The Worst Time of The Month


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jan 10, 2013
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I find it very coincidental that many of us affiliates seem to get big winners right at the end of the month. This question has been raised a number of times and there does sometimes appear to be way too much consistency in big winners hitting at the end of the month to lead me to suspect that some programs do their fiddling of the figures at that time!


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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I use analytics because I believe G likes to use info from there to award or penalize according to bounce rate and engagement.

I used to use G analytics. But my bounce rates were getting rediculous. If G does as you say, then what's stopping a competitor, purchasing a heap of crap bot traffic and sending it to your site. 100,000 bot hits of crap traffic or any traffic like that, is going to total f#ck up your overal bounce rates.

Hence I've since yanked G analytics.

Like others I was at one stage using a couple of GWMT accounts. But it's a PITA. Not only setting stuff up, but also remembering to login in using a VPN, as apposed to usual static IP from my ISP. It makes everything so damn time consuming, that in the end, all your doing is spending more time hiding shit, that working on it.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 9, 2015
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I find it very coincidental that many of us affiliates seem to get big winners right at the end of the month. This question has been raised a number of times and there does sometimes appear to be way too much consistency in big winners hitting at the end of the month to lead me to suspect that some programs do their fiddling of the figures at that time!
AT times I wounder myself, but I also have to think.. Maybe no one complains when they have a winner in the middle of the month.. Because, more often then not (and while it does suck to have to wait) they usually do play it back.. Winning isn't always bad.. Big players tend to win big when they do win.. Its what keeps us getting the players in the first place.

Watch for patterns, go with your gut (audit programs), know your AMs... What else can we really do? If I take to many end of month losses.. I switch out programs!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2013
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Having players winning is the best thing that can happen to you in the long run. They really do play it back. Chargebacks however can kill you. That is why I am encouraging players to deposit using prepaid cards. This helps a little plus it keeps them from spending everything at once.

...CPA is so boring though... :)


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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If I had a choice between RevShare and Wagering, I probably pick wagering model. Apart from chargebacks, if you have most slot players, you can make a nice earner each month, with no risk being wiped out by winners. Other than that, I'm all for Revshare.

CPA is too risking these days and besides, every player is a potential whale. Selling them for $150 is nuts!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 9, 2015
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Oh no way CPA vs RevShare... I would make about half (or less) of what I do... I get some pretty decent players... I have had return players for years... Its just a huge OUCH when they disappear.. You almost come to count on that extra money...


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
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I don't know too much about CPA deals but have read where affiliates said they got stiff. Thing is, you better be sure you can deliver before doing a CPA deal as no one is in business to lose money.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
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Having players winning is the best thing that can happen to you in the long run. They really do play it back. Chargebacks however can kill you. That is why I am encouraging players to deposit using prepaid cards. This helps a little plus it keeps them from spending everything at once.

...CPA is so boring though... :)

charge backs as bad as they are they're one of the few things that keeps this industry (hacker aside) unscathed. Imagine if some major corporations decided to get in to the online gaming business.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 3, 2012
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I know you guys love landing those whales, so I wouldn't try to convince you otherwise. :) We're actually starting to do rev share deals in more stable markets.

But when I was about to quit, going CPA helped turn my business around.

When I first started I was all rev share. I got a few players a month, but could never depend on the income. x,xxx one month, 0 the next, xxx the next. Then one day the program (C-planet) shut down and I was back to square one. After that happened a second time, I was pretty much done. I sold my sites and went back to work.

I couldn't take working for someone else. So I decided to build a new site and give it another go. I switched over to CPA and all of a sudden (all things being equal), I knew how much I would make each month. The stress of someone winning and wiping out my commissions - disappeared.

Once my affiliate earnings reached 2x my monthly salary, I quit and never looked back.

CPA is far from risky IMO. If I were to get stiffed by a program, I would just replace them and start getting CPAs from another program the next month. Unlike rev share where you may have a solid player base making xx,xxx a month and the program disappears or changes their T&Cs retroactively to cut your commissions out (Stars?). Then you have to build up another base of players.

CPA isn't for everyone, but it has it's place.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Apr 9, 2015
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That gives me an idea.. While I'm glad I never went CPA maybe it is good to start out with... I have a buddy im trying to get started and he keeps losing motivation because he keeps landing a player here and there, but they keep winning or are just very small deposits. Maybe CPA would be better to start with, to keep the motivation then.. As per CasinoKev's post.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 22, 2013
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With more states going legal our favorite brands are accepting players from fewer and fewer of them. Of course they don't make a big deal about it because it is bad press, but ask or look and you will see the list of states no accepted is growing for all providers.

The FBI also recently sized a few sports-betting sites that were taking US players. I saw them on StumbleUpon. This make CPA even more attractive, but you have to...

"Know The Value of Your Players"

Here some help: I would say $100 is OK for free chips, $150 for standard and welcome bonus, $200-$300 for the big-money and highroller stuff.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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With more states going legal our favorite brands are accepting players from fewer and fewer of them.

That can be said for the industry on a whole.

Take Microgaming as an example.
  • USA (and it's territories) - the Kahuna of King Hits by far
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • France
  • Singapore
  • Malta
  • Israel
And a handful of others too.

All this adds up to far less players, being chased by far more affiliates. And the players left now, have a much wider selection of quality slots (which make up a high % of gambling these days) from many decent casino software providers. The market is shrinking. As I've said before, our industry will implode at some point. what's left after that, could be either a good thing or not.

We're all being shafted by these hacked sites, some a lot worse than others. However imho this is the current status qou - I see things getting a lot worse.

"Know The Value of Your Players"

That's smack on the money, mate!
One of the best pieces of advice I've seen in years ;)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Aug 8, 2008
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That can be said for the industry on a whole.

Take Microgaming as an example.
  • USA (and it's territories) - the Kahuna of King Hits by far
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • France
  • Singapore
  • Malta
  • Israel
And a handful of others too.

All this adds up to far less players, being chased by far more affiliates. And the players left now, have a much wider selection of quality slots (which make up a high % of gambling these days) from many decent casino software providers. The market is shrinking. As I've said before, our industry will implode at some point. what's left after that, could be either a good thing or not.

We're all being shafted by these hacked sites, some a lot worse than others. However imho this is the current status qou - I see things getting a lot worse.

That's smack on the money, mate!
One of the best pieces of advice I've seen in years ;)

Its always been supply and demand. That's one of the reason why it was easier years back.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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I agree slotplayer.

For the record, I don't wish to come across as being negative with these type of topics. I'm usually a very optimistic person. However its been really hard to stay focused and continue to watch as income takes a huge decrease. Worse knowing the majority of these loses are due to being shafted, scrapped content, the "hacker" and or a combination of these.

Throwing in the towel just isn't in my nature but it's certainly tough going some days and weeks... just sayin ;)


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
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Thanks mate (slotplayer), wasn't aimed in response to your post. It was merely a generalised statement from me. I should have made that clear, sorry :)