some unscrupulous operators around just as there are as many unscrupulous affiliates.
At no point does an affiliate hold the program's money. At every step along the way, our money and players are trusted with programs. WE are the ones on the defensive. It irritates me how affiliate managers don't deal with this fact. No matter what I do it is very hard for me to effect you. But if I do the wrong thing I can suffer all sorts of repercussions. Have you noticed the retroactive changes many programs are putting on us now. It's your job as the affiliate manager to manage relationships between the affiliate program and the affiliate. So you would be wise to understand how defensive we are at this point in the game.

Operators are deemed as the bad guys and affiliates as the poor and cheated.
We on the other hand are constantly having to deal with programs who don't want to pay, shave, go out of business and everything in-between. The risk is ALWAYS on us.

As for you paying Ronda her 27$ it is you who makes that decision. You could explain it to her logically, it your choice you are paying her.

No offense intended. How much money is C-planet due from affiliates who wont pay? I bet most affiliates here on the other hand are owed thousands by programs that screwed us. Hopefully that clears things up for you on the us/them mentality. There is a general effect that cannot be denied when we have been stamped on so much.

By the way business is usually "us" or "them" and if you haven't notice there is not much partnership these days. Most programs are just changing their t&cs retro, etc. I can point to about a gazillion threads of operators doing bad/questionable things to affiliates, but not much going on in the other direction. I'm sure there are some but the numbers pale in comparison.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 16, 2008
Reaction score
While I understand the nature of your note, this jab here irritates me.
At no point does an affiliate hold the program's money. At every step along the way, our money and players are trusted with programs. WE are the ones on the defensive. It irritates me how affiliate managers don't deal with this fact. No matter what I do it is very hard for me to effect you. But if I do the wrong thing I can suffer all sorts of repercussions. Have you noticed the retroactive changes many programs are putting on us now. It's your job as the affiliate manager to manage relationships between the affiliate program and the affiliate. So you would be wise to understand how defensive we are at this point in the game.

We on the other hand are constantly having to deal with programs who don't want to pay, shave, go out of business and everything in-between. The risk is ALWAYS on us.

As for you paying Ronda her 27$ it is you who makes that decision. You could explain it to her logically, it your choice you are paying her.

No offense intended. How much money is C-planet due from affiliates who wont pay? I bet most affiliates here on the other hand are owed thousands by programs that screwed us. Hopefully that clears things up for you on the us/them mentality. There is a general effect that cannot be denied when we have been stamped on so much.

By the way business is usually "us" or "them" and if you haven't notice there is not much partnership these days. Most programs are just changing their t&cs retro, etc. I can point to about a gazillion threads of operators doing bad/questionable things to affiliates, but not much going on in the other direction. I'm sure there are some but the numbers pale in comparison.

There are some unscrupulous affiliates. Since neither you, nor I are one of those... it's hard for us to imagine how we could get one over on the programs. Because we don't work that way. But it can be done. Especially with media buy deals, prepay deals, and sometimes CPA deals.

I hate to see players, affiliates, affiliate programs or casinos that take advantage of situations or behave unethically... because it ruins things for the rest of us good guys. And in every group (players, casinos, programs, affiliates), there are always a few bad apples that make things harder for the ones that try to do things right.


Turning Over Stones
Jan 23, 2009
Reaction score
If your bank is not charging a fee, which I find really hard to believe because ALL banks charge wire fees

My bank does not charge for incoming wires either as I've mentioned several times over at Casinomeister in the ATB threads. They do charge me though if I initiate an outgoing wire transfer but no fees whatsoever for incoming wires. If I were you, I would look for a more localized, small town community type bank with only a few branches as they are generally the best ones to do your banking business with. They also know you there as a person and not only as another number in the herd. :)

wheel of time

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2009
Reaction score
ALL banks charge wire fees

ALL banks charge wire fees for their own way. An it is not correct at all from some moralizations to make such kind of pressure to Ben. Bad times happened in life of every person and every company, and we must support manager, who give us possibility to make a money.
By the way, is gambling moral? 8)
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WCD Admin

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 15, 2007
Reaction score
Wheel of Time: Bank of America and every other bank I have used in my life does NOT charge incoming wire fees. Most all banks love receiving money and do not want to put up barriers to incoming funds. C-Planets seems reasonable (27$) but make no mistake this amount is being added on by the bank that c-planet uses and the processing companies along the way. The best way for all of these companies to defeat that is to offer QT or something similar.
and we must support manager,
Sorry dude, but we do NOT must support manager. Especially when he posts
but to the forums as a whole and those who are looking for a thread fight.
Why post to look for a fight? The fact of the matter is the majority of the risk in this business/industry is on affiliates. In addition to this, the majority of scams are coming from the operator side of things (just look at the cheating / delayed funds / failure to pay, etc...) huge widespread issues. If you can't see this, you have to be blind. Affiliate manager is a paid job - it is not them that allow business to take place. Their job is to communicate to the affiliate the dictates of the owners of the casino. They are "relationship managers" they sit between the affiliates and the company that PAYS them. Most will say just about anything to win you over. I can (but won't) mention AM's that work for good outfits now, but used to work for slime balls. They too ask me not to paint them all with the same brush. And apparently think I forgot who they used to work for and how the same stuff was said then.

You may like Ben, and I have nothing personal against him (no personal experience) but my response is directed at the points of Ben note. One final one here to maybe lift the eyelids:
Not much is left for running costs of tech support, customer service and running the affiliate program, let alone profit.
If you guys seriously believe this crap, I may have to go hide for a few years. CHECK IT OUT. Do you make money from C-Planet? so do thousands of others. Do you honestly think there is no room for profit? ;D

What kind of car/house do you think the owners live in? Let's please be real. I am so sick of people thinking they can just blow smoke and confuse everyone.


Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score

I don't want your money, so if your still planning to send it to me which I doubt. I don't want it. you agreed that I was shorted and now you say differently. I have tried to upload files of my bank statement for may, as I was paid $261.00 commission by my bank, and also the screen shot of the exact same amount I was paid from my affiliate account. I will say it again, I only questioned Ben about the difference because they had payed the fee for my last two wire payments. Ben and company I do not appreciate being accused of being a liar or a scammer, because I'm not. I am well aware some affiliate programs pay wire fees some do not. in this case I only questioned that I was shorted because my last two payments were in full. cplanet is not being honest about this issue I'm done, and I don't want your money Ben.
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Apr 13, 2009
Reaction score
Bank Stament


Bank Wire Transfer


05/20/2009Fee - International Transaction Fee

$-0.45 my bank fee



CPlanet Affiliate account[/B]

This is the back end of my affiliate account as you can see below the amount of commission I made below, this is the posted amount for this transaction

All Payments > Payment details ID: 85424630

Created:May 1, 2009

Period:Apr 1, 2009 - Apr 30, 2009


Payment method:Wire Transfer

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  1. AGD Terms Certification
  2. Slow/Delayed Payments?
  3. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  4. Have Negative Carryover?
  5. High Roller Policy
  6. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  7. Missing Admin Fee
  8. Ambiguous Termination Clause
  9. T&C updates not emailed



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