Very high Bank Fees

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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score
What are the bank fees in the Videoslots affiliate program? Fees for deposits & withdrawals? Anything else?

Can you give us some examples of the fees (in %) for different deposit/withdrawal methods such as Neteller, wire, credit cards etc?

My fees are just outrageous (with thousands of € in bank fees each month) and that together with that we have been stripped off the number of deposits per day stats + no deposit amount + don't have access to number of withdrawals makes me suspicious.

Thanks om advance!
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Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
I've got to be honest, I'm a little confused why you just started 2 new threads asking questions which have already been answered in another thread in this section which you have posted many times in... :confused:

But anyway, I posted the %'s in that thread in this post:
(In fact, you posted immediately before AND after that post of mine!)

And the Deposit figures are supposed to be added in the next couple of months... <not holding breath>



24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
the Deposit figures are supposed to be added in the next couple of months... <not holding breath>

I don't understand why a simple proceess of reinstating "deposits", has to be turned into reiventing the wheel.

Which is why (according to VS they are going to release some wizz bang hoolie doolie depositing stats) it's taking so long for said "deposit data" to be reinstated. Sounds to me like yet another stall tactic. Lets not forget for 1 single minute, they've reneged on past promises, many times before. IMO just give affiiates the damn "deposit data" and end this fisaco.

A cynical person would probably see this (non reinstating of "deposit data") as way to keep shaving their partners... just sayin :D


@KasinoKing - I'm "a little confused why"... you'd say not holding breath... indicating a lack of trust in whatever the VS Aff Rep states or promises. Yet, even with this obvious mistrust etc., you seem to change footing and make excuses for VS. One could not be blamed for thinking your condoning the mistreatment of affiliates by VS. Very odd behaviour indeed... ;)
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score
I've got to be honest, I'm a little confused why you just started 2 new threads asking questions which have already been answered in another thread in this section which you have posted many times in... :confused:

But anyway, I posted the %'s in that thread in this post:
(In fact, you posted immediately before AND after that post of mine!)

And the Deposit figures are supposed to be added in the next couple of months... <not holding breath>


I started this thread to make it more simple for both affiliates and affiliate managers to reply to our questions. To just have one huge thread with 100 questions about everything just makes it hard to follow and keep track of every questions imo.

You just wrote what your bank fees were. I want to know what exactly is included in "Bank Fees" in general. My bank fees are more than twice as large as yours in terms of % so I guess everyone has different percentages here.

Guard Dog

Guard Dog
Staff member
Dec 13, 2006
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Let's stop the cynical, negative attitudes please. The forum has gotten quite negative while I was away. Reading all of the threads where members (not all) are simply bashing, abusing, ripping into affiliate programs instead of taking a professional approach was (I'll be completely honest) very, very disheartening to say the least. I'm ashamed at how programs were treated in my absence.

VS said they would update their affiliate software. They have already proven that they are serious. Positivity should be coming out of this, IMO... not cynicism. I trust Videoslots to continue to make their affiliate program better and will hold them to their agreement with me to do so.


Player turned affiliate.
Aug 10, 2009
Reaction score
You just wrote what your bank fees were. I want to know what exactly is included in "Bank Fees" in general. My bank fees are more than twice as large as yours in terms of % so I guess everyone has different percentages here.
As far as I understand it, the bank fees are not a fixed %, but are the actual £fees incurred by the casino.
So they can vary greatly from one affiliate to another and one month to another, depending on how many transactions are actually made.



24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
Let's stop the cynical, negative attitudes please. The forum has gotten quite negative while I was away. Reading all of the threads where members (not all) are simply bashing, abusing, ripping into affiliate programs instead of taking a professional approach was (I'll be completely honest) very, very disheartening to say the least. I'm ashamed at how programs were treated in my absence.

With all due respect, like most of the other affiliates here, this is our ONLY source of income. We don't have the luxury of having our livelihood's guaranteed with paid full-time-employement.

Hence, when a program decides to cheat/shave/lie or whatever else they're doing to steal our income, then the time for rainbows, butterflies and sitting round the preverbial camp fire holding hands singing kumbaya, is well and truly over.

You seem to insist on facts/proof... VS Aff Program has lied mutliple times, they've reneged on past promises multiple times too. The promised "deposit stats" which were, ironically "promised", again affiliates are feed yet another story on why they have not been reistated.

Even you've stated it would take no longer than a day to have a web developer (per se) reinstate the "deposit stats". Yet, affiliates are still being lead up the garden path with VS stall tactics, again. I mean seriously, where do you draw the line in the sand. How many broken promises do you allow to slip???!!!

