Are you stating that all Affiliate Programs with quotas or casino bundlling are listed as rogued on AGD?
I will try to explain.
If a program comes out of the gate that it bundles, then it is up to the affiliate. Affiliates can choose to take that risk. Vegas Affiliates was not that! You did not bundle then all of a sudden you did. VA cannot do that! You have hundreds/thousands of affiliates that took your word that you DO NOT BUNDLE.
Now you are changing that. You are harming affiliates earnings and electric bills and their childrens lunch money. That is why you will be ROGUE.
Affiliates should have put there efforts and time and top spots on another program, don't you think? One that would be reliable?
Sebastian, you are trying to compare yourself with other programs. Please state what other programs have the same scenerio as VA?
There is no going back here Sebastian. You must move forward. Please. For all our sakes.