Website in multiple Languages

Thomas Andreas

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
do you guys see any real benefit in having a site in multiple languages. And if so what are the benefits? do you do each language original or do you simply translate the English site in to multiple languages


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
As Eeenzoo said, benefit is simple - you will get much more traffic from countries speaking languages you translated the site to. More traffic=more possibilities and more players. I am surprised someone is asking a question like this one. Overall wish you good luck ;)


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
You can translate the site if you want to rank for gambling keywords in other languages, or you can
just use a plugin that will easily translate the site to a different language if your goal is simply to
accommodate non-English speaking players. Another option would be to just develop pages for the
keywords (in the foreign language) to attract players from those regions without translating the entire site.


The benefits are obvious. However, the more languages have your site, the more difficult is to maintain it. A multilingual site should be built properly with translated URLs and many other things that are important for SEO. And of course, a big plus if you know at least to read in those languages.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
No. I never translate sites.

When you build your link profile, you want it to look as natural as possible. So say you own a Norwegian casino domain. In that case you'd want as many .no TLD's as possible. I know it's currently banned to link to affs in Norway and you'd have to use PBN's, but still.... A site in Spanish with 90% incoming Norwegian links doesn't look natural and vice versa. Sure, you may have a few visitors who speak that language, but that doesn't justify translating it. I might be a contrarian here, but I also view it as being toxic for your site's SEO.

Say if you start mixing in Norwegian, English, Spanish etc. Then you will suddenly have a problem with top level domains and your link profile. To begin with, it's extremely hard to rank high in SERP for competitive keywords in a different language. Another headache is that Google puts a lot of emphasis on the URL of your site. So if you wanna rank for certain keywords (excluding generic ones like "casino" or "bonus") in another language, you'd lose that benefit.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
I should add that you can indeed translate the URL of your site's to another language. But I still don't think it's worth the effort when it comes to the effect it has on link building and anchor text mixture.


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
I done it.. in the end SEO wise i had more to worry about so flipped it back to english only. quality updates in other languages can ffect your main language.. and leave you scratching your head


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
do you guys see any real benefit in having a site in multiple languages. And if so what are the benefits? do you do each language original or do you simply translate the English site in to multiple languages

We are running our site on 4 different languages. Each language version is their own sub folder. We don't translate the content directly, rather we localize the content according to the local market.
Because we have an established domain, which has age and authority we can rank new language versions bit more quicker.

Also something to consider;
- You want to be able to scale your site to other GEO's. I think it is good practice to have domain, that can be understood in many different languages (example a brand name over a EMD or generic domain).
- When we are launching a new site, we always do a multisite installation, just in case the site get's popular we can take the site to other languages.

Rick Perry

AGD Member Ltd
Yes, exactly like nibnab from Slotaholics wrote - it can be an advantage.

In general, it needs to suit your working style, because you have to outsource a lot and not everybody feels strong in it. Check "My websites" on the left and you can be inspired how we do it..


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
We run a multi-lingual company, four languages so far:
  • Russian
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Vietnamese
Each site is treated as an "independent company", has its own content, team, etc. The results are good, but for the management, extra-work is needed to make sure all sites work the same way (although all markets are different, you want to keep your brand as an only one, and actually having different languages helps a lot to brand power).


Affiliate Guard Dog Member
Nice man!
so having 4 independent sites wouldnt that mean each 4x the work and time?

In some things yes, in some other not. For example, in most cases you need only one affiliate deal for all markets, so only one contact with the poker rooms.

But, for example, for content, customer support, updating website, promoting, social network a team is needed because in that case, the work is x4 as you say. If only the incomes were x4 too haha :)

Thomas Andreas

Affiliate Guard Dog Member
gahahaha, it does indeed sound difficult. I guess the nice thing is that working with the same casinos across markets gives you not only a better relationship with the casinos but it also gives an opportunity to get nicer deals in-place


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