As far as other affiliate programs, well... if they choose (and yes it's a conscious choice they make) to shave my commission(s) with dodgy calculations & or other unethical practices designed to rob me of my rightful earnings (aka my livelihood), then I say it as I see it. I'm not about to sugar coat the action of theives. If you are, then that's your choice too. But it's certainly not mine, mate!

These (etiquette) issues always seems to come up here when affiliates speak their mind about obvious truths. Esepcially it seems towards programs who are either sponsors, or the Mods/Amins have some type of vested interests with these programs... just sayin.

I suppose if a thief stole your car, you'd give him/her your wallet too.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Jul 24, 2015
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I agree with Aussie Dave here. VS has chosen to have their reputation destroyed. Also, the way questions here were answered, didn't help to repair that destroyed reputation (understatement). The fees are insane. In combination with the lack of transparency, it doesn't give a good feeling at all. You pay for all at this program: from the bank fees to the gaming fees and from their conference booth to their chats at GPWA-forum.

But, must also say, I don't understand why people keep working with them then. I mean, it's about your income. Why work with them if all the gaming revenue is trashed by insane fees? At some point, as an affiliate, you also have to choose for another program. Same thing with all the Unfortune Affiliates, Brightshave and Buffalo Crap topics... choosing to work with them is a choice to get shaved. Which doesn't mean of course that people are not able to complain. Sometimes it's simply impossible to evade them. In some markets the choices are very limited.

Usually, here people have critics with arguments, which is a legitimate way to criticize a program.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
If a program or AM chooses to treat me, or other affiliates like backwater nitwit's, by not answering direct questions, deflecting, lying or generally acting in an unethical manner, then I will always reply in kind.

I get on fabulously with both ethical AM's/Programs, why? Cause they don't lie or treat me like an uneducated moron.

In closing, given all the antics by VS Affiliates, including multple times they've reneged on promises, I was shocked to see them removed from the DogHouse before they made good this time on their promises to restore the removed stats data. Seems again they hoodwinked their way around that problem :eek:

Please explain to me how "Protecting Affiliates Interests" is done, by allowing VS etc., to continue to break their promise(s)...???!!!

Reiterating I've removed BS, FA and BP from my sites... There's more than enough evidence from respected webmasters (including myself) that these programs are just like VS - shaving their afffiliates...

@Guard Dog - here's a thought... if you gave up your full-time day job, in its place, became an exclusive full-time-affiliate, then I dare say within a small time frame, you'd soon come to appreciate the amount of sheer frustration we endure, at the hands of aff programs who choose to lie, cheat, shave etc. Have a nice weekend!

If I end up with a 30 day ban for speaking my mind, then so be it. But I'm sure other affiliates will take a dim view of that action...
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Feb 28, 2016
Reaction score
But, must also say, I don't understand why people keep working with them then. I mean, it's about your income. Why work with them if all the gaming revenue is trashed by insane fees? At some point, as an affiliate, you also have to choose for another program.

The problem is that many affiliates (me included) have 100s or 1000s of players on a rev share deal which makes us still care about the program and especially when it gets worse or the fees gets higher and higher for each year. The value of my players has dramatically been lowered for the past few years (with same deposits etc), and I suspect higher/new fees.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
The value of my players has dramatically been lowered for the past few years (with same deposits etc), and I suspect higher/new fees.

It's well past the point where statments like... 'Oh it's all in your head, everything is still Kosher', wash as an excuse.

Way too many respected and trusted affiliates are reporting identical drops in commissions. How many of us have spoken with an AM's, only to be told, "you need to send more traffic/players, having a larger active player base, will offset the players who win." So you work harder and send more NDP's, who subsquently deposit more money.

However, instead of making more money (which you should do) you keep making less and less.

At BP for example, back 12 - 14 months ago, I had 2x less players, far less total deposits. And, I was hardly ever being totally wiped out. Now, well, I'm getting hammered every month. Reiterating, there's a point where 2+2 does not = 4.

Whether that's because a program is shaving, hitting affiliates for 100% of the operational costs, or have changed their Rev-Share calculations etc. But whatever it is, it equates to a LOT of affiliates speaking as one voice, saying, something is definitely suspect.

As I've always maintained, affiliates have no other option BUT to give aff programs 100% of their trust, that they wont play funny-buggers with Rev-Share. Giving some programs that level of trust, means, they WILL cheat their partners.

Sad but true!

The fact is... no one other than the program, is there to keep them honest.

