UltraPartners intro

Ultra Partners are considered Predatory, click here if you still want to visit their site.

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
I am sorry Jerome, but after your suicide stunt at GPWA in the sponsor area on the 25% admin fee rip-off matter, your are no longer an eloquent dialog partner in my opinion. You have ruined the reputation of your program within a few hours.

It was a total public relation disaster. I can tell you that, because I am a professional consultant and media analyst, also with respect to public presence, and in the real world with such a presence you would be fired.

Everyone is free to read the incident there at GPWA and argue my claim.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 7, 2014
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Last edited:


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
Reaction score
Who’s behind the brand and what’s their past in the industry?

As far as it matters, the tone of the AM says enough. Stay away!


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 7, 2014
Reaction score
Who’s behind the brand and what’s their past in the industry?
Well you know that's a great point to ponder about who they really are, remember the good old days of the Affactive and Revenuejet Israeli lads ripping off both players and affiliates, not forget the jail time the boys got for the JPMorgan Chase hacks, money laundering and all the Bitcoin scams on USA soil they were running.

I would hope that the Ultra Partners staff and this operation has no previous associations with programs like Affactive as it would not be a good trust signal for me :)


Affiliate Program Representative
Jan 9, 2018
Reaction score
Hi Casinonewbie, let me clear the air a bit.

UltraPartners is a technology company at its core, we have been developing the casino back office while integrating payment solutions and game providers to our gaming platform and we did it all from scratch.
You will not find a single affiliate out there that was not paid and we strive to increase our player experience and user friendly casinos constantly.
I repeat this again, we are not your average affiliate program, we have a team of 15 developers in 5 offices around the globe (yes, we have a team of 5 programmers in Israel, same as we have a team of 3 programmers in the U.S), big support centers and excellent technology in order to provide our audience with the very best gaming solution.
We are in process of acquiring a MGA license for our casinos and next year we will expand our operation and supply whitelabels for selected companies that want to be in-charge of their traffic, So big plans ahead.
Our standards are high, we comply with the GDPR and operate only within the boundaries of our license.
All the best

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
Post is obviously written by the public relation department of one of the 386 offices of Ultra around the globe:

"technology company"
"big support centers"
"excellent technology"
"not your average affiliate program"
"very best gaming solution"
"big plans ahead"
"standards are high"

Thank Goodness he did not forget to mention, that the slogan on the official banner fits perfect the 25% ultra admin fee rip-off.


Ultra Profits for Ultra due to 25% Ultra Admin Fee.
You see, its' not a slogan from your average affiliate program.
Ultra Profits are meant seriously.
If you understand for whom.

And I am so grateful, that he in the meantime apologized for his rude behaviour against webmaster on GPWA.

He didn't?
Oh, there must be one in deep sleep in the public relation department, because everyone knows, that promotion slogans don't work until the reputation is fixed, and an apology would be the least in this situation.



Affiliate Program Representative
Jan 9, 2018
Reaction score
Obviously you have something against UltraPartners and this cannot be changed unfortunately....
I can only regret using inappropriate language against a GPWA webmaster and for this you have my sincere apologies, I will speak to the webmaster in person as well.
saying the above we do have 25% admin fees and you know what? this is our policy and in no way this will be changed.
25% admin fees include among other factors all the chargebacks that we do not apply to affiliates, is this a good or bad way to conduct our business? I will let our affiliates be the judge of that, most are making excellent commissions (yes, with the 25% admin fees) and we have excellent reputation in the industry.

Roulette Zeitung

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Oct 2, 2012
Reaction score
"Obviously you have something against UltraPartners"

I have something against the admin fee rip-off, because I know for a fact, that this is a shady legacy of Pyramid Schemes, Multi-Level-Marketing rip-offs, marriage agencies and Pharma scams.

"we do have 25% admin fees and you know what? this is our policy and in no way this will be changed."

"in no way this will be changed"

Minutes ago on GPWA this statement has been exposed as a barefaced lie.

An affiliate from England reports, that after he "got an email from Ultra Partners asking if" they "want to work with them", he "decided to pass".

When he "said one of the reasons was the admin fee the person offered to speak to their manager and see if can be dropped to 15%".

This is the evidence, that your statement "in no way this will be changed" is a lie, and the fact, that admin fees are obviously negotiable, proves their insubstantiality, is undeniable evidence, that they are nothing but a rip-off, extra money fo hookers, pool parties, for high-five, how stupid webmasters must be.

This was the smoking gun I was waiting for!

An official statement from a webmaster, that a rip-off program gives him the offer to drop the admin fee.

Think about it!



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 3, 2011
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I just got this email from Ultra Partners:

Dear affiliates,

Due to the regulations in Australia, starting from the end of this week, May the 24th, Unique will not be accepting Australian players.

The UltraPartners marketing team regrets for this unfortunate block, however we operate accounrding to the guidelines received from the UniqueCasino management which sets the policy for our Geo activity.
All the best,
Your friends at UltraPartners

Can anyone tell me what are the "the regulations in Australia, starting from the end of this week"?

I searched around but found nothing new.


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
Can anyone tell me what are the "the regulations in Australia, starting from the end of this week"?
I searched around but found nothing new.
I think you've just read the sentence wrong.
I reckon they are saying: "Starting from the end of this week, May the 24th, Unique will not be accepting Australian players. This is due to the regulations in Australia."

In other words - they have been flouting the law, but feel it is too risky to continue.



Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jun 3, 2011
Reaction score
Thanks KK. It seems that I need some English lessons :D
Mar 26, 2022
Reaction score
Hi all,
I'm Jerome, a marketing manager at UltraPartners affiliates.
The aff program was established on mid 2016 and been operating ever since with a steady grow rate. We believe in giving every affiliate its tailor-made custom deal which will optimize its traffic, eventually translating into higher conversion rate.
I will be on this forum for every inquiry you have and will do my very best to solve any issues that might occur in the future.
View attachment 1695

All the best,

I'm reporting this forum to legal authorities to shut it down and collect IP addresses of their members !
Especially of :

That seem to be connected of the criminals : https://ultrapartners.com/

On the past 7 years, these bastards send us over 12.000 emails spams (we still copy in our mailbox) about their idiot Casino ! How stupid can they be to think that if 5 emails not make us register on their scam (without any gambling license) sending us few more emails identical will make us register? Few more ? 12.000 emails?

In this huge quantity of spams, we lost some real emails of our potential clients, making us losing some contracts of more than 10.000€ each.

We contacted few times :
through there all previous websites (because they change domain name every few months) to stop harassing us ... but they never reply !

Now we'll continue the case until they refund us the lose of 100.000€ and their member get in jail and affiliateguarddog would be shutdown for their partnership with criminal organisation and to be the hive of hackers !

This link is forwarded to police ! Just because you're idiot and you think 12.000 emails can be useful for something else than destroying lifes ?

In top of harassment, it clear that the purpose of the website is to steal credit cards information.


Staff member
Dec 16, 2011
Reaction score
Your foul language, user name, threats and false accusations are not welcomed here. Thus your account is now suspended.

In case you are reading this ( as a guest now ) AGD forum is place where we try to bring fellow affiliates and aff programmes together and help achieve more transparency in the industry, while trying to help and resolve any potential issues etc. We also audit affiliate programmes, which no other forum does ( reference : https://www.affiliateguarddog.com/community/forums/real-revenue-share-audits.354/ )

Now, given your complaint about being spammed by this programme, we were told they are not the ones doing what you claim and that if you are indeed getting spammed it is most likely done by some affiliates that promote them. They do have anti spam policy and be free to resolve this directly with them by providing them evidence of spam ( to which they will suspend those affiliate accounts if found in breach of the anti spam rules ).

You can contact them directly at jerome @ ultrapartners.com .

Your other duplicate and spam posts ( oh the irony ) were deleted.


Laila Fidelen

New Member
Nov 9, 2020
Reaction score
Stay away from that affiliation, they’re big thieves. I will prepare a good article explaining all their manipulations which I will publish soon.

Laila Fidelen

New Member
Nov 9, 2020
Reaction score
I am sorry Jerome, but after your suicide stunt at GPWA in the sponsor area on the 25% admin fee rip-off matter, your are no longer an eloquent dialog partner in my opinion. You have ruined the reputation of your program within a few hours.

It was a total public relation disaster. I can tell you that, because I am a professional consultant and media analyst, also with respect to public presence, and in the real world with such a presence you would be fired.

Everyone is free to read the incident there at GPWA and argue my claim.

I'm with you, they thieve us for a very long time. They hide players and cheat a lot, I was very able to take them many times, and they always come with a stupid excuse. I'm making soon a very good post to explain all about those thieves.

Laila Fidelen

New Member
Nov 9, 2020
Reaction score
Hi all,
I'm Jerome, a marketing manager at UltraPartners affiliates.
The aff program was established on mid 2016 and been operating ever since with a steady grow rate. We believe in giving every affiliate its tailor-made custom deal which will optimize its traffic, eventually translating into higher conversion rate.
I will be on this forum for every inquiry you have and will do my very best to solve any issues that might occur in the future.
View attachment 1695

All the best,
Stay away from those thieves, they cheat a lot of on statistics in Rs or Cpa plan. They are killers and they thieve us for more than two years. We caught them several times with proofs and warned them several times, but the thieves remain thieves.

They end up refusing a small payment of €300, with the excuse of "one of the two players is fraud to pay only one", so imagine with me what they did for two years. Out of 10 confirmed players, we could only see two or three. Often we see one or two new deposits, a few minutes later they disappear from the statistics.

They made a depositor disappear that we saw before they did. When we made the remark they said that there is only one depositor and even not half an hour later, they put it back and it became two. Then they refused to pay by saying it is a player connected by proxy and it is fraud or I do not know what not to pay the Cpa. So they don’t pay you at all costs and any excuse, or they take it away from you before you see it, or they give you a stupid excuse.

They also cheat on Rs by adding a super player at the end of the month how always win and big to make your commissions don't be paid. Super player how always win big and never make deposit.

I have a question for the idiot of Jean which is the French manager: When I sent you 30 40 50 players monthly, he never had a fraud account? Right there when there are only two? You must be ashamed, you’re the shit of this domain, and you should not be in certified affiliation.

Those thieves have earned with more biiiig amounts, I sent them more than 40 players monthly for a long time. And they block a small payment of €300 this is how they say thank you at the end.

I am making a video with all the evidence and opinions of the other players that I will publish soon, and I will inform you of this.

I’m going to smash them, they played with the wrong person when I always told them be very careful, but they don't listen.

Ultrapartners = Cheaters, very not transparent and big thieves.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sep 18, 2018
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The progress of Laila Fidelens' complaint can be seen here.

Ultra Partners

  1. AGD Terms Certification
    Terms Predatory
  2. Slow/Delayed Payments?
  3. Have Retroactively Changed T&C's?
  4. Have Negative Carryover?
  5. High Roller Policy
  6. Are Casino Earnings Bundled?
  7. Missing Admin Fee
  8. Ambiguous Termination Clause
  9. T&C updates not emailed


Affiliate Software

Proprietary Software


25% = 18.75%
30% = 22.5%
35% = 26.25%
40% = 30%
45% = 33.75%

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