If aff programs were audited monthly by PWC's for instance, I think we'd see less shaving. Sure programs can fudge the stats. However, in my experience with life in general and dodgy bastards, they almost always bring themselves undone by out-smarting themselves.

My only advice... if you feel your getting shafted, kick em to the curb. I agree it's hard when you have a large base of players, but, if the program is stealing from you now, then they'll be stealing even more cash from you if you stay and send more players ;)

The other noticable difference these days are mobile players. I find them to generally deposit less and make far more minimum deposits. EG - $10. I recall when $20 or $25 was the minimum. And, we didn't have mobile players then either. My guess is a lot of these mobile players are in an age group where, they do not have a lot of disposable income.

A few years back, while the competition was strong, we didn't have upteen dozen browser based casinos to contend against either. MGS was still supreme. These days all that's changed. The competition for casinos to stay afloat, maybe only allow them to stay in business by reneging on agreed terms, shaving, or hitting us up with ALL their operational costs, then some.

Be that as it may or may not, reiterating there is definitely something not Kosher with some Aff programs!
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24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
Adding (wanted to keep this seperate).
I work with Marc over at FullCreamAffiliates. And, I've known Max the owner of the casinos and Aff program for over 10+ years.

They're browser based, with multiple game suppliers. They are UK licensed, so they obvious pay tax on UK players. And, other fees too. Yet how is it I can still make a reasonable commission with them most months?

(I don't have anywhere near the number of players I have at BP or what I'd send BP each month either).

I think that's a pretty easy question. FullCreamAffiliates is an ethically operated affiliate program, who don't hammer their affiliates for everything under the sun, or hammer them with hidden charges/fees. The crew at FCA including Marc and Max are all 100% honest!

Ask them a question, you get a straight answer, no Bull$hit, no semantics, no deflections. Playing those type of word-games, say's a lot about the lack of integrity at some aff programs. Thankfully Marc and the crew at FCA are honest as the day is long.


24 years & still going!
Nov 28, 2013
Reaction score
As far as I understand it, the bank fees are not a fixed %, but are the actual £fees incurred by the casino. So they can vary greatly from one affiliate to another and one month to another, depending on how many transactions are actually made.

I don't have UK players so I'm not hammered with bank fees. But... VS give players one (1) free withdrawal per day (does this include wire/CC £fees? I don't know). It is however applicable on web wallets. Any other withdrawals in that 24 hour period (GMT midnight to midnight) incures a $2.50 charge per withdrawal on web wallets.

So with affiliates being hit bank/processing fees, then what exactly are these for. Do all players get charged a $,£, € 2.50 for additional daily withdrawals? If so, then why are affiliates charged an additional fee. Seems there are a lot of doubling up on things at VS aff program. Items which maybe called something else, but are the exact same thing... just an observation.

Not wanting to stir sh#t, but please correct me if I'm wrong here.... According to you, you spoke directly with Alexander the CEO of VS (at ICE or at the Meister function). And, Alexander promised you he'd look into the "stats removal" issue. I believe as a priority. Well that didn't happen... All I'm saying is I think your getting played for sucker, along with others still trusting VS aff program.
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Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Sep 15, 2010
Reaction score
Adding (wanted to keep this seperate).
I work with Marc over at FullCreamAffiliates. And, I've known Max the owner of the casinos and Aff program for over 10+ years.

They're browser based, with multiple game suppliers. They are UK licensed, so they obvious pay tax on UK players. And, other fees too. Yet how is it I can still make a reasonable commission with them most months?

(I don't have anywhere near the number of players I have at BP or what I'd send BP each month either).

I think that's a pretty easy question. FullCreamAffiliates is an ethically operated affiliate program, who don't hammer their affiliates for everything under the sun, or hammer them with hidden charges/fees. The crew at FCA including Marc and Max are all 100% honest!

Ask them a question, you get a straight answer, no Bull$hit, no semantics, no deflections. Playing those type of word-games, say's a lot about the lack of integrity at some aff programs. Thankfully Marc and the crew at FCA are honest as the day is long.

Fully agree with you on FullCream Affiliates. I was amazed when i earned my first money with them how much i actually got from a players deposit. Their Deductions are so crazy minimal comparing to most other programs. I was lucky to have a player sign up early but have not got around to get them promoted so much actually i have been very lazy last couple of years. I need to get back on track :D

In regards to all the negative and bitching etc I dont see where it is wrong if the so called Affiliate programs deserve it.

We need to show all these programs we don't put up with them. That is the only way we will get more fair terms and also hopefully will learn new affiliate programs how they need to work?
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25% = 3.0825%
30% = 3.699%
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